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Art ✩ Alternative History Flag Thread ☭[not Accepting Requests Atm See Page Four]

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by MyNamesHalo, May 20, 2016.


Would you like more of these 'Alternative history flags'?

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  1. MyNamesHalo

    MyNamesHalo A sarcastic f*ck

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    So One day I said to myself "You know what? Wouldn't it be cool if an American Union had a flag like this?" and so I made that flag for myself in just a few minutes and decided to share it with you guys. However I also decided to make this thread a series of flags for alternative nations and unions to make my thread more unique from the rest! Eventually I will include more thought out scenarios once I get the will power to do that sort of thing.

    Keep In mind that the scenarios for now are just for fun and aren't meant to be 100% accurate or realistic (hell, chances are I'll do a few silly scenarios) and I just got started into making flags so there might be a few mistakes regarding proportion and I have yet to do more complex symbols and drawings.

    Oh! And feel free to suggest scenarios, propose more historical events, and maybe even point out spelling/grammer issues for me to correct!

    BTW those stars in the title are totally not clickbait I swear

    THE ACTUAL SCENARIOS (and flags, yay!)

    The American Union or AU

    The AU is a union that functions in the same way that the EU does that consists of the following American (Both North and South american not just the US) nations: the US, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina. The blue stars obviously represent the five nations of the union and the three stripes (The two white ones and the one blue one) represent the nations that founded the AU (US, Canada, and Mexico), similar to that of how the thirteen stripes on the US flag represent the original colonies.

    AU Flag (smaller).png

    East China and West China ( PRC and ROC) errors fixed by @Coolfood

    The Republic of China (The Nationalists) or ROC for short manages to hold off the forces of the Peoples Republic of China (Communist party) or PRC for short, and still has a hold onto West china to this day, with the PRC controlling the East side of China, splitting the country into two (Mongolia is still under foreign control making it be split in two as well). With the West establishing a democratic republic like the one we see today in Taiwan, and the South establishing a Communist government. The PRC gains control of Beijing making it the new capital of the PRC and the ROC establishes Taipei in Taiwan as its new capital.

    The ROC would of supported the Anti communist forces with the PRC supporting the communists forces in the Vietnam War. The ROC would of also supported the UN forces in the Korean war as well as having the PRC supporting the communist forces in the Korean war. For now I can't really tell if having the ROC support the Anti-communist forces and the UN forces in both the Vietnam war and the Korean war would of led to an Anti-community victory in both wars, but what I can say is East China would get "the better end of the deal, as if you look at China today, 95% of the population lives on the coast in the east. That's because it's a better climate, better ports (only ports actually), and also better farmland - @Coolfood"

    While both sides aren't in a full scale war to this day relationships are still tense between the two and the ROC is considered to be the legitimate government of China by most nations because the US and others like democracy more than communism.

    Extra note: Movement to Hong Kong would of been considerably easier seeing that the British would of never established a border zone in the area since Hong Kong would be located in the West side of China instead of having the risk of Invasion and illegal activities from communist China.

    The flags of both the ROC and the PRC would be considerably similar to today's flags with the same meanings, though I would like to note that while the ROC wouldn't have a reason to change their flag, I'll still make it so they have a different flag from today's ROC just for the sake of this thread (after all it does have FLAG in the title), also in the PRC flag the yellow stripe in the East China (again, the PRC) represents the yellow river and the Chinese text translates to:

    Working, Peasant, and Bourgeoisie (according to google translate) similar in fashion to the stars in both the current flag and the one in this alternative timeline.

    China in this alternative timeline:
    Chinese civil war alt map.png

    West China:
    New ROC flag.png

    East China:
    New PRC Flag.png

    Without text:
    New PRC Flag [simplified].png

    United Socialist States (or state pick your poison) of America and Democratic States of America (USSA and DSA), USSA suggested by @Zoingo

    The United States has entered a state of a declining economy through the Great Depression beginning in 1929 and Franklin D. Roosevelt is assassinated before his New Deal programs could be put into action. This leads to a considerable larger amount of unemployment in the US compared to our timeline, as unemployment rates are higher this leads to a number uprisings calling for reform of the US government arguing that capitalism could not work seeing the economic status of it's citizens at the time. The government is eventually overthrown and a new socialist government is established and thus the United Socialist States of America is born. Although the government would also establish a communist government as well.

