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§forests Of The Dark§ (rp)

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Rawb, Apr 19, 2016.



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  1. Rawb

    Rawb Disciple of Bak'al

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    Greetings. First of all, this will be really simplified, limiting on wall of texts and stats. Next, I have completely surrendered to the immense work needed for Hell's Doorstep. It seems I was not careful of my actions and let it get too complex and complicated for me. Anyways, I don't want this intro to get too long. Let's move quickly on to the basic info. Final thing: You do not need to read jacksh*t here except for the rules and character app. I just recommend reading everything to help you grasp yourself over everything.

    The land of Dreadia has succumbed to civil war. With three major factions, The Grand Duchy of Hellwood; The Republic of The Deserted Dunes; and The Monster Empire, there is much fighting for every inch of land. As war plagues the land, each faction is desperately searching for new lands to supply their resources. Recently, a rumor has spread that there is a land beyond the impenetrable mountain range that cuts off Dreadia from the rest of the world.

    Purple: Monster Empire
    Yellow: The Republic of The Deserted Sands
    Red: The Grand Duchy of Hellwood
    Dark Green: Eastern and Western Forests. The smaller blob is the Eastern Forest. The One underneath is the Western Forest.
    Gray: Fortress of Peaks
    Pink: ???

    Each player will receive RP for certain actions they do towards the three factions. Example: Say you poison a well in Elmijur. You will get RP towards both Hellwood and Monster Empire. Your starting RP is based on the backstory you gave, or if specified in "Other"
    Name: Hellwood
    Type: Grand Duchy
    Leader: Grand Duke Lucien Montrap
    Population: ~200 Million
    Army: ~200 Thousand
    Capital: Hellwood
    Language: Common Tongue (English)
    Short Description of Territory: Mostly Hills and Forests.
    Name: The Deserted Sands
    Type: Republic
    Leader: President Joseph Montrap
    Population: ~30 Million
    Army: ~400 Thousand
    Capital: Elmijur
    Language: Common Tongue (English)
    Short Description of Territory: Desert, duh.
    Name: Monster Empire (Nital: Imperium Monstrum)
    Type: Monarchy
    Leader: King Dominus Terrae
    Population: ~500 Million
    Army: ~500 Million (Almost all monsters are serving in the army)
    Capital: Draco Castellum
    Language: Nital (Latin)
    Short Description of Territory: Thick forests and mountains

    NOTICE: Although I am very lenient with the rules, I'd recommend that you try to not test me and play it safe,
    1. No god modding - do not pretend you are an immortal, unless specified and accepted by me
    2. No meta gaming - OOC knowledge stays strictly OOC unless specified.
    3. Be realistic - If you're a human, don't fly from Olux to Nesaak. (Unless specified)
    4. Insert the word "Kawaii" in your application to prove you have read the rules
    5. State only the action, not the result - this simply means that you will state what you wish to do, and I will state what the result is, unless specified.
    6. No leaking - This means that you are strictly forbidden from telling anyone what is in the pink area, unless specified.

    Name: Reno Arashi
    Prestige: II (7/20)
    Hellwood: 900
    Deserted Sands: 0
    Monster Empire: 0

    @Temmie and Bob
    Name: Ra'al
    Prestige: I (4/10)
    Hellwood: -200
    Deserted Sands: 500
    Monster Empire: 0

    Name: Azure, The Arquos Exile
    Prestige: I (0/10)
    Hellwood: 0
    Deserted Sands: 0
    Monster Empire: 0

    Name: Arnold
    Prestige: I (0/10)
    Hellwood: 0
    Deserted Sand: 0
    Monster Empire: 0

    Name: Rodric M'Almegio
    Prestige: I (1/10)
    Hellwood: 650
    Deserted Sand: -350
    Monster Empire: -300

    Name: Paralos Halfmoon
    Prestige: I (1/10)
    Hellwood: -100
    Deserted Sand: -100
    Monster Empire: 0

    Name: Terra Suul
    Prestige: II (15/20)
    Hellwood: 0
    Deserted Sand: 0
    Monster Empire: 0

    Name: Vanat Alzrin
    Prestige: I (0/10)
    Hellwood: -50
    Deserted Sand: 0
    Monster Empire: 0

    @I'm Illuminati
    Name: Adawalae
    Prestige: I (0/10)
    Hellwood: 0
    Deserted Sand: 0
    Monster Empire: 0

    Name: Tyler
    Prestige: I (0/10)
    Hellwood: 0
    Deserted Sand: 0
    Monster Empire: 0

    Name: Johnathan (Jace) Elkwood
    Prestige: I (0/10)
    Hellwood: 0
    Deserted Sand: 0
    Monster Empire: 0

    Name: Endammus
    Prestige: I (0/10)
    Hellwood: 750
    Deserted Sand: 0
    Monster Empire: -1000

