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Lore/Story Iron Gaze: A Non-canon Lore [chapter 3]

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by Selvut283, May 28, 2016.

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  1. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music GM CHAMPION

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    Non-Canon: What if Gavel fell? And then, to whom might it fall? And how would the Wynnic forces react?

    This story is segmented into pieces. Expect more soon. Feedback and comments are appreciated.

    Pronunciation Guide

    Tika: TEE-kah
    Velte: Rhymes with Melt
    Bayth: Rhymes with Wraith
    Kymer: KIE-mer

    Chapter 3: The Fallen

    Despite the heavy mist permeating the surroundings, the air felt uncomfortably dry. The fountains held no water, only foul-smelling dark oil that noisily slurped through the broken decor above her. The white marble had been tarnished by something. It was not blood, it was not the oil. But something had darkened the streets. The gardens lay in shambles, the previously well-tended plants reduced to dead bushes, stumps, and gray ash. The grass was sickly and yellowed, illuminated under the weakly shining lampposts. The mapboard had been torn down, broken into rubble. The statues of the guards, the vigilant watchers of Llevigar, were shrouded with black and purple hoods, glaring angrily down at the empty streets...and the final compound of disbelief: The front gate was tightly sealed. There was no damage to the wall.

    Thoughts raced in her head, a confused jumble of emotions, when suddenly a voice broke her from her near-trance, coming from the gardens. “Who goes there?! Show yourself, immediately! No more of this ghostly trickery!” It was unfamiliar, authoritative. “I should say the same thing to you! Stop hiding, you coward! If you want a fight, come get it!” She challenged the mysterious voice, and then, out stepped her hero. Captain Kymer, draped in his fatigues in the paintings, clutching a mighty longsword. “Hah, a human? Thought you had enough sense to abandon the province like the rest of us did. No need to fight, in that case.” He breathed a sigh of relief, lowering his sword. For just a moment, the bleakness of the ruins of Llevigar were forgotten, getting to see her idol. “Captain Kymer! I-I’ve wanted to meet you since I was just a little kid! It’s an honor- ohgoshIcalledyouacowardI’msosorrysirIdidn’tknowitwasyouand-”

    “Hush, girl! Keep your head on straight! This place has become rather dangerous, if you couldn’t tell? This is no time for pleasantries or autographs!” Tika immediately straightened her stance. “Y-yes, sir! So, uh, what even happened here? I thought Llevigar was the best-defended city in Gavel?” Kymer eyed her oddly, examining closely the sturdy armor she wore. “I don’t exactly know what stories you’ve heard, but the dwarves earned that title with Rodoroc. All we had were some guard golems and apprentice mages. Far from what we needed to fend off-” A loud noise coming from the gates cut him off, echoing sharply in their ears. Each readying a battling stance, they turned to face the doors, only to be greeted with Velte and Bayth running into the square, retreating from unseen foes.

    “Friends of yours, girly?” “Yup. Looks like they’re in trouble.” “Hold your ground. Wait for the enemy to come to us. They can out-run the things. Let them fight on our terms.” Tika nodded, peering through the mist to try and see what enemy could have been assaulting them...and immediately wished she hadn’t. “T-those are humans! Soldiers! Why are they attacking us?!” Kymer scoffed. “They aren’t human anymore, no more than those damn corrupteds you face day-in day-out in Wynn. Mindless things. Rather sad, but let’s not get emotional over the Drones now. Don’t think of them as comrades.” The mage finally crossed the square, panting heavily, with the assassin appearing soon after him in a puff of smoke. Tika immediately looked back. “You guys okay?” Velte responded, obviously frightened. “Couldn’t even get back to shore. There are millions of those things out there!” “Feh. You’ve fought against worse in the past, just not in the city walls! Use your training, soldier! You only dragged in a few, this isn’t anything you can’t handle. Now, charge!” With that, Kymer dashed forward, cleanly chopping off the un-armored legs of what he called a Drone.

    Tika charged straight into the thick of them, screeching loudly and jabbing at whatever was close to her. She was a whirling dervish of spear blows within the group she hurled herself into. Velte and Kymer worked in tandem, trading sword blow for dagger strike against the Drones, moving with efficiency and ruthlessness. Bayth supported from the sidelines with magic blasts, knocking potential strikes off-balance. The flock of Drones that had followed them into the city fell within the span of a minute, dark oil spouting from their open wounds and staining their city-emblazoned armor.


    Chapter 2: The Captain's Words
    Chapter 4: Stragglers
  2. serennata_

    serennata_ Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Didn't know you were a interesting writer! Keep up the good work <3
  3. Ganny

    Ganny Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    Cant wait to read more, its pretty gripping.
    Plasma~ and LotKnockMC like this.
  4. Coolfood

    Coolfood The Coolest Food

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    It took me to chapter 3 to realize Selvut was the author...
    coolname2034, Brutakah and LotKnockMC like this.
  5. Plasma~

    Plasma~ Antishitposter

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  6. Procrast

    Procrast Schmoovin' VIP+

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    Alright, Selvut's writing again!
    Does this mean I have to as well? It kind of feels like it...
    Coolfood likes this.
  7. LotKnockMC

    LotKnockMC S̵͚̉i̸̥͔̞̒̕͜n̷̦̹̱͒̈́̚g̶͈̳̙͇͗̾̋̾ͅë̶͔́̌͋ṙ̶̢̧̭͕ VIP+

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    All GMs have to be good writers. Ever heard of quests?
    Procrast likes this.
  8. Coolfood

    Coolfood The Coolest Food

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    Yes, you have to
    low key peer pressure
    Procrast likes this.
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