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Guide Class Building Guide (5 Parts)

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Ironraptor3, Apr 1, 2016.


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  1. Ironraptor3

    Ironraptor3 Dragon Slayer, Sabre, CS/Game Dev VIP

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    The 5 guides: table of contents

    1) Efficiency
    2) Notable Mechanics and Cautions
    3) Example builds (and my own builds) for each class with break down explanation
    4) Dual and Multielement Builds
    5) Mathematic Optimization, Brainstorming, and (Future) Powders
    6) Cosplay and item sets

    Introduction: This building guide should serve as a method for answering any questions one may have about the best way to make a class that fits their playstyle. Many of these items will be for levels 60+, with matching skill point totals. If you are below level 60, in all honesty you should not be worried about what you are building. Spread your skill points around so that you can wear any armor you may encounter, and play around with different aspects of the elements. This guide will try and address anything and everything, but there may be points that I do not know from a lack of testing, and perhaps just got plain wrong. If such a thing happens, feel free to point it out, and I will change it~

    A major point of building is efficiency-blah blah blah blah blah

    Here's what you want to consider: Every stat point should be used to its fullest potential. That being said, that means:

    1) You have conditions favorable to the element, and have precise %'s for each element if the stat is not being dictated by a minimum requirement:

    • Earth/Strength: should have high base damage, % does not truly matter for this.

    • Lightning/Dexterity : should have very high attack speeds, making your damage output mirror that of the probability. Having a nice fraction for a % to crit also is nice if you are hellbent on spending a majority of points in this.

    • Water/Intelligence: Make sure you can fall back on spells, even if you are focused around a melee-int build. Make sure all of your spells are efficiently reduced in costs. (Ex. 80 and 85% has no difference in this area). Heal is nice.

    • Fire/Defense: Your equipment should have a decent amount of hp, resistance, and sustain. There is no point in sheer defense if you get one hit by a certain element or have poor sustain. Same advice as strength %.

    • Air/Agility: Same advice as lightning, more or less.

    2) You deal that element in damage. Pretty straightforward, hopefully. There is no point in a 70% damage increase if your base for that element is 0 damage. Do not fret about weapons like empire builder, Az, Thrundacrack, and Lunar Spine. When powders are added, simply add the damage they increase that you cannot deal both via spells or the weapon's base damage.

    3) You have positive raw element defense in the element (more on that in part two, it is in fact important).

    4) Your armor contains the natural id's that occur in these types of elements (yes, these influence the playstyle of each build beyond the trait of the actual element). Common ones are:

    • Earth/Strength:
      • Poison*
      • Thorns*
      • Melee Damage*
      • Hp Regen*
    • Lightning/Dexterity: (Has no really unique traits)
      • Attack Speed*
      • Poison*
      • Spell Damage*
      • Melee Damage*
      • Mana Steal*
      • Walk Speed*
    • Water/Intelligence:
      • Mana Regen
      • Reflection
      • Spell Damage*
    • Fire/Defense:
      • Health Bonus
      • Exploding
      • Thorns*
      • Life Steal*
      • Hp Regen*
    • Air/Agility:
      • Walk Speed
      • Life Steal*
      • Reflection*
      • Mana Steal*
      • Attack Speed*
      • Hp Regen*
    * = shared by more than one element.

