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[rp]war Of The Provinces 10/10 Players!

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Inactive User, Apr 13, 2016.


Good RP?

  1. 10/10 I love this RP :D

    9 vote(s)
  2. 9/10 Really Good :)

    3 vote(s)
  3. 8/10 Pretty Good

    7 vote(s)
  4. 7/10 Good

    2 vote(s)
  5. 6/10 Okay

    3 vote(s)
  6. 5/10 Okay

    0 vote(s)
  7. 4/10 I don't like this

    1 vote(s)
  8. 3/10 This is bad.

    0 vote(s)
  9. 2/10 I hate this.

    0 vote(s)
  10. 1/10 or 0/10 Get this complete bulls**t out of here!

    4 vote(s)
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  1. Inactive User

    Inactive User Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    Thanks. What is the DR and MR?
  2. Loggerhead

    Loggerhead Some Loggerhead

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    Hmm? DR and MR, whats that?
    also, is this a chat RP or a wynnRP?
    A. Answer
  3. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    (A) I attempt to wrap the bandages. While doing so I ask "You got any food?"
  4. aayl

    aayl Famous Adventurer

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    I consider. "Escort the elf to a room suitable for his position, and attend to his every need. Post guards around the room, for his protection and to deter any escape attempts."

    I say to Chris: "My apologies, lord, though there are many liars and tricksters in times like these and we cannot be sure of your word. However, I will personally send a message to the royalty of Fruma and confirm what you said. You are permitted to leave your chambers and explore the castle grounds, but under guard. If your information is false, and Fruma denies any involvement..."

    I draw my finger menacingly across my neck.

    "Good day."

    I leave the room to tell the soldiers to stand down. I nod approvingly at them and seek out where the King is being kept safe to tell him of the turn of events.
  5. Nihilego36

    Nihilego36 Avos Air Avos

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    B. Give up
  6. Cybersoap707

    Cybersoap707 That one guy VIP+

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    A: I say, " I need to leave immediently, so if you have anything to say, say it now."

    (Just to fill you in since I forgot to add this to my backstory, I'm a spy for the prince of Fruma." I'm on a mission to find out if Wynn is loyal to Fruma currently.)
  7. Inactive User

    Inactive User Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    I will be temporarily switching timezones, so for the next few days if replies seem off schedule(not that I do them at a certain time of day) then you'll know why. Also, I forgot to make a reserved post, so I can't add any more to the RP.
    You turn back at the pursuers and stop. They come to a stop as you point your fingers at them. "Alright, back up!" You shout at the guards and Sagertogd. "I don't want to hurt any of you. But I will if it comes to that." You rip out the arrow lodged in your back and throw it into the moat. It makes a whizzing sound as it falls, until it splashes in the water far below. One of the guards starts to slowly back away. The other whispers something to Sagertogd, then says to the other guard, "Get your ass over here! We have a criminal to catch!" As the other guard walks closer to you, the first one adds, "Or kill, if they'd prefer..." Your rings shine in the moonlight.

    A: Attack
    B: Use dark bolt on one
    C: Push one into moat(magic)
    D: Summon sword
    E: Summon bow
    F: Free choice
    (It's fine, update 1.1.1 says that you have practically infinite emeralds, but you have to spend them in a lore friendly manner. Since you robbed a bank, I wouldn't consider it cheating if you still spent more than 1 LE)
    You give the old woman one liquid emerald. "Why thank you." She says. "You can wait here, or explore the city. I can tell you aren't from around here. I'll be done in a while. Check back soon. Now, back to business. Can you go to the changing rooms and put these on?" Rhonda hands you some robes that look similar to yours. "I doubt you would want to stand still for two to ten hours while I repeat the same words." She points to a door in the back of the store.

    A: Change clothes
    B: Free choice
    You look around the weapon shop. You see a lot of things that you wouldn't know how to handle, so you just stick with the weapons you know best. You see a Cursed Mithril Dagger in a display case. "Y-you can have th-that one for...uh..." He starts to sweat a little. "Eight emeralds. It d-does 30-70 damage. It s-sometimes makes you hear v-voices though. T-they say to do bad things." He is glad when you take your eyes off the weapon, but it still interests you. You see a steel bow, coming with steel arrows. "That does 5-25 damage. Eight emerald blocks." Says the shopkeeper. You also see a bow in a display case, labeled Holy Silver Bow. "That's one of my favorites. It does 10-30 damage normally, but any damage it does is doubled against undead, mooshrooms, and werewolves. It's one liquefied emerald." You have enough to get anything,but what to get...

