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[rp]war Of The Provinces 10/10 Players!

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Inactive User, Apr 13, 2016.


Good RP?

  1. 10/10 I love this RP :D

    9 vote(s)
  2. 9/10 Really Good :)

    3 vote(s)
  3. 8/10 Pretty Good

    7 vote(s)
  4. 7/10 Good

    2 vote(s)
  5. 6/10 Okay

    3 vote(s)
  6. 5/10 Okay

    0 vote(s)
  7. 4/10 I don't like this

    1 vote(s)
  8. 3/10 This is bad.

    0 vote(s)
  9. 2/10 I hate this.

    0 vote(s)
  10. 1/10 or 0/10 Get this complete bulls**t out of here!

    4 vote(s)
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  1. Inactive User

    Inactive User Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    Hello, Illuminati here. I decided to create an rp, with very similar mechanics to my old one.

    Twenty-seven years after an unknown adventurer defeated the Corrupter of Worlds, supposedly banished Death, killed Mistress Qira in her hive, killed Amadel, and met Bob, the world has a new threat. Wynn and Gavel are close to war. It all started when the King of Ragni was assassinated in his sleep. Wynn suspected the Republic of Gavel, and Wynn’s new king accused them of it and cut off all trade. This weakened Gavels economy, and they angrily told Wynn that they had nothing to do with the assassination. Many factions quickly took sides in what everyone thinks will be a Cross-Provincial World War.

    I HIGHLY recommend you read all of this, it will prove useful if you plan to play.
    Player Name: @blankman
    Name: Raren
    Age: 27 (lifespan of 200)
    Race: Half-Dragon, Half-Human
    Gender: Male
    Backstory: Product of an inhuman experiment. No one knows his origins.
    Primary: Bow
    Secondary: Dagger
    Starting Place: https://map.wynncraft.com/#/359/64/-1534/max/0/0 (Owns house)
    Other: Likes potatoes (really). Wings pop out like a cat's claws. Tries to be friends with everyone.
    Inventory: Common Clothes

    Player Name: @Gushy48
    Character Name: Slevis
    Age: 27 in human years
    Race: Elf
    Gender: Male
    Backstory: Slevis is a well-known criminal in all of the provinces. The reason is that he uses his dark magic (Mainly Necromancy) on the innocent.
    Primary Weapon: Nightmare Rod (Staff) that casts these spells:
    Teleport: Teleport to the desired area
    Dead Star: Summon a meteor that deteriorates targets
    Snake: The utility version of snake. It grabs, annoy, and distract targets, but not hurt
    Skeleton Army: Summon two skeletons, but they have weak weapons and are brittle.
    Secondary Weapon: Shiny Mithril Dagger
    Starting Place: Efelim
    Other: The Potato is a lie
    He looks like my profile picture,
    Inventory: Yahya's Deluxe Mushrooms, 5 Detlas Scroll, 1 Almuj Scroll, 3 Ragni Scroll, 4 Troms Scroll, 2 Nemract Scroll, 1 Selchar Scroll, 10 Cinfras Scroll, 5 Llevigar Scroll, 3 Olux Scroll, 3 Gelibord Scroll, 1 Mysterious Potion

    Player Name: @Enhanced_Human
    Character Name: Flectere Acheronta
    Age: Looks around 30 in human years, but nobody's really sure.
    Race: Something otherworldly, that's for sure. Maybe a mix between a demon and an angel.
    Gender: ??
    Backstory: Nobody really knows where it came from. It just sort of... arrived. Situated itself, like everything was in order, nothing was wrong with it suddenly appearing in Nivla Forest. It's always covering its real body with something, somewhere. A black bandana covering the mouth and nose, white engineering googles over the eyes, a hat on the head, a trench coat, boots, ect.
    Primary Weapon: Four magic rings, each summoning something for casting a spell.
    The ring on my right ring finger summon a black short sword. Only two may be summoned at a time. It takes contact to de-summon them.
    The ring on my left ring finger summons a white bow along with white arrows. Only one may be summoned at a time. It takes contact to de-summon it.
    The ring on my right index finger cast a spell that fires a dark bolt, which is the one I used just now.
    The ring on my left index finger cast a spell that launches the target back about a foot. This spell must be used in close proximity. The spell cannot be used on myself.
    Secondary Weapon: Teeth. Its are pretty sharp.
    Starting Place: Scaling a cliff in the Pigman Ravines
    Other: It doesn't exactly eat normal food. Especially Potato.