    Name: Khajiit
    Prestige: I (0/10)
    Hellwood: 0
    Deserted Sand: 0
    Monster Empire: 0

    Name: Lykos Lang
    Prestige: I (0/10)
    Hellwood: 0
    Deserted Sand: 0
    Monster Empire: 0

    Name: (&!%# The Mysterious
    Prestige: I (0/10)
    Hellwood: 0
    Deserted Sand: 0
    Monster Empire: 0

    Age (Can be unknown):
    Gender (Optional):
    Short backstory:
    Weapon/Ability 1:
    Weapon/Ability 2:
    Weapon/Ability 3:
    Preferred Starting Area:

    Why don't I have health, stamina or levels?
    Too much stuff to remember. Just try to enjoy the game without these stats.

    Does this mean I am invincible?
    Of course not. Think: Health works like in real life. You get a cut, you are wounded. You get shot in the head with an arrow, you are dead.

    How many characters can I have?
    Two at most.

    What happened to all the options!?
    Gone. You will now do whatever you want. I'll provide the basic information, you decide what you want to do.

    But I want levels!
    Tough luck. Just kidding. There's prestige now, and your prestige increases by the amount of things you kill.

    Why does it say "Preferred Starting Area" instead of just "Starting Area"?
    I might want to switch things up a little. Though I can guarantee that you will most likely start in your preferred spot.

    Do I have to follow the lore/campaign?
    Of course not. The three factions are mostly for that, while the forests are mostly for just open world.

    But I liked all the fancy stuff with Hell's Doorstep!
    Tough luck.

    My question wasn't answered!
    Then ask them.

    You suck.
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2016
    Paradoxical and Hiryu like this.
  2. Hiryu

    Hiryu not so lazy artist VIP

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    Name: Reno Arashi
    Race: Human
    Age: 16
    Gender: Male

    Short backstory: Reno, a skilled wielder of swords, he wields two blades, namely Blazeburst and Aircut. These two can cause massive damage and each one of them has their own ability. Anyways... He used to live a happy life, but that was eight years ago when the war was in its early stages... He lived back in The Grand Duchy of Hellwood. Seeing so much deaths of his friends and family, he ran away in the western forest, never to be seen for eight years. He comes back, seeking revenge on The Republic of The Deserted Sand.

    Weapon/Ability 1: Fire Dragon's Fist, Reno folds his arm with Blazeburst towards his shoulder and slightly twisting his body. An aura of flames will surround the orange blade; Reno will thrust towards his foe, barraging and inflicting extreme flame damage.

    Weapon/Ability 2: Feather Shot, Reno slashes Aircut upwards, shooting the enemy into the sky, then they will be cut multiple times in the air.

    Weapon/Ability 3: Dual Waltz, a Trump Card when someone uses this, but it also comes with a risk, they will experience extreme fatigue after unleashing this ability. The two swords glow, and their edges will sharpen, the user rushes at their desired target, slashing them 16 times; massive damage will be inflicted on them.

    Preferred Starting Area: Western Forest

    UKELELE! x3
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2016
    Rawb likes this.
  3. Rawb

    Rawb Disciple of Bak'al

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    Accepted! Would you like to set your RP for the three factions? (Minimum of -1000 and Maximum of 1000. Higher=better reputation)
    Hiryu likes this.
  4. Eirika & Ephraim

    Eirika & Ephraim Gone Fishing

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    Name: Ra'al
    Race: Human
    Age (Can be unknown): 18
    Gender (Optional): Male
    Short backstory: Ra'al has served a group of bandits for most of his life, starting out as a slave and working his way up to a fully fledged member.
    The bandits would mostly sneak into Hellwood to mug and silence travelers there, making both their names and faces unknown, but their deeds eventually not.

    Weapon/Ability1: Sword - A basic longsword of a silver metal.
    Weapon/Ability 2: Ninja star - Your basic throwable ninja star of a fine silver.
    Weapon/Ability 3: Shadowedge - Ra'al fades into the air, before slashing the enemy from behind with a blade of pure shadow. It's origins are a mystery, but every bandit in his group has been taught it by another.

    Preferred Starting Area: Da dessert (Republeak o' da Desserted Sends)
    Other: In my honest opinion, ukuleles suck. Why am I putting this here? No idea.
    Rawb likes this.
  5. Rawb

    Rawb Disciple of Bak'al

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    Accepted! Would you like to set your RP for the three factions? (Minimum of -1000 and Maximum of 1000. Higher=better reputation)
  6. Exvhius

    Exvhius Master of the Forsulyn Mural VIP+

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    Name: Azure, the Aquos Exhile
    Race: Draconian
    Gender: Male
    Short Backstory: After being ejected from The Hive for having a faulty gene, Azure found himself and his only belonging, his Hydrolance, involved in another world's war.
    Getting home isn't an option. He may as well do what he was made for here; fight. The only question is which side?