    A: Free choice
    You fumble around with a quill, dropping it a few times. Eventually, Captain Arturo comes back in the room, hauling a few chairs. He puts them at the table. "Enough for everyone." He says. "Oh" He adds. "You might want this." He grabs something out of one of his chests, and hands it to you. It's a small version of the Wynn map.
    +1 Map of Wynn
    The captain then asks, "So, were you a human from Wynn, or Fruma? I've only been to Wynn once before, and that was to Selchar."

    A: Wynn
    B: Fruma
    C: Free choice
    It's a Wynn RP set in a future 27 years after the hero(player) destroyed all evil(did all quests) and set the provinces into a golden age. Then the king of United Wynn got assassinated, and everyone thought Gavel did it(because they may have). Wynn cut all ties in Gavel. Since Gavel relied so heavily on trading with other nations, (and Wynn was their biggest partner) they entered a financial crisis. Many different factions(most of which exist ingame) took sides. A war hasn't started yet, but the smallest thing happening could escalate it into one. Also, for DR and MR, see the armor section of the main post.
    You open the door. A short, slightly overweight man stands in the doorway. "Sir, it's me, Owen. There's been a riot on the other side of town! The people are complaining about the recent increase in taxes." You nod. Taxes have skyrocketed across the province to fund an increase in military strength. "I've already sent some of the guards, but we're already short staffed as it is, sir." You nod again. The king has called for men to enlist in the UW Army or the UW Navy. He inspired many to do so, leaving lots of small towns like your's relatively undefended, Luckily, few things attack the town. But if anyone were to rob the Rymek bank or go on a killing spree, it would be hard to stop. "Also, there's been a small attack by some zombies. They were easily killed, but a blacksmith was killed. The forge caught fire. Now people have to walk to the other side of town to have weapons forged, repaired, or upgraded. What should we do about all of this?" Owen awaits your response.

    A: Free choice
    You wrap the bandages around him. Despite having 50 Stale Cow Jerky Slices, you ask for some food. The farmer doesn't reply, but throws you a box labeled Domanc Family Farms: Beef. You open the package and start to eat it while attending to the injured boy. He coughs a little. "...Water..." He says in a faint whisper.

    A: Free choice
    You tell the royal guard captain, "Escort the elf to a room suitable for his position, and attend to his every need. Post guards around the room, for his protection and to deter any escape attempts." She nods, saying, "Yes sir." You say to the elf, "My apologies, lord, though there are many liars and tricksters in times like these and we cannot be sure of your word. However, I will personally send a message to the royalty of Fruma and confirm what you said. You are permitted to leave your chambers and explore the castle grounds, but under guard. If your information is false, and Fruma denies any involvement..." You slash your finger across your neck. He gets your message. The two royal guards take him out a door, to some of the living quarters. You bid him a good day and leave the room. Outside, only six men remain outside. Sagertogd the Legend Keeper is also missing. One explains, "That mysterious...thing used some sort of magic to blast the guard back a few feet when he tried to subdue it. It then ran to the closest gate. The legend keeper and two of the guards chased it. They're still in pursuit as we speak. We have no idea what it is, but we think it could be a very intelligent pigman." You then remember that you met it while coming to the throne room to hear the kings message. It was being attacked by two pigmen. Pigmen wouldn't attack their own kind, even though they are savage brutes. You wonder what it could be. "Sir...awaiting your command." Says the guard. The others look at you attentively.

    A: Free choice
    Just as you get ready to give up, the mysterious thing stops. It points it's fingers at you. You see rings on their hands shining in the moonlight. "Alright, back up!" It shouts at the guards and you. "I don't want to hurt any of you. But I will if it comes to that." It violently rips out the arrow lodged in their back and throw it into the moat. It makes a whizzing sound as it falls, until it splashes in the water far below. One of the guards starts to slowly back away. The one next to you whispers, "This...thing...it's not human...maybe it can be reasoned with, but it won't hesitate to kill us." He then says to the other guard, "Get your ass over here! We have a criminal to catch!" As the other guard walks closer to you, and the first one adds, "Or kill, if they'd prefer..." The rings seem to glow.