    Player Name: @Temmie and Bob
    Name: Lark
    Age: 666
    Race: Demon
    Gender(if it doesn't have one, don't put one): Female
    Backstory: Lark was just an ordinary girl until the corruption took hold of her, morphing her into a demon. Regular on the outside, twisted and murderous on the inside. She went into a slumber in Dern, her hatred churning for a total of 616 years. Eventually, the tensions of the world drove her into wakefulness. Angered that her slumber should be broken, Lark ventured into the Dernal Jungle and once again attempted to sleep.
    Primary Weapon: Long, demonic, black claws
    Secondary Weapon: Purple energy generated out of her hands
    Starting Place: Dernal Jungle
    Other: Other: Other: :Other :OtherPotatomanBurrito :Other

    Player Name: @Rawb
    Character Name: General Robert "Rob" Kailo
    Age: 26
    Race: Human
    Gender(if it doesn't have one, don't put one): Male
    Backstory: General Robert Kailo is the youngest general in the Gavel Army. He thoroughly hates Wynn, as when he was younger he was banished to a small island from Selchar. However, he believes that Fruma is innocent, and does not need to join the war. He was brought to Gavel by a merchant who had found him with a massive potato farm underneath his island, as he believed that Rob's potatoes would make a killing in the market. Unfortunately, as they were both touring Bucie, a bandit attacked them and killed the merchant, leaving Rob by himself. He went to Llevigar to enlist in the army, and miraculously got in, being the first human in a villager army (Of course, there was a little bit of threats and bribes going on, but we don't need to talk about that.) When news of incoming war broke out, Rob was promoted to General, much to the displeasure of other, more richer, villagers. He is generally disliked by his fellow generals and officers. He has a great tactical and strategic mind, and is said to have developed a plan to usurp Llevigar with only a couple thousand men.
    Primary Weapon: Long sword
    Secondary Weapon: Scroll (Receipt for an Ice Sword created in the Frost Canyon)
    Starting Place: Llevigar
    Other: Although he dislikes Wynn, he has a fascination with Lusuco and the Frost Canyon.
    Inventory: Map of Wynn

    Player Name: @ElectroMantis
    Character Name: Referl Bobby
    Age: 26
    Race: Human
    Gender(if it doesn't have one, don't put one): Male
    Backstory: Referl was you average boy born into your average family into an average village in the Province of Fruma. However, the day he turned 18 he demanded that his parents allowed him to join the Wynn Royal Army in it's fight against corruption. As his family was in a financial crisis, and his parents saw Referl's potential as a strategic planner, they let him join the army. Once he joined the army, Referl quickly rose up the ranks, and in a mere 6 months he was promoted to the rank of Templar (What we call General) He was well known for his strategic mindset and ability to see through any move an enemy makes. However, after the Corruptor of Worlds was defeated, Referl decided to return home to Fruma, and visit his family. However, things quickly turned sour, as the remaining minions of the Corruptor tried a desperate last offense, aided by a villager, banished from Gavel for attempting a coup against the King. Since then, Renferl has born a hatred for all villagers, and the once kind and generous man turned cold and calculative, never hesitating to strike down an enemy of the Kingdom.
    Primary Weapon: Dual wields a Longsword (Named Shadowsinger) and a shortblade (Named Lightbringer)
    Secondary Weapon: Throwing knives enchanted with runes of precision and accuracy
    Starting Place: The Citadel of Troms
    Side: United Wynn
    Other: Ever since he watched his village burn down, Renferl has a deep hatred of all Villagers. He also has a problem, kind of like OCD. He cannot resist the taste of mashed potato.
    Potato (I read the rules)
    Inventory: King's Letter

    Player Name: @WithTheFish
    Character Name: Witherbeard Fisher
    Age: 25
    Race: Dwarf?
    Gender(if it doesn't have one, don't put one): Male
    Backstory: Mostly unknown, has lived in the mountains of Gavel with dwarves for most of his life. Whether or not he is one is unknown. No real backstory, isn't exactly the strongest of "dwarves".
    Primary Weapon: A large staff. (Not magical)
    Secondary Weapon: Fists
    Starting Place: Canyon of the Lost
    Side: Dwarves, side may change
    Other: Has never eaten a potato
    50 Stale Cow Jerky Slices, 9 Jugs of Water, 3 Healing Potion 2

