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Media A Note From Igbar - Our Late Moderator

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by SilverMirror, Apr 6, 2016.

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  1. buukie

    buukie Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    I feel like all Igbar really addressed is why grinding is a pain, and quest requirements.
    Which is kind of stupid, because that's what most people already complain about anyways.
  2. los_pollitoz

    los_pollitoz Cringe: https://lospolltioz.deviantart.com HERO

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    Though people will listen to him more since people like, trust, and know him better than the average player
    Lady_of_Rohan, Fissure and XavierEXE like this.
  3. buukie

    buukie Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    Exactly. It's basically human nature to trust someone you know and like more than some random person that just happens to be a higher-up.
    Fable Of Ruin likes this.
  4. Tapu_Fini

    Tapu_Fini Maelstrom is Good VIP+

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    This resonates with me.
    Lady_of_Rohan and XavierEXE like this.
  5. Mular5

    Mular5 Mular5, Archivist for the mysteries of Wynncraft VIP

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    If it helps, i have posted this to the mods as well.
    It is important to respond to such criticism.
    From Mular5
  6. AetherArising

    AetherArising Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    Personally i approve of his points. The game IS a total grind fest. I've stopped playing my mage because OH MY WORD THE GRINDING IS SO SHIT.

    I've one time taken my level 1 to the silverfish dungeon, partied up, and went to town on it with the funds from my other characters, and 2 friends. TWO. Note that in MMORPGs, you'll want to have a team of 4 skilled people. Sometimes more.

    Look, i love wynn, i love the concept of a MMORPG in minecraft, but its just not good enough.
    The gavel update was very ambicious, and it turned away a lot of people. Now the only reason we're (We being me and the few friends i have still online) sticking around is for the follow-up update, praying that it could change the game and make it the glorious, gold crested update we thought gavel would be.
  7. EJCrusher

    EJCrusher Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    All I have to say here. He said no level requirements on quests. I went to sky islands at level 1. 10 minutes. pit stop at detlas for scrolls too, and maybe items too, ez lvl 80 1hour if you want too <3
    kioph likes this.
  8. StarDraco123

    StarDraco123 (・8・) VIP+

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    Let me put this out there, tanti said "sounds like" he never said igbar didn't play gavel at all.
    Also at level 98 grinding is very painful, but it is in a way ok. Sure it may take you days to get 1 level for now but still you get the satisfaction of getting some thing done (and having no life :P) anyways wynncraft is still an mmorpg although the grinding does feel a bit too much you can't really argue against it, for now. (IMO)
  9. Salted

    Salted Game Design & Wynncraft Founder Staff Member Admin GM CHAMPION

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    I disagree on some points, of course. There's a good saying in game design which goes like this: "If a player can find a more efficient way to do something, he will do it, even if it's less fun". A player rushing to the Molten Height and finishing a quest of that level would not make the game more fun. If we were to do that, we'd actually had to add MORE grinding and more bosses. Why? Because we wouldn't be able to make fun quests like Beyond the Grave without making it so every level 1 will rush to complete it for insta level 50, as it does not require you to kill anything.

    It feels like you are way, way too focused on one aspect of the game, which are quests. The game is very open-ended. Other games can manage to have no grinding but often come at a cost of being linear, or hiding their "level requirements". Look at Zelda, sure there's no grinding BUT you do need to do every dungeon one at a time, kill enemies that gets in your way while you're traveling, etc. The game is also a MMORPG, not a RPG. A big part of a MMO is that it lasts for a long time, it's not a game you play once for 12h, finish everything and never touch it again. It's a game requiring team work, trading and taking things slowly. Allowing people to just skip through everything would kill the game very quickly. I mean, why not allow Link to kill Ganon right as he starts right? He would die but people who really like the challenge would have a lot of fun dying over and over again to finish the game.

    I hear a lot of people saying "I stopped playing because of grinding", but allowing you to skip half the quests (because btw, skipping quests to reach level 50 in one go would make all the lvl <50 quests stupidly easy and less fun) would make you guys quit even faster, as there would be no content. Grinding is an issue, and the more we update the game, the less there is of that. But it is not as bad as you make it seem.

    You compared Wynncraft to Mario, which is... very weird. Mario is a linear platform game. One level of Mario does not equal 1 quest of Wynncraft. If anything, by playtime alone, Mario has more bosses per minutes than Wynncraft.

    Something else. The game is very focused on items as well. Skipping 50 levels sounds fun right? Until you realise you are still using a level 5 weapon and can't kill anything, and are forced to go back to Ragni to grind, even more slowly than before. Quests can give items, but with the huge amount of build there is, we'd have to make every quest give 20 items to make it fair for every classes and every elements.

    In my opinion, grinding is much, much less of a pain than it was before Gavel. You guys don't know, but we actually reduced the mob-kill required per level in this update. People are able to reach level 60 very easily with almost only quests, and a little bit of.. "grinding". Killing mobs isn't grinding, and it is a gameplay feature that can be fun and rewarding. What is boring is having to do this for hours and hours, which only happens in the late levels.

    My idea for the game was always to make it so you have 1 quest per level, giving you a significiant amount of XP, then the little amount left needs to be reach by doing dungeons or killing mobs, in order to find new items and become more powerful. And that grinding doesn't have to be all in one go, it can be done simply by walking from one point to another and killing mobs in your way. Quests are a reward (what even is the problem with that?) the same as killing mob and getting an item is a reward, or getting 2 skill points, or being able to finally wear this great item you found a while back.

