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Media A Note From Igbar - Our Late Moderator

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by SilverMirror, Apr 6, 2016.

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  1. Fread

    Fread Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    igbar we miss you
  2. Tantibus

    Tantibus Chairman of the Wynnviet Union, God of Dern CT Manager HERO GM CMD

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    First of all, we are aware the game had a massive grinding problem. We're not ignorant. What does he think an update that spent a year and a half in development was for? You know, the one where the quests start at the EXACT. SAME. POINT. the game required more than three minutes of grinding to level up? Grinding is a problem, and we're trying to fix that. Of course there's grinding at the high levels at this moment but what does he think we're working on right now?

    Level requirements on quests are important. Unlike what Igbar says, it's incredibly likely that someone will get to the sky islands, cheat a quest, and level up to 50 instantly. And no, they should NOT be rewarded for that. It totally breaks the progression system. Yes, there's dangers but rewarding the player for totally trying to cheat the game? No! People have found ways to solo bosses with a depressing spear so I imagine they'd actually find some cheaty way to easily do all the high level quests. Yes, the level requirements break immersion pretty easily but it's better than a big red "You have to be level 42 to start this quest!" Both break immersion, but when the NPC says it, subconsciously, it "feels" less so. The level requirements make you feel like every level up is rewarding. It tells you all the new quests you can do and you're like "sweet, this quest looks cool!"

    We're aware there's a boss problem, but I don't think it's as big of a problem as Igbar makes it out to be. I think the problem is that we don't have enough purely powerful attack spells. Which leads to most bosses just being buff enemies with multihit. Which is something we're working hard to fix. Eventually I hope that all bosses in the game will be unique. And then lastly, Igbar goes as far as flat-out insulting the idea of an MMORPG in Minecraft. I don't see the problem with using Minecraft as an engine to create an MMORPG. I mean, making a real MMORPG is expensive, and costs millions of dollars. I've had a blast with wynncraft, and the fact that we have so many people playing proves that I'm not alone here.

    This entire video sounds like it's coming from someone who didn't actually play the Gavel Update, but someone who just heard about it from friends. This video divulged too far from "criticisms" and just turned into him describing some ideal vision for what Wynncraft should be. Aside from the grinding, I haven't seen anyone complain about anything else he touched on. So I don't think any of that is actually a real "problem" with the server.
  3. DirtyDoge

    DirtyDoge Master Procastinator HERO

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    Wynncraft is basically a real MMORPG.
    Just view Minecraft as Unity or something. Minecraft is just a requirement to play Wynncraft.
  4. Rawb

    Rawb Disciple of Bak'al

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    Yes. Especially while listening to my playlist of music on YouTube. Also, I don't do that, I run around. Makes it more interesting.

    Oh and how come whenever someone brings up the topic of bosses, it's always "they're just big masses of health which you sit through hitting"? I think everyone here is forgetting he final boss of the quest "Rise of the Quatron" (or Quarton but I like to call it Quatron). It's sort of like the old Minecraft bosses in the old days of Minecraft adventure maps where you have to shoot at places while it becomes a bullet hell encounter. I feel like the boss in the aforementioned quest captures that well, since you have to disable four power cores and throw them in something that completely disables the mech. It also apparently has a good excuse for not letting it walk. "It's not yet finished".
  5. AngusH3


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    Okay then, your choice.
  6. Tantibus

    Tantibus Chairman of the Wynnviet Union, God of Dern CT Manager HERO GM CMD

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    I, too, want to see more bosses like that. Although it's incredibly difficult to make sure the items drop properly each time. And it also requires an excuse to have a giant boss like that.
  7. SilverMirror

    SilverMirror Retired IM HERO

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    First of all I wish to point out that I posted the video because I found it inspiring in the sense that Igbar had some very distinct view on the whole Wynncraft system that I hope sharing to the community would arise friendly and totally mature discussions and thoughts among us.