    Player Name: @Cybersoap707
    Character Name: Christopher
    Age: 26
    Race: Elves
    Gender(if it doesn't have one, don't put one): Male
    Backstory: Was banished from the Aldorei Nation for telling a nearby threat plans for a castle's construction. Is now a rouge and mercenary for Fruma
    Primary Weapon: Silver Saxe Knife
    Secondary Weapon: Holy Recurve bow
    Starting Place: Ragni
    Side: Fruma Empire
    Other: Hates A potato for killing his ocelot with poison

    Player Name: @Gaster Dog
    Name: Sagertogd
    Age: 16
    Race: Villager
    Gender: Male
    Backstory: Even though his father destined him to be the saviour of Gavel, he rebelled
    and joined Wynn.

    Primary Weapon: Sword
    Secondary Weapon: Bow and Arrow
    Starting Place: Temple of the Legends
    Side: United Wynn
    Other: He is a well-known keeper of the Temple of the Legends, and he likes a good potato.

    Player Name: @Mayor Of Rymek
    Character Name: Leviath
    Age: 27
    Race: Human, Hispanic
    Gender(if it doesn't have one, don't put one): Male
    Backstory: When the wars started, Gavel dropped its magical bombs all over the mesa, 30% Landed in Rymek. He got mad and decided to join the battle.
    Primary Weapon: BattleAxe
    Secondary Weapon: Dagger
    Armor: Outlaw armor, Ex Helmet.
    Starting Place: Rymek
    Side: ????
    Other: Loves Whiskey. Absolutely hates Ale
    Afraid of Jungle slimes as he has had previous nightmares where he gets trapped inside,
    and has a Pet Herb spawn in his office. Mayor of Rymek.
    Everyone starts with 64 emeralds on them, unless specified otherwise.

    Character Name:
    Gender(if it doesn't have one, don't put one):
    Primary Weapon:
    Secondary Weapon:
    Starting Place:

    Character Name: Ulfric Stormcloak
    Age: 29
    Race: Human
    Gender: Male
    Backstory: Leader of the Stormcloak Rebelli-Wait, that's not lore friendly. He used to live in Maltic until undead attacked and killed his family. He escaped and vowed to end all corruption.
    Primary Weapon: His father's old hunting bow
    Secondary Weapon: A sharp stick
    Armor: A steel helmet, no facewear, a formal tuxedo, and some fancy black boots
    Starting Place: Nemract's Bar
    Other: He enjoys beer.
    Armor provides Damage Resistance(DR) and Magic Resistance(MR) to the wearer. DR and MR are calculated like this:

    Dam-DR/MR=Damage Taken

    For example, if an elite assassin with DR: 10 MR: 5 from Gavel is hunting down a certain bank robbing elf, and the assassin were hit with a 19 damage attack with a sword by the elf, they would take 9 damage. I decide what's classified as a magic attack or regular attack unless you specify otherwise. Try to make your DR and MR lore friendly please. There is also -DR/MR, which is the base damage dealt plus the positive DR/MR.

    You can have 4 pieces of armor equipped. Your head, face, body, and feet slots. Your face slot is where items that would go on your face go, such as a mask or glasses. Your head slot is where hats or helmets go. Your body slot is for your main body armor, such as chainmail armor or a formal suit. Finally, the feet slot is where you'd put footwear, such as boots or shoes. Again, please be lore friendly.

    While buying from shopkeepers or looting off corpses, some armors will have special bonuses. For example, glasses will have the wearer more perceptive, making them sense danger better. You might also find legendary or rare pieces of armor on your travels.

    If unspecified, your DR and MR remain at 0. Tell me in detail about your armor.
    Across the game, you may find enemies with buffs or debuffs that make sense. For example, if you find a bandit on the black road who is bleeding after an unsuccessful attack on a merchant, he may have the [BLEEDING] or [HURT] debuffs on him. Beware though, as you can also catch these as well. For example, if an unidentified spider bites you in Nivla, you might become [POISONED], [SICK], or even [PARALYZED].

    [ANGRY] +25% damage increase.

    [BERSERKING] +50% damage increase, but +25% damage taken.

    [CRAZED] +50% damage increase, but +50% damage taken

    [BLEEDING] Takes damage per turn

    [SICK] +20% damage taken.

    [PARALYZED] Cannot move until that effect wears off.

    [POISONED] Takes damage every turn.

