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Lore/Story Places To Go, Destinations To See

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by Misty, Jun 5, 2016.


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  1. Misty

    Misty Chimera VIP+

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    Flicking on the lights to start todays business, the gas station cashier sat there in boredom, waiting for customers to pass on by. One of the customers of today was a kid who bought a pack of starbursts before visiting the Grand Canyon with his parents.
    While eating them, a strawberry starburst falls out of the pack and onto the floor of the car, being ignored by the young boy. The starburst was fine with this though, as he was only there to be ate by society. But does that mean the lonely starburst couldn't make a difference on this planet?
    As they reached the parking lot nearby the Grand Canyon, the mother goes to unbuckle the boys seatbelt. At first glance, she didn't see it, but as she looked again, she spot the strawberry starburst. She picked up the single starburst and put it into her pocket.
    Heading to the canyon, the small family happily chattered away about their vacation and what they should do. But the starburst had no idea what he'd do with his future. He was just a mere piece of candy.. how could he make such a choice of exploring?
    Finally reaching the Grand Canyon, in the shrouded darkness of the pocket, the starburst meekly listens to the family discuss how beautiful and breathtaking the canyon was.
    Only if I could see for myself! The strawberry starburst thought.
    Since it was almost evening already, the family heads back to their hotel just to be brought into an argument once they got back into their room. As nobody wishes to hear their loving parents argue, the poor boy was startled and sad. Wishing for his parents to stop arguing, the kind starburst being only made to be a treat to society, gave up a slither of its juiciness to make the boys wish come true.
    At once, the parents ceased to argue, which the boy was relieved and happy with. But the starburst wasn't happy at all. He just was content about everything. Neither full nor empty. Why didn't he feel happy for helping the child when he was in distress?
    What is life as a starburst?
    Is it merely to be used as something, or could the starburst that survived out of his entire pack make some difference?
    The mother reaches into her pockets to empty them out for the day, and remember that she had the starburst in there. Not in the mood to eat it, she tosses it to the side. The boy sees it again and remembers that he was missing one of the starbursts from earlier today.
    Putting it on the nightstand for tomorrow, he holds onto it for his friend Tessa, a girl in his grade back in Wyoming. The happy family says goodnight to each other and heads to bed, to wake up early tomorrow to take a plane back to their home.
    As they shut off the lights, the starburst takes one last look at the light, until he plummeted into the darkness once again.

    It's morning. The family rushes around to double check if they have everything before they go back home for the rest of their vacation. As they began to rush out of their hotel room and to the elevator, the boy forgot the strawberry starburst laying on the nightstand, feeling forgotten and lost in this vast world.
    Half way down the elevator, the boy remembered and felt awful for not getting it for his friend Tessa.
    I guess that's all I am in this world. A treat this is forgotten later on to someone. Why?
    The starburst mourned in the room, all alone by itself. The door creaked open and then peaked in a maid.
    This maid had two children, which one loved starbursts for all that they stood for. She never understood her child's obsession with them, but as she saw the forgotten starburst, she picked it up for her child back home and continued to clean the room, as that was her job.

    The small happy family that the starburst originally was with, was long gone now. But it had a new family that had picked itself up.
    The maid gave her child the strawberry starburst once she got home, and her child, being the sweethearted dear they were, gave that one single starburst to their grandpa.
    The elderly man took one glance at the single starburst and saw the entire story that the starburst had experienced. The man was envious of it, as he will never be able to experience those adventures for himself now. He patted his grandchild on the back and said to them," Some day in the future, I hope you can experience beautiful and wonderful sights. I'm too old now, so I don't think I ever will."
    The grandchild felt heartbroken as they listened to their grandpa say this, because they were too young to do anything to actually allow him to see these beautiful sights he talked about. The old man understood this, and explained to the child that every single object and person has some sort of story to tell, and so did this one strawberry starburst.
    Listening to the discussion between grandchild and grandparent, the starburst realized that even though it never made any type of difference, it experienced something that most starbursts would of never had the chance to do. It was grateful.

    It didn't realize one thing though.. it made a difference to the grandparent and their grandchild.

    He made them open their eyes to that every single thing in this world has some sort of story to tell. And so do you and I. What stories do you have to share to others? You might not think they're that important, but to others, they might pay dearly to see what you have. What places have you been to? What places do you want to see?


    Thank you to @Ryuu for the starburst picture! Even though it was a random request, she did it anyways <3
    Also, this is not in anyway sponsored by Starbursts. I just thought that starbursts would be interesting to use in the story..
  2. Enhanced_Human

    Enhanced_Human Natural Born World-Shaker

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    Well then.
    XavierEXE and Misty like this.
  3. Enhanced_Human

    Enhanced_Human Natural Born World-Shaker

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    So what's wrong with taking the Starburst street?
    You'll never know if you don't glow.
    You'll never taste if you don't eat it.
    Procrast likes this.
  4. Misty

    Misty Chimera VIP+

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    Indeed! <3
    I might make a jolly rancher story, lmao
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