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Lore/Story Wynnstory ::: Chapter 10 - Kindness

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by Reyko, Jun 2, 2016.

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  1. Reyko

    Reyko Wynn Soldier HERO

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    Wynnstory Logo.jpg
    Chapter 10


    Wynn Province | House to the north of Ragni | Sunny | 6:58 AM

    The house is a large two-story home with a plentiful wheat and chicken farm.
    Witherhead: You shouldn't be wandering off on your own. This land is still not ridden of the undead.

    Witherhead | Age ??? | Male | Covers entire body with a brown cloak

    Ellis: (Smiles) It's okay. I have you to protect me.

    Witherhead pulls a large wooden wagon along.

    A food shop in Ragni.
    Ellis: I'll buy all of the milk in stock.

    People walking by glance at Witherhead.

    The worker loads the jugs of milk onto the wagon.
    Ellis: We need more.
    Witherhead: I'm sure that's enough.
    Ellis: No, we won't be able to feed everyone.

    They went to every food shop in Ragni until the wagon was nearly full.
    Ellis: One more place!
    Witherhead: And, where would that be?
    Ellis: The ranch!

    Katoa Ranch | Sunny | 7:28 AM
    Ellis: Excuse me! I wanna buy all the milk!
    Witherhead: What about the other people who need it?
    Ellis: They need it more!

    On the way home.
    Ellis: (Walking) How can you carry all of that?
    Witherhead: (Walking beside) I used to be a strong archer a long time ago. So long ago, arrows created by magic wasn't known yet, so we had to make our own out of flint, feathers, and sticks.
    Ellis: Just how old are you?
    Witherhead: Ha, older than I need to be.
    Ellis: When we reach the house, act like a soldier.

    Ellis' House | Outside | Sunny | 7:45 AM

    A man standing at the door.
    Ellis: (Runs to) Uncle!
    Uncle Don: (Hugs Ellis and smiles) Oh boy. Where'd little Ellis run off to today?

    Uncle Don | Human | Age 53 | Male | Grey hair | Short grey beard

    Ellis: I want to bake more cakes for all of my friends.
    Uncle Don: That's a lot of friends you must have. Oh? Who's this?
    Ellis: A soldier who helped me carry the wagon.
    Uncle Don: Ah, thank you for helping my niece.
    Witherhead: (Covers face) You're welcome. (Walks away)
    Uncle Don: Hopefully we have enough eggs.

    The kitchen of the house.
    Ellis: (Puts on apron) Uncle, can you start on this while I wash the eggs?
    Uncle Don: Yes, master chef. Right away.

    Much later.

    Outside of the cave.

    The cave is blocked off with barriers and signs

    Ellis pulls a red wagon full of cakes through a hole into the cave.

    Further and deeper into the cave.

    The cave has both a dungeon-like and sewer-like feeling to it.

    Torches light up the rooms.

    Ellis: (Shouts) I made more cakes for all of you!

    Sewer Skeletons walk up to the wagon and start taking some of the cake.

    Ellis: I'll come back with more cakes!

    She sneaks past a guard the next time.

    The fifth time.

    She takes a different-looking cake from the wagon and starts hopping over gaps in a broken bridge.

    Then, in the next room, she presses two buttons in the wall to open a door leading to the next room.

    Witherhead sits on a throne made of stone.

    Witherhead: You again?
    Ellis: I brought you cake!
    Witherhead: I've told you to keep out-that it's dangerous. We don't even have stoma-
    Ellis: (Runs up to) I made this one extra special because you helped me.
    Witherhead: (Looks at cake and takes it) Thank you. Thank you for this.

    Katoa Ranch | Sunny | 9:23 AM

    Bylvis: She and her buddy headed north of here. (Drinks Nemract Whiskey)
    Cedric: Thanks. (Walks away)

    Ragni | Central Plaza | Sunny | 9:32 AM

    Enzan is sitting and talking to a merchant.

    Enzan: You heard of what's going on in Detlas?
    Merchant: Yeah, that Guild is really trying to take it over.
    Enzan: I've heard that the Guild is small, but consists of strong fighters.
    Trina: (Walks in) Excuse me, sir. Have you by any chance seen a rookie named Cedric?
    Enzan: I recall he went in that direction. (Points north)
    Trina: Thank you, sir. (Walks away)

    Chapter End

    Next Chapter

    Last edited: Jul 12, 2016
    motoki1, Andy0132 and LotKnockMC like this.
  2. Endertricity

    Endertricity Assorted Mini Quiche VIP

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    Are you sure this is a story or a freaking play script
    Cause if it is what I think it is my schools theater group is getting a nice surprise :)
    Reyko and XavierEXE like this.
  3. Reyko

    Reyko Wynn Soldier HERO

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    Technically, it is a script, but not for a play.
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