    Weapon/Ability 1: Hydrolance - A spear that moves through water unhindered, but conducts electricity dangerously well...

    Weapon/Ability 2: Grip of the Abyss
    Condense water in an opponent's lungs. Cannot be fatal on its own.

    Weapon/Ability 3: Tidecall / Flash Flood
    The effects of this ability change with the terrain.
    If Azure is near a water source, use some of the water to project a larger version of the Hydrolance (made of water) that can be used as a secondary (and ranged) weapon.

    Otherwise, exhaust self to achieve the same effect. (Exhaustion kicks in after battle)
    (Extra effect: Passively stronger near water, weak in deserts)

    Preferred Starting Area: Desert

    Other: (Reputation) Neutral across the board... for now.

    Ukelele (I don't think that's spelled right, but whatever)
    Rawb likes this.
  7. Devourer

    Devourer Lava Warrior VIP+

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    Since Exvhius is doing a character related to Void Rift, I have an interesting card to play:

    Name: Arnold
    Race: Demigod. Specifically, half human demigod. It is possible to have other demigods.
    Age (Can be unknown): Idk. I guess he would be very old. He's lived through a few worlds, plus half of a certain one.
    Gender (Optional): Male
    Short backstory: A mysterious and destructive demigod who just appeared in the world. Nobody knows how, there wasn't even a flash of light as he appeared. Rumours say that he just faded into existence. He has bargained with the Monster Empire... but it seems possible that he has done this purely for himself. Arnold now tasks himself with attempting to destroy this new world he has come across, like many worlds before it.
    Weapon/Ability 1: Sword-mace. A sword with a mace on one end.
    Weapon/Ability 2: Energy cannon. A cannon which fires bolts of green energy. Rapidly fires 3 bursts then recharges.
    Weapon/Ability 3: Deathswitch - An ability recently mastered by Arnold. If he is killed, an orb of powerful energy drops onto him and destroys his killer. If his killer dies, he survives. But if his killer survives, he dies. Basically, someone has to die if this ability is activated.
    Preferred Starting Area: ???. What?! Only fly hackers can reach that place?! What if I remade my character to Nisovin? Oh ok, fine then, Monster Empire. Preferably talking to Dominus Terrae, but I don't mind.
    Other: Seppuku? Leoseal? [insertmycomputerpasswordhere]? Oh, it's Ukelele? Ukelele then.
    Rawb likes this.
  8. Exvhius

    Exvhius Master of the Forsulyn Mural VIP+

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    Azure is a reference, not from.

    He wasn't executed, I was hoping that was enough to show it wasn't a canon character.
  9. Devourer

    Devourer Lava Warrior VIP+

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    That's why I said related. Ok, Arnold is from Void Rift, but he can easily link in (I did mention at one point that he has destroyed worlds previously, this is basically part of Arnold's past).
  10. Eirika & Ephraim

    Eirika & Ephraim Gone Fishing

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    Desert Republic: 500
    Hellwood: -100
    Monster Empire: 0
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2016
  11. HotDoggers

    HotDoggers Travelled Adventurer

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    Name: Rodric M'Almegio
    Race: Human
    Age (Can be unknown): 20
    Gender (Optional): Male
    Short backstory: Youngest son of Fredric M'Almegio and the descendent of the One-Eyed general Modric M'Almegio, he was trained to be a fighter since 6. He inherited his father's position as an Admiral after his father's death in the battle of the Shallow Waters fighting the Republic of the Deserted Sands and went to the eastern forest to plot revenge against the Republic of the Deserted Sands. He also knows a bit about magic.
    Weapon 1: Hisha'Kir, which is a light engraved sword used only by the youngest of tge family. Rumors said that the sword can also be changed into a spear.
    Weapon 2: A slingshot which shoots out rocks. Does no damage but has an enormous knockback.
    Ability 1: "We need more reinforcements!" This ability will temporarily boost allies nearly with more health and strength. Need to recharge for half a day.
    Preferred Starting Area: Eastern Forest
    Other: Hehehe... Ukelele
    Rawb likes this.
  12. Paradoxical

    Paradoxical Machina Infinitum VIP

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    Name: Paralos Halfmoon
    Race: Shadowblood (term for a human with corrupted blood, has physical body but wraith-like attributes)
    Age: He has lost track of time since becoming corrupted, but estimates himself to be around 200 years old (he can be killed, but does not age)
    Gender: Male
    Short backstory: Born of a woman who had been possessed and impregnated by a shade, Paralos is an outcast. He tries to befriend no one, as he knows he will outlive them in the end. His eerie nature and dark abilities only add to peoples' natural distrust of him. Knowing that he will never die naturally and not having the courage to end his own life, he instead wanders the world, determined to find out more about it. In some sense, he wants to die, but only by a worthy enemy's hand.