    [BURNING] Takes high damage per turn (depending on your race and/or armor).

    [DEFENDED] Takes 50% of the damage.

    [SHIELDED] Takes 75% of the damage.

    [SCARED] Takes 125% damage and does 75% damage.

    [CONFIDENT] Takes 80% damage and does 110% damage

    [HURT] Takes 25% more damage for a short amount of time.

    There are also a different class of rebuffs you can get from not eating/drinking/sleeping.

    [THIRSTY] Take 125% more damage.

    [PARCHED] Take 150% more damage.

    [HUNGRY] Do 75% damage.

    [RAVENOUS] Do 50% damage.

    [TIRED] Perform actions slower, have a chance to fall down, and less accuracy.

    [VERY TIRED] A more extreme version of [TIRED], only you always have a chance of falling down and falling asleep.
    Q: How do I get around?
    A: There are various ways to get around. The simplest is walking. It's free and environmentally friendly, but also fairly slow. You can ride on a horse, if you buy(or steal) one. You can pay a driver to drive you on horse cart to a specified city by land. If you're needing to get to an island or between Wynn or Gavel, you can always pay to ride on a boat(or steal one). Detlas and Cinfras have airship ports, but you can only travel to and from those cities. In sure a deal could be arranged with a smaller airship captain to take you to any city. Or, if someone happened to have a high reputation with Fruma, I'm sure they could have an airship pick them up anywhere and drop them off anywhere.

    Q: What if I am defeated in combat?
    A: You'll probably die. Depends on the enemy, they could just let you go. Bandits will almost always try and hold you for ransom before killing you. If soldiers capture you, they will most likely take you to be tried and executed or imprisoned.

    Q: Then what happens if I die?
    A: You lose your character, unless you are revived. You need to have the appropriate skills to revive another player or oneself.

    Q: So how many characters can we have?
    A: Two, at most.

    Q: Can I be evil.
    A: Yes, by all means! This is your adventure, play it out how you want. Although, if you side with an evil faction, good factions won't be very pleased with you.

    Q: Can I have my own Army?
    A: Yes. mercenaries can be found all over the world, and most are capable fighters. Their prices may vary, and certain ones have different traits and skills. You can also get soldiers to fight with you if you have high enough RP with a certain faction.

    Q: You gave me "Free Choice" as a response. What does it mean?
    A: It means you can do whatever you want, as long as it makes sense and follows all the rules.

    Q: How do I get better weapons?
    A: You can upgrade one of yours at the blacksmith, or buy a new one from a merchant or blacksmith. Some enemies also drop powerful weapons
    The RP(Reputation Points) system is your current standing with a faction. If you sneak onto a ship owned by United Wynn in Nemract, for example, and set it on fire, you will lose RP for United Wynn and their allies, but gain some for any factions against them. The RP system goes from -1000-1000
    There are Kingdoms and empires for almost every race. Here are listed their name, race, capital, cities, military forces, and side notes.

    Name: United Wynn

    Race: Humans

    Capital: Ragni

    Cities: Ragni, Nemract, Detlas, Almuj, Troms, Nesaak, Rymek, Maltic, Lusuco, Elkurn, Ternaves, Bremminglar, and Selchar

    Military Description: Mostly made up of swordsmen, Detlas is the source of Cavalry, getting tribute from Ternaves. They have a powerful naval fleet, slightly better than the corrupted. Troms sends spearmen to Ragni monthly. Consists of 450,000 active soldiers.

    Side Notes: Once a mighty empire, now struggling to hold it's own land and afraid of war with Gavel.

    Name: Dujgon Nodguj Republic

    Race: Humans

    Capital: Dujgon Island

    Cities: Dujgon City, New Nodguj, Christmas Island

    Military Description: Fearless vikings, very suicidal. Their primary weapon is the battleaxe, but are proficient with longbows as well. They have the most powerful naval fleet in their and neighboring provinces. They have long ships with 20 cannons per side, with the head warship huge, with red sails and 120 total cannons. They have around a total of 400,000 soldiers. As they hate United Wynn, they have decided to promise allegiance to Gavel if a war were to break out.

    Side Notes:
    Very strong people who are at war with United Wynn constantly on and off, worshiping fierce war gods.

    Name: Republic of Gavel

    Race: Villager

    Capital: Llevigar

    Cities: Llevigar, Cinfras, Olux, Gelibord, Lexdale, and Buice.