    A: Attack
    B: Flee
    C: Free choice
    Referl tells a royal guard, "Escort the elf to a room suitable for his position, and attend to his every need. Post guards around the room, for his protection and to deter any escape attempts." The guard nods, saying, "Yes sir." Referl then addresses you, saying, "My apologies, lord, though there are many liars and tricksters in times like these and we cannot be sure of your word. However, I will personally send a message to the royalty of Fruma and confirm what you said. You are permitted to leave your chambers and explore the castle grounds, but under guard. If your information is false, and Fruma denies any involvement..." He violently slashes his finger across his neck. He will not hesitate to kill you. Luckily, you aren't lying, and the prince will surely explain. The two royal guards take you out a door. One says to you, "As captain of the royal guard, I feel I must tell you: If you are lying or harm the king in any way, I will personally torture you to death and feed your remains to the guard dogs." As if waiting, you hear barking and howling. The captain of the royal guard takes off their helmet. She says, "If you're telling the truth and have no intentions of harming my king, then I'm sure you'll be fine." She puts her helmet back on. "Here we are, your living quarters. If you really are working directly for the prince of Fruma, then this is what you'd have. Two of my elite men will be posted outside the door if you need anything." You step inside, and she closes the door. You feel as if the guards that will be posted outside your room are to guard you and to make sure you don't cause trouble. You look inside the room. Inside is a mini-suite. You see a queen-size bed with fluffy pillows. A window is next to the bed. A few chests are scattered around, and a closet is by the bed for storing clothes, if you had any. You see a large box with a lid on top, labeled Food. You think to yourself, Pretty nice suite. You almost forget about wanting to leave immediately, but you probably couldn't even if you wanted.

    A: Free choice
  8. blankman

    blankman Wynncraft Boomer VIP+

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    "Does the dagger only make you hear things, or do things as well?"
  9. Inactive User

    Inactive User Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    "I...don't know. I once tried using to to cut steak, and I started hearing voices. They said to kill. They urged me to stab someone. Y-you can have it for free if you want..." Says the shopkeeper. He shudders as he thinks of the dagger.

    A: Free choice
  10. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    (A) I tell the farmer to try and find a spring.
  11. Gushy48

    Gushy48 Title

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    A. Change mah clothes
  12. blankman

    blankman Wynncraft Boomer VIP+

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    I leave and go to the potion shop.
  13. Nihilego36

    Nihilego36 Avos Air Avos

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    A. Attack
  14. Enhanced_Human

    Enhanced_Human Natural Born World-Shaker

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    "God damnit, I SAID BACK UP!"
    I yell, not backing up, and not firing.
    "Just walk away, and I won't have to shoot out your legs."
    I say, with almost gritted teeth.
  15. Rawb

    Rawb Disciple of Bak'al

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    "I'm from Wynn, from Selchar as a matter of the fact."
  16. Cybersoap707

    Cybersoap707 That one guy VIP+

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    A: I go and devour some of the food, enough to satisfy me, but not enough to make me full and tired. Then I go and think on the bed about what I heard in the Throne Room.
  17. aayl

    aayl Famous Adventurer

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    A: I say to the Royal guards "This creature is no pigman... My escort and I met it on our way here. It was fighting against two pigmen when we saw it. It may be some sort of Mage, but I saw no wand... Nevertheless, we must capture it. I say to one Royal guard: Tell the King of all that's happened, and say that the intruder was an elf who is claiming to be a friend of Fruma's Royal prince. Once you're done with that, send some men on horseback in case we have not caught the creature pigman thing yet. I say to the other 5: We will pursue this creature and take it, alive. There is some information I would like to extract from it.
  18. Inactive User

    Inactive User Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    You tell the farmer to find a spring. He answers frantically, "What? A spring? Why would we need to fin a spring?" He must have not heard the cry for water...

    A: Free choice
    You change your clothes in the dressing room. They have no resistances, but they seem to fit. "You can do whatever you want, as long as you come and check every few hours." Says Rhonda. She starts to chant the same line over your robes.

    A: Free choice
    You look for a potion shop. You find one near the gate. Opening the door, you see an alchemist walking out the door with two potions. One is a green, opaque liquid that glows, illuminating the shop. The other looks like a regular bottle of water. The shopkeeper greets you, waving his hand. "Feel free to look around. I have some pre-brewed potions ready for use, or I can brew some custom ones." You look around the shop. Shelves line the walls, all filled with potions.