    I understand your point, but what igbar used is other RPG games as an example, I guess what he missed is that in most of those games, the missions aren't freely chosen by the players but rather by progression, by the progression in quests instead of levels

    Wynncraft' progression is determined by levels, while most of the other games is determined by the progress in completing the quests, completing the game. I do think that the level cap is needed, but maybe loosen and more relay on completing previous quests or sth like that. This will help tie in the progression in completing the game instead of blindly aiming for the quest rewards and XP

    Of course these are just my personal opinion, aiming for nothing but to share
  8. Cruuk

    Cruuk yopyop HERO

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    While I do agree with Igbar on the bosses and grinding thing, but lately imo he's become a bit egotistical at abandoned-bank levels of dangerous.

    You should probably message Igbar this, since both of you are well-known around here.
  9. XavierEXE

    XavierEXE ♪ Wynncraft's Composer and Ability Tree Lead ♫ ♪ Music Item Team CHAMPION

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    I just want a level 59 quest ._.
  10. SilverMirror

    SilverMirror Retired IM HERO

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    I create this thread in the hopes of the community can share and exchange new views on how Wynn can be better. This is not aimed to be used as any kinds of tool to be used against anyone, not alone starting arguments between mods
    Rawb, Ventus333, pelopo3546 and 4 others like this.
  11. Cruuk

    Cruuk yopyop HERO

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    Well, I might as well tag @IgbarVonSquid™ , since this thread concerns him, I know the chances of him replying here are very slim, but hey, never hurts to try, amirite?
    Loggerhead likes this.
  12. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    Shadow Of Colossus parody quest

    make it happen
  13. TurtleTheSeawing

    TurtleTheSeawing That dragon that's studying magic HERO

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    Oh... I have an idea for a boss, that, if I write it down correctly, could pass Rise of Quarton's boss in originality...

    The quest I have in mind has a little theme that goes through the entire quest... and the boss utilizes this said theme in the battle. It'll be a similar boss to quarton... but it'll be different in the sense that the mechanics are different... I would just have to make it a certain way, pitch the idea, and hope that you guys take it, or find a way to talk to salted, and Grian about how it could be implimented... I just need time to get an example of how it'd work, such as a video, or other forms of media... :3
    Loggerhead likes this.
  14. Kraby

    Kraby *insert clever meme* VIP+

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    what wynncraft really needs is 1quest per lvl , every time you do that quest you lvl 90% of the lvl its for
    making grinding a very small part of the game
    Loggerhead and XavierEXE like this.
  15. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    we have 104 quests, they are just not spread out evenly.
  16. Kraby

    Kraby *insert clever meme* VIP+

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    and they dont give enough xp each
    some quests give you like 15% of the lvl they are for , even if they are hard
  17. and 17 others

    and 17 others Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    Who has got to level 100 without grinding?
  18. IgbarVonSquid™

    IgbarVonSquid™ Your (not so) Average Squid Man VIP+

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    (This post didn't really help the situation at all and it was dumb of me to say any of this. While I stand by a little bit of what I said here, for the most part it has too much salt in it.)

    I knew my Youtube comments would probably be an echo chamber, so I came on here to see if anyone had posted my video. I'm glad someone did, and I'm extra glad that @SilverMirror isn't too biased against me or Wynncraft, which has kept this thread relatively flame free. This is probably going to be my only comment on here because anymore than that and it will turn into a flame war. I'll still read any replies people have but I won't argue back against them here.

    I do know you're trying to fix it, but I think you're fixing it in the wrong way. Right now all you're doing is punishing players who have waited over a year for this update and who just wanted to play Gavel when it released. Wynncraft has always had this nasty habit of saying, "We'll add this stuff in and fix it up later while we focus on other things." Gavel really tried not to do that, but the update got too big and out of hand too quickly, leaving certain areas completely lacking in content, you only have yourselves to blame.