    Military Description:
    The villager people have never been ones to go to war. Now, with the recent tensions with Wynn, they have built up their military to 400,000 poorly trained soldiers. 100,000 dwarven mercenaries have also joined them, although they have no ties to the Dwarven Kingdom. Gavel also has close to no ships fit for war, although a lot of ships built for trading.

    Side Notes: Very rich and very greedy.

    Name: Dern

    Race: Various beasts

    Capital: A ghastly, evil city in Dern, not much is known about it.

    Cities: Unknown

    Military Description: Their numbers are somewhere in the millions. Made up of rotting, reanimated corpses like zombies and skeletons. They have trolls, ghasts, pigmen, dern-beasts, corrupted golems, and more evil creatures.

    Side Notes: No-one knows what entity leads such a powerful and massive army, but whatever is beyond evil and more powerful than the Corrupter of Worlds. It is thought by a few that they are going to take advantage of the Wynn-Gavel crisis and launch an attack on the known world, but most think that is highly unlikely.

    Empire of Fruma

    Race: Humans

    Capital: A city in Fruma

    Cities: Unknown

    Military Description:
    Around 650,000 soldiers, led by the renowned General Tolous. The people of Fruma have announced that they will back Wynn if a war to occur. They have also been known to use huge, slow airships to transport massive amounts of troops.

    Side Notes: Have a strict border policy until possible conflict is over.

    Name: Aldorei Nation

    Race: Elves

    Capital: Aldorei Valley

    Cities: Aldorei Valley, Aldorei Town, and Efelim

    Military Description: About 200,000 elite fighters. They have reason to hate villagers, but they think that they are innocent. They have announced to help the Republic of Gavel in any upcoming war.

    Side Notes:
    Value honesty and selflessness highly, and are willing to go to war to protect who they believe are right.

    Name: Kingdom of Dwarves

    Race: Dwarves

    Capital: Thanos

    Cities: Thanos, Thesead, Rodoroc, Eltom, and Dogovi

    Military Description: Although a dwarf is short, that doesn't mean that a dwarf is weak. In fact, the dwarves are a powerful force to be reckoned with. Although they haven't taken sides, it seems everyone wants the dwarves to fight for them. The dwarves have a military of 300,000 well trained, strong fighters.

    Side Notes: They love mining and shiny things.

    There are also smaller factions you will encounter across the world, and they are less powerful, but still can leave a mark on the world:

    Name: United Pigman Tribes

    Race: Pigmen

    Capital: A village in the Pigman Ravines

    Cities: Many villages dotted around the Pigman Ravines.

    Military Description: The Pigmen only have around 650,000 fighters. They have declared allegiance to Gavel if a war were to break out, mostly because they hate the Wynnic people.

    Side Notes: What makes them more than just an annoying force of tribals attacking trade caravans going to Troms through the passage is their close proximity to Ragni. An organized assault on the town could be devastating.

    Name: Creeper Confederation

    Race: Creepers

    Capital: Creeper Town

    Cities: Creeper Town

    Military Description: A lot of suicide fighters. They also seem to have poisonous skin. Their numbers are unknown.

    Side Notes: They announced themselves to the world only recently, and are a cautious nation. Their one weakness makes them a joke to the rest of the world is that they are armless.

    Name: Gerten Republic

    Race: Gerts

    Capital: Gert City

    Cities: Gert City

    Military Description: The Gerts have strong, slow, poorly trained, hungry warriors. About 1,000,000 of them. Most fight to eat the corpses of defeated opponents. They have sided with Wynn and urge them to attack first.

    Side Notes: Have been seen eating numerous things like emeralds, bones, rocks, wands, and armor.

    Name: Desert Bandits

    Race: Human

    Capital: Invaded Barracks

    Cities: Invaded Barracks, Safehouse: Oasis, Safehouse: Mine

    Military Description: All they are a bunch of bandits that rob travelers of their belongings and sometimes kill them. 10,000 of them operate in the desert, while there are 5,000 that operate in the savannah.

    Side Notes: Their leader is the son of Ba’al, Da’al. He is ruthless and has been known the enjoy stabbing captives to death.

    Name: WynnExcavation

    Race: Human/Villager

    Capital: Presumed to be somewhere in Gavel

    Cities: None

    Military Description: No military of it’s own. It mostly hires mercenaries to act as guards or assassins.