    A: Look around
    B: Request custom potion
    C: Free choice
    As you get ready to attack, the mysterious person yells, "God damn it, BACK UP!" They don't attack. "Just walk away, and I won't have to shoot out your legs." They add. You disregard what they said, and lunge at them. They easily dodge the attack, stepping to the side with ease. Maybe they're more powerful than they look.

    A: Free choice
    You yell at the guards and Sagertogd, "God damn it, BACK UP!" You don't attack, but you think Sagertogd might. "Just walk away, and I won't have to shoot out your legs." You add. Suddenly, Sagertogd lunges at you with an iron sword. You quickly step to the side, dodging the attack. He runs back to the guards.

    A: Retaliate
    B: Free choice
    "Oh," He says. "Before the war, I was still in the military. It was obviously much smaller than it is now, but I was there because some merchants kept having their ship's robbed. Long story short, we sailed the fleet to an island and destroyed some pirate fort. We then drank until all of Selchar was out of whiskey. After that, we drank all their beer. When that was out, we drank whatever was left. That was years ago though, and now, I'd sooner die than be seen in Selchar. Well, unless it's been captured or burned to the ground." He looks out the window on the wall. You see two important looking villagers walking towards the ship. They both look very similar. They're wearing badges and medals, signifying that they're naval commanders. "Commanders Getan and Ginmar. They're brothers who rose up when they fought off almost a hundred pirates off the coast of the Gavel Gate. Before Wynn stopped trading wuth us, a few of our trade ships had left the docks, and some raiding ships took the opportunity to steal valuable cargo from the main ship; A trade galleon filled with emeralds. They were dispatched as guards to make sure that the emeralds got to Nemract. They and fourteen other guards were attacked as pirates boarded the trade galleon. It was understaffed, since it only had that many guards. Everyone except them got slaughtered. They fought until reinforcements arrived. Getan lost most of his fingers." You look at the brothers again, and see one of them with metal fingers. "It'll take a while for everyone to get here. Would you like a drink? I'm afraid it's illegal to drink Nemract Whiskey, but I have others."

    A: Llevigar Pinot
    B: Olux Tequila
    C: Thanos Whiskey
    D: Emerald Ale
    E: Lexdale Mead
    F: Water
    G: None
    H: Free choice
    You eat some food. It tastes good enough, but it smells and tastes a bit odd. You cast the thought aside, and lie on your bed. You remember how the royal guards called Referl a Templar. Templar Referl, You think. The name rings a bell, but you don't know why. You know a Templar is equal to the rank of General though, only different. You know that him and the captain of the royal guard won't hesitate to kill you.

    A: Think about your situation more
    B: Free choice
    You say to the soldiers, "This creature is no pigman... My escort and I met it on our way here. It was fighting against two pigmen when we saw it. It may be some sort of Mage, but I saw no wand... Nevertheless, we must capture it. I say to one Royal guard: Tell the King of all that's happened, and say that the intruder was an elf who is claiming to be a friend of Fruma's Royal prince. Once you're done with that, send some men on horseback in case we have not caught the creature pigman thing yet" He nods, saying, "Yes sir!" He runs off into the palace. You then continue, saying to the remaining five, "We will pursue this creature and take it, alive. There is some information I would like to extract from it." They salute you, saying in unison, "Yes sir." Just as you all are ready to leave, the captain of the royal guard runs out of the throne room. She takes off her helmet. "Templar Referl! I have posted two of my best outside the elf's room. I also made sure his food was drugged. He won't be able to use any form of magic, be able to use teleportation scrolls, or resist magical attacks. If he really is working for the Prince of Fruma, he won't attempt an escape. If he's lying...he won't make it far. The torture devices in the dungeons haven't been used in a while." You explain what you were about to do. "I see..." She says. "I'd love to join you, truly, but I must attend to the king. Good luck. I'll have the dungeons prepared." Before you can say more, she runs back to the throne room.

    A: Look for the mysterious person
    B: Free choice
  19. Enhanced_Human

    Enhanced_Human Natural Born World-Shaker

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    "You're messing with the wrong guy, kid."
    I say, before firing a dark bolt aimed at the middle his sword.
    I prepare to sidestep to the left, in case there are any more strikes.
  20. Nihilego36

    Nihilego36 Avos Air Avos

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    A. Interrogate the mysterious person
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