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§forests Of The Dark§ (rp)

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Rawb, Apr 19, 2016.



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  1. Paradoxical

    Paradoxical Machina Infinitum VIP

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    I decide to leave the cavern.
  2. Enhanced_Human

    Enhanced_Human Natural Born World-Shaker

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    I drop my arrow, take my bow, and dodge to the left.
  3. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    Name: Lykos Lang (both words mean wolf :) [it is an adopted name]

    Race: He would say human but no one is quite sure. Some believe he is the embodiment of nature, some that he is jut a human with magical powers others that he is from a long gone race.

    Age: He looks and generaly acts like a 17-19 year old, and rarely shows that he is wise as an old man, since his aging is ALOT slower than normal human's.

    Gender: male

    Short backstory: Grew up in an average family not rich nor poor, but never really felt like a part of the human race.
    As a baby he would often crawl outside and his parents would find him staring at a ladybug (or other animals) just studying how it moved and thought.

    As he grew older he became more and more restless often disappearing into the nature sometimes for a few days.
    At the day of his 16 year birthday was one of these times where he ran off info the forest. He got further into the forest than he ever had before. He was gone for a few weeks. His parents thought that he had finally done something stupid and got killed by an animal. They griefed.
    When he came back, a lot of different animals was with him. It was a cheerful day for his parents. He never wanted to tell them what had happened.
    After that day his parents began finding different animals in the house, and he had seemingly stopped aging.
    No one except Lykos knows what happened in the forest.
    He had gotten powers. He does not himself know the extent of his powers, and keeps on finding new parts if his powers.
    His parents are now long gone and he still looks almost just as old as when they died.

    Weapon/Ability 1: Claws and teeth. (Will be explained under the powers section)

    Weapon/Ability 2: Hunting bow. Made the bow himself. He also makes the arrows whenever he is running low and has made different poisonous and magical arrows. He has 2-3 of each.

    Weapon/Ability 3: He has healing abilities. On animals and plants it will heal wounds. But he can also use it to speed up, slow down or even reverse plant growth. When aging/growing plants he can provide all the nourishment it needs.

    Preferred Starting Area: Western forest, a few kilometres off the civisation of The Grand Duchy Of Hellwood.

    Powers: His ageing is slowed down ALOT.
    He can shapehift into animals that he has studied. He can also just take different parts of the animals like: a birds sight, a bats hearing or a tigers claws. He fights with claws and teeth.
    His shapeshifting in pretty much in an instant, and he has become very good at changing quickly to the needs of a battle. He cannot transform into a dragon or something like that. (Yet at least :P) His clothes and other stuff will disappear while he is in another shape. He can call them back while still shapeshifted if he wishes.
    He can also communicate with animals. He can give complicated orders but the animals communicate a little more simple. They would for example call a sword a weapon and he would call it a sword.
    When he communicates with a specific kind of animal it sounds like the sounds of that animal, and when speaking to a crowd of different animals it is indescribable. People that have heard it would say that it sounds like nature itself.

    As said he looks like. 17-19 year old boy. He has brown hair and eyes, but when using his healing powers his eyes turn lime green. He is wearing gloves made from a dire tiger and a hood/capethingy of a wolf head and mane (I don't know if it is called a mane but just go with it). Both of these are in honour of dead companions. Otherwise he wears leather. He also has a small backpack for carrying food under the wolf mane.

    Thoughts: He does not care much for the war. He fights to protect nature. The war is destroying a lot of nature. So naturally he wants it to stop.
    He is normally not much with civilisation.
    He only hunts for getting food. He eats what he needs takes a little extra for a supply and leaves the rest for other animals.
    He does not like people who destroy nature or kills animals for other than food. An example is people that hunt for sports.

    Other: He has a natural affinity for animals, and animals naturally like him. He has an easy time training animals. It is rare that he is attacked by animals. If he gets attacked it is often because of a predator being very hungry or a mother protecting her offspring.
    Also he has knoldede of any plant he looks at.
    He travels with two wolves at his side. Lykos and Lang. Lykos is male and Lang is female. They have been affected by his magic and has become bigger, stronger, cleverer and faster because they have been so much with him.
    He also has a squirrel called Nut that he's nurtured almost since it was born. It is usually climbing around on him. Nut is also altered by Lykos Lang's magic. It is older and cleverer than normal squirrels.
    In the start Nut did not trust the wolves and they wanted to eat Nut, but they have grown to like and trust each other to the point where Nut is crawling on and sleeping with Lykos and Lang.

    Ukulele (I wanted to do some joke with this or put it in the lore but I am lazy :P)

    OOC things: To make it easier I will refer to my character as Lykos Lang not just his first name. And the wolves will be referred to as Lykos or Lang.