    However, a number of states; most of which were part of the Union in America's civil war, do not agree with this new form of government and secede from the USSA, these states soon unify to create the Democratic States of America, establishing a Democratic government there.

    However the USSA obviously doesn't approve of secession and both countires are engaged in the next Civil War , I will call this war "Civil War 2" to keep things simple. Though keep in mind it probably wouldn't be called like that in real life and it would probably be called "The second Civil war" or "The Second American Civil war" or something like that. And no, it isn't the Sequel to that recent Captain America movie, that will never happen.

    Due to both countries using their own resources and money to fund the war, they wouldn't be able to support the allies during world war 2 nor would they be able to send troops there. Or at least they wouldn't support them to the extent that the US did in our timeline.

    And as much as I would like to believe that the USA was the "Hero" of World War II as I myself is bias for my country it is possible that the Allies would of still won seeing that the USSR actually did the fighting in our timeline while the USA and Britain were still talking about attack plans for World War II, they even took over the city of Berlin, the capital of the Nazis (with help from Poland I think). Even then, both the USSA and the DSA wouldn't have as much of a reason to enter the war seeing that there would never be an attack on Pearl Harbor since there was never an oil embargo put on Japan since both the USSA and the DSA wouldn't have the time or interest since they were both engaged in a civil war and needed to focus on national problems at the time. And yes, the Sino-Japanese war would go on for a longer time seeing that the US didn't exist at the time to defeat the Japanese, it could be possible that the Japanese would have control of the land that they gained in World War II with China still trying to recover from the war to this day, even if the USSA and the DSA decided to help the Allies in Europe.

    The USSR soon decides to align itself with the new socialist state and both countries soon become allies. Although both would be known to disagree in certain situations seeing that the USSA is nowhere near the levels of "Stalinism" and the state considered the USSR to not be a 'true socialist state. Although relations would be much more friendlier once Joseph Stalin had died. The USSA would receive support from the USSR and the PRC (China). The DSA would also be supported by Western European countries, both countries would be engaged in a 'Super Cold war' (maybe it should be called 'Colder war?') since there are even more socialist governments in this timeline, fortunately these countries won't be engaged in Nuclear war seeing that like in our timeline, the socialist and capitalist countries knew that Nuclear war would cause the destruction of humanity, however conventional warfare would be much more present in this era with the Civil war 2 going on as well as other possible wars in Latin America and other parts of the world.

    Civil War 2 could become another global war as the creation of the USSA would possibly spark other socialist movements throughout the poorer countries in Latin America as well as other countries around the world, and in turn the newly socialist/communist states in Latin America would support the USSA in their war.

    Civil War 2 could go in two different ways: The DSA winning or the USSA winning. If the DSA won the country would return to what it once was before the Great Depression and would be engaged in a cold war with the USSR like in our timeline, although they would need time for another period of 'reconstruction. If the USSA won it would still eventually collapse seeing that the USSR collapsed, with the USSA being left alone once again. This leads to a potential economic crisis due to it relying on the USSR and counter revolutions would soon occur due to a decline of stock and resources, these revolutions would call for a pre depression United States calling for a more democratic form of government. There would also be movements for most of the countries in Latin America that became socialist during the presence of the USSA also calling for Democracy and Capitalism.

    As the USSA collapsed a new Democratic government would be established under the former name of 'The United States of America" and a new period of reconstruction would begin...

    Map of the United States in this timeline:
    DSA and USSA map.png

    The stripes in both flags represent the original thirteen colonies, though you already knew that

    DSA Flag:
    DSA flag.png

    The middle star represents the Union of the seceding states as a whole with the five smaller stars representing the five regions that the union states were based in (with the exception of California and Oregon)

    USSA Flag:
    USSA flag.png
    The Stars represent the unity of the people in a fashion that is the same as stars on the PRC flag, in fact the four stars have the same meaning as the stars in that flag.

    Just like in the PRC flag the four stars represent the following classes:
    The Working class, The peasantry, The Urban Petite Bourgeoisie, and The National Bourgeoisie)
    come to think of it...this flag isn't very creative at all seeing that its basically the same as china's...

    Federated States of the Midwestern Republic (FSMR) Written by @ShadowMage1

    After the nuclear attacks following the stand-off of the Cuban blockade in 1962, the world was in disarray. Chaos ensued because of the widespread destruction of the world's governments. Looting, rioting, and murders were the norm.