    Weapon/Ability 1: Void Blades: Formed from his tainted soul, these weapons can become just about anything Paralos desires. They respond especially to his emotions, so rage might allow him to summon a buster sword, while calm and focus allow him to summon a throwing knife or bow.

    Weapon/Ability 2: Shadow Hand: This ability is Paralos's broadest and most useful skill. It allows him to channel dark energy through his right hand, which can be released as a simple blast, used for telekinesis, or even placed inside a vessel or dead body to place it under his control, though doing so makes him temporarily powerless. This ability requires concentration and drains power quickly.

    Weapon/Ability 3: Void Walker: By using the void as a gateway, Paralos can teleport to anywhere he knows the location of and can visualize (so he basically has to have seen the place). The longer the distance, the greater the drain on his powers (so trying to voidstep halfway across the continent would kill him).

    Preferred Starting Area: Wilderness near the border of Hellwood and the Monster Empire.

    Other: Has a fairly cynical and sarcastic personality. He also prefers to use Void Weapons with his left hand. His reputation is mostly neutral, as he doesn't get involved with the kingdoms too often.

    Rawb likes this.
  13. Rawb

    Rawb Disciple of Bak'al

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    Alright. I misread the stuff that I wrote down. You don't need to provide RP.
    You are awakened by a loud howling. There is a light coming from behind a treeline. You can just about see banners of The Deserted Sand. Probably a scout camp.
    Alright. I misread the stuff that I wrote down. You don't need to provide RP. Of course, since you gave already, I'll use those.
    You awaken to a voice. "Ra'al! Wake up!" You appear to be being shaken by the shoulders. There are four bandits near you, one of them carrying a bucket of water, prepared to splash it on your face to wake you up.
    You awaken on top of a large sand dune. There appears to be a sandstorm going on. You feel extremely fatigued. Even after taking a long rest, you still feel like it would be best to sleep more. There seem to be lights not too far away.
    Accepted! Also, I swear that backstory reminds me so much of Rawb - Destroyer of Worlds. EDIT: Also, you are in the process of bargaining.
    You are awakened to the sound of a metal door opening. A half snake, half human creature comes into what appears to be your cell. He is holding a hammer, and is covered with thick steel armor. "Most Powerful King Dominus Terrae has accepted your presence. Please follow me."He walks out of your cell. You remember faking being captured by the monsters.
    Before I accept you, is your character still an admiral or has he deserted?
    You awaken in the middle of the night. The ground around you is torn with craters, and smoke drifts upwards almost everywhere. There are lots of corpses around as well. The corpses are mostly human, but some are of monsters. You vaguely remember accidently teleporting in the middle of a battle, and an explosion knocking you sideways. You seem fine now. There is light on a far end of the wilderness.
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2016
  14. Exvhius

    Exvhius Master of the Forsulyn Mural VIP+

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    I start crawling towards the lights - figure it's less painful to die to a guard's blade than it is to dry up in the middle of nowhere.

    "Fine place to find myself..." I mutter to nobody in particular.
  15. Rawb

    Rawb Disciple of Bak'al

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    You crawl towards the lights. After some grueling minutes, you can clearly see an oasis. The oasis looks like a work of art. A large sandy cliff surrounding it on nearly all sides, with water pouring down, splashing into the lake. There are several trees all around the oasis, and the ground around the oasis is more grass and less sand. You feel the incredible urge to go towards it.
  16. Exvhius

    Exvhius Master of the Forsulyn Mural VIP+

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    I can't resist the urge.
    Any bit of water will be worth it at this point.

    I smack myself to see if I'm hallucinating.
  17. Eirika & Ephraim

    Eirika & Ephraim Gone Fishing

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    "I'm awake." I groan, pushing myself into my feet.
  18. Rawb

    Rawb Disciple of Bak'al

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    You smack yourself. It's still there. You crawl towards the water, and for a very short moment, you think you can hear a voice. The water shows your reflection back towards you. You are covered in sand. And...is that someone behind you?!
    "Ok, good." says one of the bandits, who you recognize to be Lumi. The one with the bucket, who you now recognize as Lupert puts down the bucket. "You were knocked cold when we set off the explosion. Apparently it was either stronger than we thought, or you were just too close." says Lumi.
  19. Exvhius

    Exvhius Master of the Forsulyn Mural VIP+

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    I try to shove my face in the water anyway.
    I'll be blinded by a coat of sand at this rate.

    I let go of my Hydrolance to try and show submission.
  20. Rawb

    Rawb Disciple of Bak'al

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    You shove your face in the water. It is refreshing. You can feel the water refreshing not only you, but also your soul. You feel obliged to jump in the water. You feel the presence behind you disappear as you let go of your lance.
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