    Side Notes: After Amadel was slain, a new, unknown villager took over the company. They now have a total of 7 sites, although some think a secret “Site H” may exist somewhere.
    Here are a few rules you need to abide by if you want to join:

    1: No metagaming. For example, if someone in the RP is weakened when they come in contact with water, and your character has no way of knowing, you cannot say “I splash them with water.”

    2. Be serious. Example: If a merchant asks you “So, what'll it be for you? The sword is only two Liquid Emeralds.” you can't throw a bowl of noodles at him and eat his face off.

    3. Be realistic. Example: If your character is human, you can't say “I fly from Detlas to Olux”

    4. Say Potato in your app to prove you read the rules.

    5. You determine the action, but I determine the results. This means you can't code what's going to happen. For example, if you say “I ask him what his name is.” You cannot decide the name.

    6. Please make characters lore friendly. Don't do this:
    Character Name: John Cena
    Age: 9 million
    Race: Timelord
    Gender(if it doesn't have one, don't put one): Grapefruit
    Backstory: It was an orphan who lived with his abusive aunt and uncle until he got a letter, telling it that it was a wizard. It then learned magic at Hogwarts.
    Primary Weapon: Lightsaber
    Secondary Weapon: Wand
    Armor: It is naked
    Starting Place: In space
    Side: it sided with neither Wynn or gavel, he chose to side with the Soviet Union
    Other: It enjoys playing with super communist space cats.
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2016
  2. blankman

    blankman Wynncraft Boomer VIP+

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    Name: Raren
    Age: 27 (lifespan of 200)
    Race: Half-Dragon, Half-Human
    Gender: Male
    Backstory: Product of an inhuman experiment. No one knows his origins.
    Primary: Bow
    Secondary: Dagger
    Starting Place: https://map.wynncraft.com/#/359/64/-1534/max/0/0 (Owns house)
    Other: Likes potatoes (really). Wings pop out like a cat's claws. Tries to be friends with everyone.
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2016
  3. Gushy48

    Gushy48 Title

    Likes Received:
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    Character Name: Slevis
    Age: 27 in human years
    Race: Elf
    Gender: Male
    Backstory: Slevis is a well-known criminal in all of the provinces. The reason is that he uses his dark magic (Mainly Necromancy) on the innocent.
    Primary Weapon: Nightmare Rod (Staff)
    Secondary Weapon: Dagger (Dagger)
    Starting Place: Efelim
    Other: The Potato is a lie
    He looks like my profile picture,
  4. Enhanced_Human

    Enhanced_Human Natural Born World-Shaker

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Character Name: Flectere Acheronta
    Age: Looks around 30 in human years, but nobody's really sure.
    Race: Something otherworldly, that's for sure. Maybe a mix between a demon and an angel.
    Gender: ??
    Backstory: Nobody really knows where it came from. It just sort of... arrived. Situated itself, like everything was in order, nothing was wrong with it suddenly appearing in Nivla Forest. It's always covering its real body with something, somewhere. A black bandana covering the mouth and nose, white engineering googles over the eyes, a hat on the head, a trench coat, boots, ect.
    Primary Weapon: Four magic rings, each summoning something for casting a spell.
    Secondary Weapon: Teeth. Its are pretty sharp.
    Starting Place: Scaling a cliff in the Pigman Ravines
    Other: It doesn't exactly eat normal food. Especially Potato.
    (Is this acceptable? I can change it.)
  5. Eirika & Ephraim

    Eirika & Ephraim Gone Fishing

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    Name: Lark
    Age: 666
    Race: Demon
    Gender(if it doesn't have one, don't put one): Female
    Ahhhh fuuu not another one- I mean, ehm...

    Lark was just an ordinary girl until the corruption took hold of her, morphing her into a demon. Regular on the outside, twisted and murderous on the inside. She went into a slumber in Dern, her hatred churning for a total of 616 years. Eventually, the tensions of the world drove her into wakefulness. Angered that her slumber should be broken, Lark ventured into the Dernal Jungle and once again attempted to sleep.

    Primary Weapon: Long, demonic, black claws

    Secondary Weapon: Purple energy generated out of her hands

    Starting Place: Dernal Jungle

    Other: Other: Other: :Other :OtherPotatomanBurrito :Other
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2016
  6. Enhanced_Human

    Enhanced_Human Natural Born World-Shaker

    Likes Received:
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    Somebody didn't read the rules...
  7. Rawb

    Rawb Disciple of Bak'al

    Likes Received:
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    *Ahem* I have arrived to bless this RP.

