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Guild ✴ Children Of Eris ✴ Now Recruiting Active Players! ✴ No Level Requirement! ✴

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by Cenpyla, Apr 8, 2016.

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  1. Cenpyla

    Cenpyla Zap HERO

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    Children of Eris

    Eris is the Greek goddess of strife and discord. She had a bunch of children, all of which cause or represent one of mankind's misfortunes.

    That is not why we call ourselves the Children of Eris. In fact, we're a pretty chill group.

    We call ourselves the Children of Eris because all the original members met in a Wynncraft chat server on a thing called Discord. (Discord is like if Skype and Teamspeak had a baby, except better.)

    And because ChE was created on Discord, it seemed oddly fitting to call ourselves the children of the goddess of Discord.

    Especially because she conveniently has a crap ton of children.

    Also, "Children of Eris" just sounds cool.

    Current Guild Members

    Although we have and set roles for our members, they really don't make any difference or have any significance other than the ability to start a war and a couple of blue asterisks.

    You're ranked up to Captain if you're active in game and in the Discord. Most everyone is ranked up to Captain, so everyone can do guild wars if they want. Or not. We don't care. You're ranked up to Chief if you do something amazingly amazing for the guild. Chief is literally just an extra blue asterisk saying "I did a thing so I get an extra blue asterisk".

    Owner: @Cenpyla
    Chiefs: @Verle, @Space, @hyper
    Captains:@Marrowae, @Lia77, @Espionage, @BoYSwaG
    Recruiters: N/A
    Recruits: @Elderzz

    Guild Information

    Alright, enough of that boring stuff that nobody's going to read.

    Like I said, we're a pretty chill group. The guild was created on March 20th, 2016, and we're currently level 19. We aren't particularly ambitious about being the best guild. We're just a group of friends playing Wynncraft together and helping each other out. Our only motive for leveling up the guild is to make more room for new members.

    However, we do want people who are active in game and will be active in the group chat. We're a guild for a reason, and that reason is to hang out and help each other in game and out.

    Above all, we want people who are looking for a community of players to hang out with and just have fun. And who aren't assholes. And use decent spelling. And are chill with voice calls, because we like to do that sort of thing every once and a while.

    The only requirement for joining the guild is you MUST have Discord. It's free, easy to download, there's a computer version and a mobile app, and you could even just use it from the browser. Not really a big deal.

    As for the rules, for the most part, we aren't strict. We don't have many written rules because it just goes without saying that people should use common sense and not be a dick. But we do have a couple written rules:

    1) Use decent spelling and grammar.
    2) The Tower of Ascension is only to be called the "Tower of Ass".
    3) Anyone who causes a drama shitstorm within the guild can kiss ChE goodbye.
    4) You must be active both in game and in the Discord server. We understand that people have stuff to do, so we're very lenient about this if people have vacation or finals. But if you join and never speak or log on again, or if you just disappear without explanation for a long time, you're kicked.
    5) If you plan on changing your Minecraft username, leave or have someone kick you from the guild first. After you change it you will be invited back. This is only to avoid guild glitches.

    Application Form

    In-Game Username:
    Discord Tag:

    Tumblr URL:
    Time Zone:
    Main Class & Level:
    How Often You're Active:
    Why You Want To Join Our Guild:

    How You Can Contribute To The Guild:

    Try to offer more beyond emeralds and XP.
    Tell Us About Yourself!
    What are your hobbies? Favorite color? Least favorite flavor of Laffy Taffy? Don't be shy!

    If you're accepted into the guild, I'll send you a PM with an invite link to the Discord server within 24 hours after you post your application. If you aren't accepted you will get no message.