    You know what else breaks the progression system? Double xp. When double xp is active you can use it to skip a lot of the early game, so why is that okay buy my idea isn't? Wynncraft is open world, so let players have their freedom to explore it how they wish! Let them skip the beginning half of the game if they want. Putting skips on beginning sections isn't some crazy idea, games have done it before. The original Super Mario game would let you skip worlds if you found the hidden warp-zone. Dark Souls will let you skip sections of the game if you start out with a master key. Plus, all those quests in the beginning are more or less tutorial quests to introduce specific quest mechanics, but for the most part they were written by Salted 2 years ago, and they suck. If I'm skilled enough, please let me skip these awful tutorial quests! Now, if too many people are skilled enough to do it, make it harder for people to do it. Hell, if it'll suit your fancy you can put level requirements on certain areas, but if I'm level 40 and I can take down a level 70 boss, then reward me for doing so and let me skip some stuff I don't want to do!

    I'm seriously hurt. "Didn't actually play the Gavel Update"? I play tested Gavel for Christ's sake! I, along with others, spent hours upon hours painstakingly testing quests, testing for bugs, giving feedback, correcting grammar and spelling... I'll wholeheartedly admit that I didn't test as much as the others did (Sci you're a god among men, and Broe you did the dirty jobs no one else wanted) but to say I never even played it is completely ignorant and absolutely insulting. If anything, it's the content team that doesn't play Wynncraft. In my time as a moderator I got to speak to many people, and most of the staff teams freely admitted they don't even play Wynncraft anymore, they just make things for it. I understand though, the time spent playing could be used to make better content, but it'd be hypocritical of you to say I never even played it.

    And just because nobody else has complained doesn't mean my arguments are automatically invalid. People learn from each other, and if one person starts seeing it one way, others may start to see it, too. I'd hope the same holds true here, but who knows maybe everyone thinks I'm wrong.

    Now I'd also to quickly touch on some other ideas people have had:
    "Remove level requirements but have level recommendations." - Totally fine with this, as long as I have the freedom to do it how I want then you can tell me to turn back as many times as you like.
    "Have level requirements but make it so quests will level you completely or at least very close to it." - Fine with this as well, a little bit of grinding isn't too bad (Look at Pokemon, for example) but having too much of it ruins the experience for everyone.
    "But how would you get to level 100? You still have to grind because there's not enough xp." - The way I see it, completing all quests should be the primary objective. Once you've done that, getting to level 100 and getting the best gear and build possible should be a post game objective, for the hardcore players who want to be true completionists.

    But yes, you are right this is more or less my opinion and just my ideal version of how I think Wynncraft should be. If you don't agree with me, that's fine and you can do it your way, but myself and many others would agree that the way Wynncraft does things now could hardly be considered "fun" and worth the time. Wynncraft has practically enslaved the playerbase to only play the game one way, (that being grinding is required to proceed) and because of this many people don't want to put up with it! If they try to take shortcuts (Abusing glitches to get to areas they shouldn't yet) you ban them instead of fixing the shortcut itself. And for what purpose? People don't abuse the glitches because they're jerks, they just don't want to grind! They already hate a key element of the game, so why would they even bother appealing? You're just turning them away because they're not playing the game to your expectations.

    As I said at the top, if you want to reply go ahead. I'll read it but I won't fight you on it here. If you truly want to debate it you can PM me and we can discuss, though we'll probably just argue in circles so I wouldn't recommend, but the option is certainly there.

    Last edited: Apr 6, 2016
  19. Windfall_

    Windfall_ Proud Owner of the Worst Sage HERO

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    Lol I saw this reply and I was like... Yep that's too long to read xD
    That's impossible since quests end at lvl 90. Even if you did every quest txp I don't think you could get to lvl 100
  20. los_pollitoz

    los_pollitoz Cringe: https://lospolltioz.deviantart.com HERO

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    Instead of level requirements, why not just quest completed requirements? Like perhaps a level 85 quest would require for the player to have done 20 different quests for example. That way the player still needs to do earlier quests, but doesn't necessarily need to grind.

    Also: Sorry Tanti, you're being a bit hypocritical when you accused Igbar of insulting Wynncraft, yet you insult him by saying he didn't even play Gavel at all.
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2016
    kioph, AngusH3 and XavierEXE like this.
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