    Character Name: General Robert "Rob" Kailo
    Age: 26
    Race: Human
    Gender(if it doesn't have one, don't put one): Male
    Backstory: General Robert Kailo is the youngest general in the Gavel Army. He thoroughly hates Wynn, as when he was younger he was banished to a small island from Selchar. However, he believes that Fruma is innocent, and does not need to join the war. He was brought to Gavel by a merchant who had found him with a massive potato farm underneath his island, as he believed that Rob's potatoes would make a killing in the market. Unfortunately, as they were both touring Bucie, a bandit attacked them and killed the merchant, leaving Rob by himself. He went to Llevigar to enlist in the army, and miraculously got in, being the first human in a villager army (Of course, there was a little bit of threats and bribes going on, but we don't need to talk about that.) When news of incoming war broke out, Rob was promoted to General, much to the displeasure of other, more richer, villagers. He is generally disliked by his fellow generals and officers. He has a great tactical and strategic mind, and is said to have developed a plan to usurp Llevigar with only a couple thousand men.
    Primary Weapon: Long sword
    Secondary Weapon: Scroll (Receipt for an Ice Sword created in the Frost Canyon)
    Starting Place: Llevigar
    Other: Although he dislikes Wynn, he has a fascination with Lusuco and the Frost Canyon.

    I actually forgot about that but then I realized that I unintentionally put it in the backstory
    Eirika & Ephraim likes this.
  8. Eirika & Ephraim

    Eirika & Ephraim Gone Fishing

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    ow dat sound veeery passeeve agresseeve


    i dunno wat u talkin' bought *editing*
  9. Clodwad

    Clodwad (づ◔ ͜ʖ◔)づ VIP+

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    Character Name : Adam Waras
    Age : 18
    Race : Half-Elf and Half Human
    Gender : Male
    Backstory : He was born into a noble family in Efelim,as he was growing up he learned to use the magic of healing,but was banished from Efelim as he was soon found out to be half-human. But now he must make his decision on who to support.
    Primary Weapon : staff
    Secondary Weapon : a special knife,which he enchanted to always return to him
    Starting Place : Efelim
    Other : I am not sure what weapon a healer uses so ye
  10. Inactive User

    Inactive User Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    You wake up in your house. Getting up from bed, you walk outside for some air. You see a few Cinfras citizens walking around. A villager with a horse cart is placing sighs saying "Going to Llevigar, only 32 emeralds!" He could probably take you to Llevigar is you wanted. You see two market stalls, one selling meat, the other selling swords and armor. A small booth with a large looking villager in it has been set up by the enterance. On the booth, a sign says "Enlist in the army today;protect your homeland." A few villagers are waiting in line to sign up. You also see a hooded figure walking by, but no one is paying it any attention.

    A: Go to the man with the horse-cart
    B: Go to the meat shop
    C: Go to the weapons and armor shop
    D: Go to the recruitment booth.
    E: Go to the shady figure with the hood
    F: Free choice


    You wake up from on a bench in Efelim. You look around, and see a few elves smoking mushrooms. They are all laughing. You also see a few market stalls. One looks to be a weapon shop, as you can see the shine of metal from far away. There seems to be a shop selling bread and water as well. Out of the corner of your eye, you see two guards patrolling. Or, they could be walking your way. You're not sure.

    A: Go to the smoking elves
    B: Go to the weapon shop
    C: Go to the food shop
    D: Go to the guards
    E: Run from the guards
    F: Free choice


    You almost slip and fall. Looking up, you see you're only about 10 feet(roughly 3 meters) away from the top. You look down and see a pigman shoot an arrow at you. It misses by a lot. It squeals, and starts to run off. It's probably going to it's village to get more soldiers. They don't like humans in their passage, especially with Wynn and Gavel almost at war. They sided with Gavel. You're not sure who you think is right yet.

    A: Keep climbing
    B: Chase the pigman
    C: Free choice
    So she looks like a normal girl, but has special demon powers?
    You stalk around slowly in the Dernel Jungle. The world angers you. Why can't they just let you rest in peace. "Kill!" You think to yourself. You see two adventurers walking around. one is a mage and the other is an archer. You also see some edible roots, and a lake nearby.