    Oh, and as soon as you join the guild, you're instantly everyone's friend.
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2016
    Blakey 852, Cloud, Anionn and 7 others like this.
  2. michael_Desisto

    michael_Desisto Travelled Adventurer

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    Ign, Donblakley
    Discord, Amazon510
    Timezone, Gmt-4
    Mainclass/level, Archer level 39
    active?, i can be on at least 5-10 hrs a week
    why?, id like to join because from what a i read from ur backstory, u all seem like a chill group, and children of the goddess of discord, now lets be real thts a cool name
    what can i contribute, im willing to donate a lot of xp and emeralds plus ill be there for wars and such when/if u need me
    what about me, Well for starters im kinda young,14, I am personally in love with video games....figuratively.... i am kind to all that i meet and id just love to make some new friends
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2016
  3. SkyAuraMan

    SkyAuraMan Newbie Adventurer

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    In-Game Username: SkyAuraMan
    Discord Tag: Up there... SkyAuraMan...
    Time Zone: US Eastern
    Main Class & Level: Mage, LVL 11
    How Often You're Active: Maybe 2-6 hours on the weekend
    Why You Want To Join Our Guild: I love the name. Just love it. Also, I would like to join a guild, and this one seems perfect. You guys dont need to be top notch, you just need to me chill. Thats awesome.
    How You Can Contribute To The Guild: I will donate xp and emeralds, and I will participate in battles when i can.
    Tell Us About Yourself: well, im a nerd. I love making freinds and hate those clans/guilds who go "we're the best! join us! strict rules for structuring!" Yeah... I hate that...
    Cenpyla likes this.
  4. 7nd

    7nd Skilled Adventurer

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    In-Game Username: FoxGuru
    Discord Tag: FoxGuru
    Time Zone: (UTC -05:00) Eastern Time (US and Canada)
    Main Class & Level: My main class is a level 27 Mage.
    How Often You're Active: I am usually active every other day during the weekdays. On the weekends I am almost always very active. :3
    Why You Want To Join Our Guild: I want to join your guild because it is just what I am looking for. A small group of friends who willingly support each other and are kind to one another. (At least, that is what I got out of your description, haha. :) )
    How You Can Contribute To The Guild: I can contribute to the guild by helping guild members with quests, organizing guild meetings (if you do that sort of thing, I have never been in a guild before so I don't know if guilds do that), organizing tactics (if you haven't realized this already, I really like to organize things, haha), and overall, just helping out where I can.
    Tell Us About Yourself! (This is probably the most important to us.) Well, I like to read, write, garden, draw/sketch, paint, travel, watch anime (my favorite is Sword Art Online) and I am a vegetarian which I personally think is pretty neat. :D Oh and also, I obviously love gaming, and I am very introverted/antisocial (in real life), and shy/awkward. I just thought that I would put that out there. (:(
    Blakey 852, Verle and Cenpyla like this.
  5. Gem_Bird123

    Gem_Bird123 Skilled Adventurer

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    In game name: Gem_Bird123
    Discord tag DynnamicKitten
    Time zone:gmt
    Main class and level: lvl 41 mage
    How often I'm active: at least an hour each day unless on holiday
    Why I want to join the guild: I want a guild but the big ones don't want me (and frankly I don't want them)
    How I can contribute to the guild: I will donate xp and emeralds and will help in battles when battles
    Tell us about yourself: I love video games, especially indie games, and dinosaurs. I'm a huge nerd and I love history. I have three cats.
    Cenpyla likes this.
  6. Chase_ray

    Chase_ray Skilled Adventurer

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    Ign, Imedial
    Discord, Chaseray
    Timezone, Gmt-4
    Main class and lvl, Mage lvl 6
    Active? I plan on being on about 1 Hour Monday through Friday. I plan on playing at least 3 hours Saturday and maybe Sunday
    Why I want to join, I am looking for a guild on the smaller side that will actually accept me as a low level. I am also looking for one I can help rather than just wasting a member slot.
    How can I contribute, I can give emeralds and am willing to give xp as well
    Tell you about my self, Well, I'm young, 14 to be exact. I am honestly just looking for a way to get started on my wynncraft adventure and make friends all the while.
    Thank you for your consideration
    SlabSun and Cenpyla like this.
  7. SlabSun

    SlabSun The huntress, the thief

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    Hell yeah! DiscordMasterRace! Anyways, here is my application:

    In-Game Username: Warbry
    Discord Tag: Warbry #2994
    Time Zone: Mountain Daylight Time (MDT) Canada
    Main Class & Level: Mage Level 75
    How Often You're Active: Everday if I'm not sleepy :D Definitely more active on weekends! Now that I think about it, I actually have Rehearsal on Wednesdays so, Tues and Wed are effy.
    Why You Want To Join Our Guild: Yall guys use Discord is a big enough reason already, but after a two year long break from Wynncraft/Minecraft I'm thinking about getting back into it; since Summer is approaching. And with the new updates and jazz I've been spying out for a guild since that's now an available feature. As I have taken a long absence from Wynncraft my friends list seems to be lackingly bare from what it used to be. Having active friends seems great and the more the merrier, amiright? Anyways, I found this guild through a reccomendation from FoxGuru when looking through someone's "What Guild Should I Join" Post so I checked it out and it seems great.
    How You Can Contribute To The Guild: Seeing as so far I am a slighlty high Level I think I can assist some people with quest or battles. Not only that but donate old gear/Emeralds, since I seem to have a whole bank full of random legendaries.
    Tell Us About Yourself! Let's see here...I am 14 years old and much like everyone else here I enjoy gaming. Games from LoL to Nintendo, I've got a fair share of experience. Oh and I enjoy some anime from time to time! I am pretty awkward when it comes to conversation, so I mostly just chill and nod in agreement as others talk on. My vocabulary and humor somewhat consists of swearing or jokes that may over extend into the offensive side of things, but generally when talking to people I tend to keep it down. I hope this is enough to properly assess on my details...If this is information is too limited, there's always my profile! Thank you for the reading and considering my application :saltedhappy:
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2016
    robincaiye and Cenpyla like this.
  8. huge6446

    huge6446 nether pvp guy HERO

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    Nice thread. Good font
  9. Cenpyla

    Cenpyla Zap HERO

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    Thank you! ^u^
    7nd likes this.
  10. Cenpyla

    Cenpyla Zap HERO

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    Bump Bump Bump
    7nd likes this.
  11. WishWolf

    WishWolf Travelled Adventurer

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    In-Game Username: wishwolf14

    Discord Tag: Idk what this means

    Time Zone: Eastern

    Main Class & Level: Archer lvl 13

    How Often You're Active: I am active alot usually 3 hours a day

    Why You Want To Join Our Guild: I have never joined a wynncraft guild before and I would like to join to have a great time!

    How You Can Contribute To The Guild: Well i'm on alot and i love to play and I love to help others when they need me. ;)

    Tell Us About Yourself!: I started playing wynncraft about A year and A half ago and I am quite experienced player and i have a level 38 warrior.
  12. Cenpyla

    Cenpyla Zap HERO

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    It's quite clear that you skipped over the entire thread and went straight for the application form. You sound pretty silly. Sorry hun.
    robincaiye and Sanae_pls like this.
  13. TimH3000

    TimH3000 Well-Known Adventurer

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    In-Game Username: TimH3000
    Discord Tag: TimThaKing #8581, I made a discord account like 2 minutes ago, I have heard of it before but never really looked into it. It looks really good, and hopefully better than skype (If people can't DDoS me its already better in my eyes) Im currently toying around with it, but im sure ill get it working soon. I use my phone, since my computer is just not acceptings mic. I have tried about 7 different mics, so its not the mics. I hope I find a solution to this soon.
    Time Zone: UTC + 1
    Main Class & Level: Mage lvl 26 (since im fairly new im trying out things, I don't know if its going to stay my main, but its my main for now.
    How Often You're Active: Every day at least an hour (mostly more), except when im busy with homework, holidays, birthdays of friends, etc
    Why You Want To Join Our Guild: I have never been in a guild before, and im currently looking for one. I want a small group I can be friends with and have fun with in the game.
    How You Can Contribute To The Guild: Since im fairly low level, I can't help out with most quests, dungeons, etc. The only thing I can really help with is having fun, enjoying the game, going trough the game together.
    Tell Us About Yourself! Im 14, a male, and I live in the Netherlands.
    I have been obsessed with gaming my whole life, and it is my main use of free time.
    My most played game is Minecraft, while I do play other games from time to time.
    I never really liked normal MMORPG's, but i recently discovered Wynncraft, and im having a lot of fun.
    Cenpyla and 7nd like this.
  14. Lia77

