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Lore/Story Some Things Are Better Left Unsaid When It Comes To Fun

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by Fox, Jun 15, 2016.

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  1. Fox

    Fox Fox

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    Some things are better left unsaid when it comes to fun. When you want to be the experimenter, and want to have the world at your fingertips, that you'd leave even the most crucial to mystery and suspense. And that experience of disconnecting yourself, of losing interest to see the outcome— These characteristics are what make someone a psychopath. In reality we all could be it, but only the one that acknowledges that becomes.

    Some people are psychopaths by nature. It's almost a hex, you see. You don't want to do damage, but you do. Cutting a flower because it's pretty, forgetting it'll die if we do it. Cutting a flower because it's pretty, knowing it'll die if we do it. Something subtle divides people imaginably. Both a latent and a conscious psychopath.

    I believe the hardest words aren't "I love you". I believe the hardest words are "I'm not interested" when you are present of the symptoms, or in front of someone so humble and majestic. Intrinsically you'd hurt them for a nickel. You'd hurt anyone because competition has been instilled since day one. You didn't have a choice, and you were born on a world like such, instinctively, what would you do?—Agree with what's in front of you.

    In time; does instinct suffice for everything?

    —Everything does instinct suffice?

    —Agree with what’s in front of you, is that what you would? You’d hurt them for a nickel. I believe the hardest words are “I’m not interested”, when you’re present of the symptoms, or in front of someone so GULLIBLE

    —Yes, gullible.—

    Back tracking to that point, those we admire the most, those who are giving and sublime, why is it that we can’t be like that? Some will say there is a silver lining behind those actions, some will say they do things because they have enough left-overs. To me, you just don’t need a reason to help others. But you, you don’t think of it as such. If you saw the lucid image of yourself in third person, you would see everyone else’s life but yourself as joke. How do you balance egocentrism? What is it that these people we admire have that we don’t? Exactly that—They aren’t people, and that is the irony—you are relying on existence too much. And what happens if you aren’t a person? You are human. No matter how manly we are, that foremost we are human. The ideology of men should be over. it has to be over if we want to be part of the Universe.

    That makes the kind gullible. That makes the people demons. People try to play God, the kind tries to believe in people. The word began with the Renaissance, with the belief in humans. Was it because humanity was already scarce since then? Now that it is gone, that all we can do is carry our hope on people?—Kids with guns, really, just nobody knows what they’re carrying at their hands.

    in time; will people be the future?—I wouldn’t believe so. It would be like scattering under the leaves a diamond in the rough, living against the rules of such, as well.

    No matter how much the Universe keeps expanding, that it’s always the same atoms spread on different ways—I’d always say.

    But regardless of that, life is fun, just not fun in the ways we do. What will you do knowing all this I say above—I presume nothing, and that it self justifies why life on its own is fun. Despite the world revolving on an figment of truth, that the truth itself comes short. Art succeeds, practical science as well, but I’m sorry to be a blow again, because—Would you trade your virtues for fun? Where does that fun even come from? Why does it happen? What even is art? Blend it all together and what you get is a person with multiple morals, where nothing comes at peace. We want peace, just only at our terms. And it all traces to the same sleight of hands.

    We can track ourselves to the origin of everything, but somewhere there we get lost because of how individual we want to be, because of how reluctant we are—Though, seriously. This text would never make it into the mainstream culture, because it sounds like the philosophical parody of how Luke Skywalker must have felt when he found out who his father was; it can be ridiculed in so many ways, so I’m going to do it myself already. So, frankly, nothing ever changes. It’s the same old, same old. And it is all a saunter of going in circles because there are too many things we are not willing to exchange, even if it makes us less, just for minuscular things: Happiness, specifically.

    With that said, and leaving a lot unsaid as well, that this is a description of what happens in the Universe. I encourage for people to stop seeing only the world, but to see the Universe as well. Because with so many hypocrites that some enlightenment would be of use.

    Philosophical, comedic, correlative text. It is decent length, it should be palatable to read.
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2016
  2. Mouse :)

    Mouse :) cicetil is no longer a slave VIP+

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    Who takes time to read this
  3. Coolfood

    Coolfood The Coolest Food

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    I do
    The second sentence bothers me so much
    Fox and Mouse :) like this.
  4. Fox

    Fox Fox

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    Haha, that it's palatable? I didn't mean that like reading a child's book, but I meant it as something that shouldn't actually bore you. The text keeps changing, and changing, developing and morphing, it's always a plot twist.
    Coolfood likes this.
  5. Coolfood

    Coolfood The Coolest Food

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    It was more like all the grammatical rules broken. It comma splices (minor thing), but the sentence structure makes no sense.
    "When you ...., that you'd even ..."

    I do like the rest of the story though, it made me actually try to understand it
  6. Fox

    Fox Fox

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    You made a mistake in writing a statement which critiques my use of English; so, can I even trust you?—To me, that says that you barely take yourself seriously. lol

    Regardless, I've never encountered this before lol. I don't see the mistake in the sentence examples you mention. However, if you don't like my sentences, call it an hyperbaton, and lets all have a kiki.

    Regarding the comma splicing, I do it intentionally. Some would call me uncultured because of that, but I just believe in the idea of a realistic enunciation, and intuitive context, rather than the following of an accustomed style.

    Anyway, thanks for the compliment as far as the story goes.
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2016
  7. Golurk_

    Golurk_ In Golurk We Trust

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    Just curious how old are you? 20? 40? 60?
  8. Fox

    Fox Fox

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    17 like my polemical signature says :p
  9. Golurk_

    Golurk_ In Golurk We Trust

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    Well your signature seems completely unlike you, considering what you have typed as the original forum post.
  10. Fox

    Fox Fox

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    Haha, I suppose you're right about that. But I'm just a broad person.
  11. Coolfood

    Coolfood The Coolest Food

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    Comma splicing doesn't add anything aside from incoherence as the "following of an accustomed style " means that it should be read the same regardless. Unless you wanted to add a long pause (which would require different punctuation) , it simply doesn't make sense.

    I do concede that the sentence is technically correct comma splicing aside, but I still have to disagree with the structure you chose
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