    A: Sneak attack the mage
    B: Sneak attack the archer
    C: Go to the adventurers
    D: Pick the roots
    E: Drink from the lake
    F: Free choice


    You are walking around in the grand streets of Llevigar. Two of your trusted villagers guard you. The King insists all of his generals have at least two guards at all times. He is paranoid someone will try and assassinate him or his generals. he also has placed double the amount of guards neccessary guarding the emerald vault. You see a market stall, promising to sell only the finest weapons. You look at your belt, a fine longsword. There is also a market stall selling fresh produce from the local farms. A few children are playing in the grass. You also see a man on the roof.

    A: Buy some food
    B: Buy some weapons
    C: Go to the children
    D: Look at the man on the roof
    E: Free choice
    Are you sure you aren't missing anything? I think you should read the rules.
  11. Gushy48

    Gushy48 Title

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    F. Casually walk away from the guards
  12. Inactive User

    Inactive User Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    You walk away from the guards, successfully evading their view. You are even closer to the elves who are smoking. One calls out to you "He-he, want a...mushroom?" You figure that smoking mushrooms now wouldn't be a good idea, but you might as well take it, since it could come in handy later. He holds out his hand.

    A: Take the mushroom
    B: Leave the mushroom
    C: Free choice
  13. aayl

    aayl Famous Adventurer

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    Character Name: Referl Bobby
    Age: 26
    Race: Human
    Gender(if it doesn't have one, don't put one): Male
    Backstory: Referl was you average boy born into your average family into an average village in the Province of Fruma. However, the day he turned 18 he demanded that his parents allowed him to join the Wynn Royal Army in it's fight against corruption. As his family was in a financial crisis, and his parents saw Referl's potential as a strategic planner, they let him join the army. Once he joined the army, Referl quickly rose up the ranks, and in a mere 6 months he was promoted to the rank of Templar (What we call General) He was well known for his strategic mindset and ability to see through any move an enemy makes. However, after the Corruptor of Worlds was defeated, Referl decided to return home to Fruma, and visit his family. However, things quickly turned sour, as the remaining minions of the Corruptor tried a desperate last offense, aided by a villager, banished from Gavel for attempting a coup against the King. Since then, Renferl has born a hatred for all villagers, and the once kind and generous man turned cold and calculative, never hesitating to strike down an enemy of the Kingdom.
    Primary Weapon: Dual wields a Longsword (Named Shadowsinger) and a shortblade (Named Lightbringer)
    Secondary Weapon: Throwing knives enchanted with runes of precision and accuracy
    Starting Place: The Citadel of Troms

    Side: United Wynn
    Other: Ever since he watched his village burn down, Renferl has a deep hatred of all Villagers. He also has a problem, kind of like OCD. He cannot resist the taste of mashed potato.
    Potato (I read the rules)
  14. Clodwad

    Clodwad (づ◔ ͜ʖ◔)づ VIP+

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    I edited the thread so many times but if I just put potato there it's gonna be wierd af
    I promised I read the rules D:
  15. Inactive User

    Inactive User Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    Other: He likes to eat potatoes.
    aayl likes this.
  16. Clodwad

    Clodwad (づ◔ ͜ʖ◔)づ VIP+

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    aw rip well I read the rules again :3
  17. Enhanced_Human

    Enhanced_Human Natural Born World-Shaker

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    C: I blast the pigman using the spell bound to my 3rd ring.
    (Should I explain the rings?)
  18. Inactive User

    Inactive User Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    Please do.
  19. Enhanced_Human

    Enhanced_Human Natural Born World-Shaker

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    As explained in my backstory, I have four rings.
    Each is worn on my index finger and ring finger.
    The two on my ring fingers summon a weapon.
    The two on my index fingers cast a spell.
    The ones on my right hand are ink black.
    The ones on my left hand are quartz.
    Activating them requires no physical contact.

    What they actually do:
    The ring on my right ring finger summon a black short sword. Only two may be summoned at a time. It takes contact to de-summon them.
    The ring on my left ring finger summons a white bow along with white arrows. Only one may be summoned at a time. It takes contact to de-summon it.
    The ring on my right index finger cast a spell that fires a dark bolt, which is the one I used just now.
    The ring on my left index finger cast a spell that launches the target back about a foot. This spell must be used in close proximity. The spell cannot be used on myself.
  20. llllllllllllll

    llllllllllllll Famous Adventurer

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    I will only play if you add John Cena and John Cena Land as one of the characters and races/empires. Screw this then
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