    However, the farmers of the Midwestern United States have banded together for their survival and stability as a society. Wisconsin's politicians have called a meeting with the other Midwestern states to establish a government where agriculture and mining are the main sources of profit and income. Signing the Midwest Constitution, all twelve states have formed the Federated States of the Midwestern Republic (FSMR) to ensure stability to their part of the world. With the Midwest Constitution and the focus on agriculture and mining, people living there have thrived from the FSMR's success as a nation. Everyone is considered equal because of the values of hard work and reward.

    Original Capital Segment written by ShadowMage1

    The capital of the FSMR is situated in Madison, Wisconsin, where it contains the Governor of the FSMR. Congress is composed of the House of Representatives and the House of the Senate.

    The following capital location segment was suggested by @FlubbyB

    The capital of the FSMR is placed in Minneapolis/St. Paul, in Minnesota, as it is centralized and is the northernmost hub on the Mississippi river, making it a valuable trade asset, as well as it being the last thing before Seattle, in northern America. Congress is composed of the House of Representatives and the House of the Senate.

    I put both segments in as it was suggested by two different people on where the capital should be located, for this I will let the reader decide where the capital should be located

    Seeking no expansion, the government focuses on defense by building the Grand Midwestern Wall to protect the nation from brigands, rogues, and mercenaries. Sentry towers have been built to maintain the border. The Second Amendment is unanimously favored in case hostile outsiders invaded. The farmers, miners, and sentries are paid handsomely for their hard work on duty.

    Map of the FSMR

    FSMR map.png

    FSMR Flag:
    FSMR flag.png

    (Yea I know these aren't the best drawings ever, I even had to trace over the pickaxe and shovel for this one)

    The Pickaxe and the shovel symbolize two industries of great importance to the nation: Farming and Mining. The slice of cheese represents Wisconsin's importance to the creation of the FSMR. The wings flanking the tools represent the country's goal for peace and the twelve stars represent the twelve former states that founded the country. The motto represents the hard work of the citizens to keep the country running smoothly and the reward that comes with it.

    Edit: Added multiple scenarios, maps, flags, and grammar fixes

    Part II
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2016
    sorae, BlackbirdMC, Rixium and 23 others like this.
  2. Zoingo

    Zoingo The robotic Warrior VIP+

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    These are rather fun! I've got one that could be kind of interesting that you could sketch up, if you want, that was sparked in class not to long ago.

    The USSA: United Socialist State of America. Basically, if the US either joined the soviets for one reason or another, or just a mirror opposite of its self during the Cold War.
    If you go with the secondary, what about a democratic Soviet Union to combat them? Though I have no clue what that one would be called.
    XavierEXE and MyNamesHalo like this.
  3. MyNamesHalo

    MyNamesHalo A sarcastic f*ck

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    Thanks a lot for the suggestion! I'll be sure to put more thought into both scenarios throughout the day(s) eventually making them a part of this thread! (You will be credited btw)
    Zoingo likes this.
  4. MyNamesHalo

    MyNamesHalo A sarcastic f*ck

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    Bumpy Bumpy
  5. ShadowMage1

    ShadowMage1 Seraph of Twilight CHAMPION

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    Alternative History, huh? I wonder............

    Federated States of the Midwestern Republic
    After the nuclear attacks following the stand-off of the Cuban blockade in 1962, the world was in disarray. Chaos ensued because of the widespread destruction of the world's governments. Looting, rioting, and murders were the norm.

    However, the farmers of the Midwestern United States have banded together for their survival and stability as a society. Wisconsin's politicians have called a meeting with the other Midwestern states to establish a government where agriculture and mining are the main sources of profit and income. Signing the Midwest Constitution, all twelve states have formed the Federated States of the Midwestern Republic (FSMR) to ensure stability to their part of the world. With the Midwest Constitution and the focus on agriculture and mining, people living there have thrived from the FSMR's success as a nation. Everyone is considered equal because of the values of hard work and reward.

    The capital of the FSMR is situated in Madison, Wisconsin, where it contains the Governor of the FSMR. Congress is composed of the House of Representatives and the House of the Senate.