    Lastly, the fact that you are talking like Wynncraft is spitting on your time makes me fairly upset. We don't add a specific progression because "lol fuck your time", but because it is, without a doubt, what is more fun. The way you talk about the game like it is the worst thing that ever existed feels like a slap on the face. All the work we've done to make fun and diverse builds, to fill up caves with loots and beautiful building is completely overshadowed because the game doesn't go at the pace you'd like. Have you guys ever thought that maybe the game is less fun now because you've played too much of it? Maybe you've outgrown the genre. We can't expect to keep the same playerbase with one game for years, and sometimes it might be better for some of you to just let it go.

    Yea, fuck grinding for sure, but we do not have the resources to create content as fast as you guys consume them. We're getting there, and already the next update will reduce grinding even more.

    EDIT: Oh yea, there is a bit too much bosses in the Gavel quest, that I can agree.
    motoki1, Tain, JohnDSi and 52 others like this.
  10. TurtleTheSeawing

    TurtleTheSeawing That dragon that's studying magic HERO

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    I have an idea that could be amazing, and I could make it work without a quest... I remember that being one of your main concerns with Wynncraft.

    Needless to say, the boss utilizes the environment around it, and it uses a little mechanic kind of thing in order to defeat it. Although, attacking it will be a bit like the Rise of Quarton boss, it will be very different, due to a couple other variables with it.

    Your video actually made me think up a lot of cool ideas for quests, and all that stuff. And maybe it could be a start, to a change caused by your video.

    I'm not saying the idea will be 100% accepted, because it has to kind of fall under their vision, or maybe it could broaden their horizons to new ideas. I'm confident though that it'll be a big thing if I get to make it... seeing as how it's at least a decently cool idea.

    Also, as I stated in my post above

    Post quoted here:

    I stated that this boss will utilize a mechanic that is utilized within the quest that you go through to get to it, maybe it could line up to having a similar mechanic in a future province, or maybe being in some extensions to Gavel. It's an idea that I have taken from my very own Airadon world, that I plan to actually get working on, but I have had to restart it in a way *cries* Anyways, it's an idea, from that project, and I see it being a possible bright future for quests, maybe get Grian, Salted, and Jumla, to expand their vision a little bit more, add some amazing mechanics, that can be utilized around the wynncraft world, to find secrets, or to find some other cool things. That's something that could help make wynncraft gey something more in my eyes, sure, we don't want to over complicate Wynncraft, but we can make sure that the mechanics are limited to some areas, or maybe some other things. It's an idea that I've been working on for a while. And I just hope that they get some recognition, or at least some responses saying they could comprimise with. I'm trying to put together some examples of this idea... and your video actually inspired me to look outside the box. ;)
    dead zeffe likes this.
  11. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    Because I don't enjoy dying
    Argon, dead zeffe, Gogeta and 15 others like this.
  12. not bagged milk

    not bagged milk bagged milk VIP+

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    I personally think there should be more ways to get xp. Right now there are two main ways of getting xp, which is 1. Quests, and 2. Grinding/killing mobs. That's really limited, and you have to be pretty single-minded to enjoy that. It's the same shit over and over again. With more ways of getting xp, people should level up faster. Examples: discovering locations, finding hidden items around the map, discovering secrets, doing certain actions, etc.

    Looking back on this, it is a pretty shit suggestion, but hopefully someone can find a way to make it decent.
  13. Chocobutter

    Chocobutter Well-Known Adventurer

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    The grinding mechanics in mmorpgs in particular are solely in place to keep players playing to actually have a working multiplayer social sphere. Otherwise the fear is people will just knuckle down and play through the game in a couple of days and never come back without thinking twice. Its not implemented to be fun, its there because its a cheap way to sustain the main selling point of theses titles. Not to say its ABSOLUTELY necassary, you can certainly push content that gives the game somewhat more replayability(Secrets, classes/builds,etc.) so long as you consider the act of basic acts entertainment(Which some people actually do, everyone is built differently for that.).
  14. MagicGum

    MagicGum #GrimNation VIP

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    Watching the boss fight in this video, damn it looks fun. Would be cool to add dodging and backing up bosses to wynncraft.
  15. McMasterx

    McMasterx ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Valar MorGavelis HERO

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    Missions give exp, bad example, but it does exist already
  16. not bagged milk

    not bagged milk bagged milk VIP+

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    I meant something more along the lines of the "Help Wenja Missions" from Far Cry Primal, where you are randomly called to help people.
  17. Kaelan~

    Kaelan~ RIP VIP

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    Well said!
    KillerJoe likes this.
  18. Tantibus

    Tantibus Chairman of the Wynnviet Union, God of Dern CT Manager HERO GM CMD

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    I like this idea. Xenoblade Chronicles was really cool because of this. It had a massive world which meant there was a lot to explore. And every time you discovered a new area, experience. New landmark? More experience. Secret area? Tons of experience! Maybe it wouldn't be on that scale for Wynncraft but, it'd be cool if you got experience for finding secret rooms where we usually put loot chests, and other stuff like that.
  19. Cruuk

    Cruuk yopyop HERO

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    I think the T4 chest in Molten heights is a pretty good example of these "secret areas"
  20. Tapu_Fini

    Tapu_Fini Maelstrom is Good VIP+

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    Oh wow. I didn't think about that point.
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