    I am looking forward to joining this roleplay :D
    If anything is wrong with my character please tell me :)

    EDIT: WOW. I just realised what giant monster of a tekst I have made.
    I am sorry XD

    EDIT AGAIN: @Rawb I have a question for you. Do you think the Squirrel destroys the character that I have established?
    I really like to have the wolves, but I don't know about the squirrel. I just think it might be too much to have both wolves and an squirrel.
    Both ideas are very good alone but they might not work out together.
    What is your opinion on the matter?
    Last edited: May 2, 2016
    Rawb likes this.
  4. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    OOC: Also I have a suggestion:
    Can the players please only quote the part of GM's post that revolves them? It will make it easier to know who is who and doing what :D
    It is only a suggestion you don't have to do it :)

    EDIT: I just realised that I wrote "quite" instead of "quote". I have fixed that now :)
    Last edited: May 2, 2016
  5. Eirika & Ephraim

    Eirika & Ephraim Gone Fishing

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    I wait for the caravans to reach the end of the line of trenches, assessing the number of guards they have as they get nearer.
  6. Luigi McDingle

    Luigi McDingle Giver of Cookies VIP

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    ...That's it? No indication of where I am? No description of what I see?
    Malkavian likes this.
  7. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    OOC: Nope haha XD
    Last edited: May 2, 2016
  8. Rawb

    Rawb Disciple of Bak'al

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    Then I'll assume you will survey your surroundings.
    You're in you small home in the town of Ragni in the Western forest. According to your clock, it's still late at night. Your friends are probably asleep.
    Each caravan appears to have maybe four guards each. For an important supply line, this thing is rather undermanned. The caravans get to the end of the line of the trenches. They're not moving fast, but they're not moving slow either. Now would be a perfect time to jump.
    Well, by comparing your abilities and backstory to your companions, I'm more than sure that it is fine for you to have a squirrel as well. By the way, accepted!
    You awaken in the small cave that you've made your home. It's very nice here. There's a small underground stream running through it, and greenery droop down from the ceiling. Lykos and Lang are both asleep, as well as Nut.
    You dodge to the left as he spins around and attempts to punch you, but misses. It seems his spin disoriented him.
    You leave the cavern. The forest still looks normal. You can see some lights not too far away. Huh. Those lights weren't there before. A wolf howls in the distance.
    You continue marching towards the capital. After a while, one of your aide-de-camps approaches you. "Sir, don't you think we should mount out horses? The baggage train can catch up. After all, most of the supplies are light."
    He opens the vault and leads you into a room plated with thick steel. In the middle is an armor stand, with a complete set of armor made of pure steel on it. "Yes. I believe there's several places here that are offering jobs. I'd recommend you go to the job center."
    You leave your house, barely making any sounds. You can sense it. Someone else is out there. You can feel something being pointed at you.
    You wait, occasionally clawing some fireballs as Lip'x charges towards you. When he is at optimal range, you slash at him with your claw, but he parries it with his sword and continues to charge towards you.
    "Heh...maybe you could do a little favor for your...old man...heh...heh..."
    You spin around to face him just as he backpedals at an insane speed, stopping at the other end of the arena just as you bring down the projection. "Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you, but Kyln here is the trainer for defensive maneuvers and dodging." the undead troll says. Kyln grins at you.
    "I may be a hermit, but that doesn't mean that I'm deaf. Two days ago I heard from some adventurers that there was some kind of priest that did something bad, and now he's being hunted down." You didn't notice it before, but now you do. He looks familiar, as if you saw him somewhere before.
    "Ah yes, well, here at Regia Castra we provide you rooms that cater to your personal needs." The spider hands you a key and points to a door. "Unfortunately, we are currently having some extreme technical difficulties, and for now all rooms will be in their original states. We express our apologies for this massive catastrophe."
    Just as you attempt to hit a soldier, cavalry sweep across the battlefield. One of the cavalrymen slashes at the soldier, killing h
  9. Inactive User

    Inactive User Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    I buy the armor from him, and then go to the job center.
  10. Rawb

    Rawb Disciple of Bak'al

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    After a while of bargaining, you hand him a sack of gold and gems, and he hands you the set of armor. It is way more heavier than you expected. YOu walk over to the job center. You enter, to see that it's rather deserted. A clerk is sitting behind the main desk, half asleep.
  11. Enhanced_Human

    Enhanced_Human Natural Born World-Shaker

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    I suddenly leap for him, aiming at his head.
    I prepare for a landing where I can grab onto his helmet, land on my feet, and get away as quick as possible.
  12. Inactive User

    Inactive User Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    I equip the armor.

    I ask the clerk, "Do you have any jobs available for a mercenary like me? I'll take any."
  13. Exvhius

    Exvhius Master of the Forsulyn Mural VIP+

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    "So, I'm screwed. Unless..."
    I sweep the projection under the surface of the water.
  14. Rawb

    Rawb Disciple of Bak'al

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    As you get closer to him, he slams his gauntlets together and vanishes. You land on the ground without his helmet.
    You put on the armor. It is heavy. The clerk suddenly jumps up to reality. "Huh? Mercenary? Oh. Uhm. Well, I think you can approach the barracks they probably have something for you in the army."
    He doesn't notice the projection, and charges at you. He trips on the projection and falls face flat on the ground. There is a collective gasp from the trainers.
  15. Enhanced_Human

    Enhanced_Human Natural Born World-Shaker

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    I quickly shoot an arrow where he was, then I run away not too fast, but doing the electric trick.
  16. Hiryu

    Hiryu not so lazy artist VIP

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    "Okay... What is the favor you want to ask me?"
  17. Exvhius

    Exvhius Master of the Forsulyn Mural VIP+

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    I try to use the projection to pin him to the ground, holding the real Hydrolance defensively.

    (Like, it's a skeleton, right? Between the ribs or something? idk)
  18. Paradoxical

    Paradoxical Machina Infinitum VIP

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    I make my way towards the lights.
  19. Luigi McDingle

    Luigi McDingle Giver of Cookies VIP

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    I thought Ragni didn't exist in this?

    Either way, I go outside.
  20. Enderman1234

    Enderman1234 Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    I teleport backwards, away from the door, while loading my bow
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