    Seeking no expansion, the government focuses on defense by building the Grand Midwestern Wall to protect the nation from brigands, rogues, and mercenaries. Sentry towers have been built to maintain the border. The Second Amendment is unanimously favored in case hostile outsiders invaded. The farmers, miners, and sentries are paid handsomely for their hard work on duty.

    The flag design would be a farm tool and a pickaxe crossing each other like swords. A slice of cheese would be a bit above this to signify Wisconsin's importance to the creation of the FSMR. The background would be dark blue with angel wings (signifying peace) flanking the tool and pickaxe and twelve stars (signifying the twelve Midwestern states that joined the Republic, including Wisconsin). Six stars go down the length of the left wing as if its flanking it with the same going for the six stars going down the length of the right wing. The motto below this would be "Hard Work, Great Reward."

    Map of the FSMR
    Last edited: May 22, 2016
    Shiazzu and MyNamesHalo like this.
  6. MyNamesHalo

    MyNamesHalo A sarcastic f*ck

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    Those are more complex symbols for a flag, but I'll try. Nevertheless I love that you went above and beyond by writing the scenario as well! I'll put this in the thread and you'll be credited for writing it
  7. ShadowMage1

    ShadowMage1 Seraph of Twilight CHAMPION

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    I really like the flag design! Just a quick note: the pickaxe and shovel symbolize the two industries that are of great importance to the nation (farming and mining), not the founders.

    You also misspelled "flanking," "country," and the FSMR abbreviation in the title.
    Last edited: May 22, 2016
    MyNamesHalo likes this.
  8. MyNamesHalo

    MyNamesHalo A sarcastic f*ck

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    fixed those errors, that's why I asked for people to correct my spelling mistakes since I usually type fast and I'm super glad that you did point them out.
  9. MyNamesHalo

    MyNamesHalo A sarcastic f*ck

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    Bumpy bumpy
  10. MyNamesHalo

    MyNamesHalo A sarcastic f*ck

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    Bump (also I will make posts mostly on weekends btw)
  11. MyNamesHalo

    MyNamesHalo A sarcastic f*ck

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    Another bump (and this isn't dead, I have just lost a little interest and I'm mostly saving these for other users to see and to wait for how popular it gets)
  12. ShadowMage1

    ShadowMage1 Seraph of Twilight CHAMPION

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    Do an alternate history where the Roman Empire never fell.
  13. Zahr

    Zahr You begrudgingly don the COMICAL HAT. VIP+

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    I thought I was the only one who likes alternate history, maps and flags here, I'm so glad I was wrong.
    Looking foward for more!
    Sara Forristal, kioph and MyNamesHalo like this.
  14. ShadowMage1

    ShadowMage1 Seraph of Twilight CHAMPION

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    You can suggest a Point of Divergence (P.O.D.) to Halo and he will work on it. You also have the option to give him details of an alternate history flag pertaining to it.
    Zahr likes this.
  15. Zahr

    Zahr You begrudgingly don the COMICAL HAT. VIP+

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    Cool, ok, i have one:

    What if Russia won the Crimean war?
    ShadowMage1 likes this.
  16. Labyrinth

    Labyrinth all of my jokes are cries for help

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    what if the North Korean communism decided against fucking up the 38th Parallel in the Korean War?
    or: even if those northern assholes decided to go batshit crazy, what if the United States didnt intervene?
  17. Sir Devastation

    Sir Devastation Famous Adventurer HERO

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    What if USA invaded northern china through the Koreas and set up a state-like district called United Territory of Korea?
  18. MyNamesHalo

    MyNamesHalo A sarcastic f*ck

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    Btw I was thinking on asking you what you thought of North Korea being Korean yourself but now I know, thanks!

    I really like all of these suggestions! Will do them at least eventually ! eventually
    Zahr and Labyrinth like this.
  19. Coolfood

    Coolfood The Coolest Food

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    These are actually really cool!
    I love the scenarios you thought out, and the flag design is amazing and also has a good inspiration from the original flags.

    One thing though, I think East China in that scenario got the better end of the deal, as if you look at China today, 95% of the population lives on the coast in the east. That's because it's a better climate, better ports (only ports actually), and also better farmland
    MyNamesHalo likes this.
  20. MyNamesHalo

    MyNamesHalo A sarcastic f*ck

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    Will change it asap
    Coolfood likes this.
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