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Art ⚜ | Tutorial | How To Use Modes In Sai

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by Ryuu, May 23, 2016.

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  1. Ryuu

    Ryuu bamboozle insurance VIP+ ✎ Artist

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    Okk I did say at some point I'd do something like this, but I got lazy as hell, so I'm gonna take about modes. This is probably gonna be a semi-long-ish post, but it's mostly examples.
    I'll also be using a previous art thing as an example ^^

    So a feature that a lot of people ignore is this sexy beast:


    With modes, you can make a lot of really awesome effects. You can use them to add a warm/cool effect to your art, or make it more colorful (=w=), or add lighting effects... whatever.

    To use a mode (I'm not going to talk about shading using multiply because it's pretty well known + that would need a complete other tutorial haha), you just slap a layer on top of the color layer.


    What I use most often are screen, luminescence and overlay.

    Below are examples + how to use them.

    Luminescence is literally what it sounds like: luminescent. Haha.
    It's basically just a really shiny effect that you use for glare or more often, I actually use it for eyes.


    There are a LOT of ways to use luminescence but basically it just makes everything look really shiny! =w=

    I use overlays a lot for a tinge of color + kind of like a more gradual and smooth luminescence. Tbh it's pretty flexible.



    In all honestly, overlays can be used in any way. I dunno. I use it a lot for hair like above.

    Screens are REALLY sexy! I'm not sure how else to describe it aside from, well... it's basically colored lighting effects. How to use them are up to you, but I usually grab my airbrush and just dab it everywhere with whatever colors I want.


    dab dab dab dab

    The best part is that you don't even need to pay close attention to the mode layers. Literally you can be as messy as you want and it blends everything out for you by itself.

    Honestly there's so much you can do that I can't fit into this thread. It's really flexible, so tbh this thread is just here to tell you that this shit exists.

    So... yeah! Hope this helped someone!

    I hate forums formatting...

    EDIT: Here are more examples!

    w/ lumi

    w/o lumi

    w/ lumi

    w/o lumi

    w/ screen:

    w/o screen:
    Last edited: May 23, 2016
    Labyrinth, Emmie, 01100110111 and 7 others like this.
  2. Ascended Kitten

    Ascended Kitten The Greatest HERO

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    Your forum-formatting looks pretty nice, don't worry! :3
    Although I haven't used Sai yet, I might try it out; I hope I'll be able to use this tutorial one day >^<
    Last edited: May 24, 2016
    Plasma~ and XavierEXE like this.
  3. Mish

    Mish Composer VIP

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    I started playing with my monitor's contrast settings, I could hardly see some of the effects :P
  4. Coolfood

    Coolfood The Coolest Food

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    dat punctuation doe
    Mish likes this.
  5. Fiesh

    Fiesh An old gramps

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    Aaayyy I use the mode tool as well : D
    its indeed a sexy beast
    Ryuu likes this.
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