    Lia77 Queen of Unicorns VIP+

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    Hi, so um i'm intrested in joining your guild but i've also applied somewhere else in case I don't get accepted here. Hope you don"t mind that.
    IGN: Lia77
    Discord tag: Lia77
    Time Zone: CEST
    Main class and level: My lvl 54 Archer
    How often are you active: Well I play 30 - 45 min on school days (If I come on, sometimes I'm too busy) and 2 - 5 hours on weekends.
    Why do I want to join: I've never really joined a guild on any MMORPG's and I really like Wynncraft so I decided to join one. I chose this guild because
    you sound like a fun and friendly community and I just want a fun group to play with.
    How can contribute to the Guild: I am willing to give a fair ammount of xp and emeralds and hope to help with any wars.
    About me: Um, wel I'm a 14 year old female who lives in Belgium. I prefer animals over people and love gaming. My love of gaming started with my brother who
    used to play World of Warcraft all the time and I would just sit next to him and watch. I enjoy reading and want to become a game programmer. When i'm not Gaming or reading I usually watch anime and cartoons. I guess that pretty much sums me up.
    Thank you for reading.
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2016
    Verle and Cenpyla like this.
  15. shelaqueen

    shelaqueen Huggifier | Lonely Tiny Asian

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    Wait... you left? ;---------; WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
    Dar-krusos and Cenpyla like this.
  16. Cenpyla

    Cenpyla Zap HERO

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  17. Cenpyla

    Cenpyla Zap HERO

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    Bump Bump Bump
  18. ThePersonNxtDoor

    ThePersonNxtDoor ThatGuyNextDoor

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    Id like to join but I have to say this so I have discord but i cant talk in call or anything cos my parents they dont let me talk to people online and stuff also im young like really young im 11 so woul I still be accepted?heres my application

    In-Game Username:ThePersonNxtDoor
    Discord Tag:ThePersonNxtDoor
    Time Zone:Dont know but im irish
    Main Class & Level:Archer lvl 17 i had lvl 30 assasain but sold all stuff gave emeralds to archer and deleted it
    How Often You're Active:on at least 2 hours evry weekend
    Why You Want To Join Our Guild:I want to make friends
    How You Can Contribute To The Guild:I will contribute xp and emeralds (6 ebs max)
    Tell Us About Yourself!So Im a irish kid (11)likes anime gaming and reading am awkward and shy irl so thats i pretty much
    Last edited: May 5, 2016
  19. Espionage

    Espionage I do pretty neat stuff sometimes...

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    -IG: Thehensons ←(I'm getting a new acc in a bit)
    -Discord: Exodus #4876
    -Time Zone: EST
    -Class+Level: Mage 58
    -Availability: (Varies a lot) ~30-120mins
    Why: I have been in a couple guilds, all were pretty old, I wanna help to get us to the top of the charts from the start. Plus... It's not a true mmorpg experience without a fun band of friend or a guild.
    -What can I do: I can donate about 10k exp and 1EB each week. I'm all for helping people, even lending weapons or just helping with a dungeon.
    -About me: 14M 'Merica. I'm a team player, I'm always up to chill. Having fun is usually above victory for me. If you have a problem with something I did/said, just tell me and I'll stop. I was in HaHaUnited and SneakyKillers (there were some that i dont remember) but left them because it was getting boreing/dead. I also do some art, I'm trying to get some digital art stuff :3
    Thanks for your consideration!

    (As a side note: I can lvl up my warrior if you want me to, its level 11 or so. I'm pretty sure I can hit ~lvl 40 with a month dedicated.)
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2016
  20. ThePersonNxtDoor

    ThePersonNxtDoor ThatGuyNextDoor

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    And i wont be on much lately as i am getting new pc
    Hey sorr but it looks like theres a lot of unaccepted apliccation forms so ya sorry just had to put it out there
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2016
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