    With all of these, you enjoy the full strength of each element as well as their respective benefits, without losing much if anything. As stat points are less and less effective the more you invest, it is not recommended to attempt maxing an element unless you have leftover skill points or a piece of your gear requires it. Attempt to have a reasonable amount of the above mentioned things before finishing investing.
    Alrighty, already on part two~ Now let's see, where to start first? Ah well, I'll just dive right into it again. Anything that seems misleading or wierd, just take a look at the examples I provide below each point.
    • Tiers are surprisingly, not everything
      • I will say this, I too for a while was convinced that you needed to have a mythic and full legendary to have a good endgame set.
      • ^ This is completely wrong
      • Benefits of low tier items: They are very common
        • Lower trading prices
        • Easy to get multiples of, therefore choosing the best ids and easier to get maxed
      • Now you may ask, why would I use lower tier items just because they are cheap and easy to max? Well the answer to this is that, simply, some are better than higher tiers.
      • For weapons, legendaries and mythics are simply the best, with no rivals, but legendaries can easily outperform mythics.
        • Example 1: Phoenix wing vs Monster (Fire-Air legendary wand vs Pure Fire Legendary Wand)
          • Monster: For full defense. -A lot of intelligence. Heal is mage's greatest defensive aspect, and scales with your intelligence.
          • Phoenix Wing: Gives you more hp, agility, and no -intelligence. Dual elemental damage, with 2 tiers greater attack speed than monster.
          • Speaks for itself which is better. The argument that monster is for damage is negated by the fact that Gaia is a mythic wand with the same attack speed and much higher base and +raw damage). Gaia also double scales its elemental damage, and gives more stat points overall, leaving monster with no actual niche.
          • This is due to the fact that higher tiers of weapons are specialized to a certain combination of elements. Mythics are usually put at a large disadvantage against certain elements or playstyles to compensate for the immense advantages the lend to their users. Though legendaries too, are specialized, it is worth noting that they are able to cope with most challenges they may be brought to face.
        • Example 2: Chakram and Rewind vs Weathered and Archangel (Dual element air legendaries vs pure air mythics)
          • Chakram and Rewind: Both super fast attack speed, very high walk speed, deal more than one element in damage, maxing the efficiency of dual element builds. They also have unique effects, including poison and high mana regen, respectively.
          • Weathered: Extremely high damage output, walkspeed in between chakram and rewind. Expensive mythic with little to its name other than a very high base neutral; it only has very fast attack speed.
          • Archangel: Highest walk speed dagger. High pure base air attack, fast attack speed. Decent for tanky air builds, but is overall outperformed by alazarin in this regard.
          • Simply looking at these stats, unless you are a pure air build (or really only care about speed *cough* broettinger), chakram and rewind are obviously preferable, despite being the much cheaper option. Did I mention they also both have considerably less stat requirements than the mythics?
      • For armor, anything besides normal goes.
        • Did I mention that for level 89+ there are at least two uniques per armor slot that are incredibly good, and on top of that, viable as endgame?
          • Helmets:
            • Sunray: Basically darksteel full helm. Tons of hp, tons of elemental defenses, tons of reflection.
            • Aquamarine: This is basically pisces, with raw spell instead of raw melee. For spell orientated earth-water builds, this is the pick of choice over the legendary pisces. Mana regen and good defenses included~
          • Chestplates:
            • Nether's Reach: Only lightning-flame chestplate in game.
            • Azurite: Only earth-water chestplate in game.
          • Leggings (these are the best uniques in the game, by far. If you use a dual element build that matches these elements, I STRONGLY recommend using these over your gut instinct unless you can prove they are totally outclassed. This comes from personal experience, these leggings outrank both rare and legendaries of similar elements and levels. More in part III).
            • Resolve: Air-Fire
            • Turquoise: Earth-Water
            • Both of these leggings are essentially the same, only for different dual elements. Both have no negative element resistances, immense hp, give stat points in both their specialties, give very high elemental defense in their specialties, and have hp regen. They contain no negatives, and can act as very defensive backbones for an armor set.
          • Boots:
            • Corruption Seal: Highest life steal boots. Perfect for lifesteal builds.
            • Undefined: best raw damage boots. Good hp, hp regen, and raw damage in both spell and melee. No negatives; very good for those that cannot decide on what boots to wear who like using both spells and melee.
            • Sapphire: Mana steal and reflection, good for this type of build.
    • Elemental Defense (LOOK (YAY CLICKBATE-ESQUE CAPS) A LOT OF PEOPLE DON'T KNOW THIS) (Also I could afford to do more testing, perhaps someone can undertake this~)
      • When I was attempting to build multielement (more in part 3), I noticed something. When I was wearing Kratke (equal elemental defenses across the board), my elemental defense did not equal what my armor was giving me. instead, I found that when I had 22 points in strength and 20 in the rest, I had 150 earth defense, and 30 in the rest (kratke gives 30 in each). This, interested me to say the least. Then I put 1 point in dex, making my stats: 22-21-20-20-20 and my elemental defense 150-120-30-30-30. I concluded that the highest stat was multiplied by 5, then the next by 4, etc. Equal stats assumed the lower value, ending with 150-120-90-60-30.
      • According to this, having stat points that are different by at least 1 will significantly improve your defenses.
      • I am unsure how negatives and unequal element defense works at this point in time. What I have found strange is that, when I removed my leo the other day (+200 fire def -300 water def), I actually gained fire defense... (Needs confirmation and testing)
    • Negative Damage
      • Negative Damage can actually be done. It heals mobs and players, and can overheal mobs.
      • Having -damage will decrease from the total damage you do with the rest of your attack. Therefore, increasing it, even if it is still a negative number, nonetheless increases your damage output.
    • Negative Poison Damage
      • Negative poison, unlike negative damage, does not heal. Rather, it deals your melee attack per second. You may be thinking, so I can just wear something with -poison and use alkatraz and taurus, and hit people multiple times in a few seconds. You are absolutely CORRECT. No clue as to why this exists, I am unsure if this is a bug.
    • Super Fast Speed and Poison
      • Poison does not deal damage when you are hitting, making fighting a constant choice of to simply avoid or attack and reproc poison
      • Super fast speed has been cited by numerous people to melee at a similar rate to very fast because of this same problem.
      • ^ This is most likely a bug.
    • % Vs Raw and misconceptions
      • Before the most recent patch, raw was actually added to the base of the weapon before attack speed was multiplied. This allowed players with high raw spell to deal many 10's of thousands of damage with weapons that had around 10 base overall. This was fixed however, so:
      • Any damage without % at the end is raw. It is added as a neutral constant to the end of your damage.
        • Ex: If I was doing 200 neutral and 50 water with ice snake, and then equipped an item with +200 spell, I would be doing 400 neutral and 50 water. Same goes for melee
      • % (People do in fact ask me this, perhaps they are too shy to ask others) multiplies your damage. It is technically better than raw, but harder to come by, and usually only adds a few % when a viable item with it is found. Raw outclasses % unless you have either very high % or very high base damage (Not only because a low base multiplied by a small % is low, but because many pieces with raw are better suited to endgame for additional reasons).
        • Ex: If I did 1000 neutral damage with my melee, and had +100% melee damage, I would deal 2000 neutral damage.
    • Notable Skill Point Traits
      • If you have not noticed, as you add more and more to a specific skill, the % increases by less and less. The most recent posts have demonstrated this as a bounded equation of the third degree (x*x*x or x^3) with a minimum at 0 and a maximum at 80%. It is concave down, meaning that the function increases by less and less per change in x (skill points invested).
      • Because earth and lightning scale your damage and elemental damage, they do infact DOUBLE scale any base earth and lightning weapons, making these much more powerful with much less skill investment.
      • Dex and strength sadly do not stack. Dealing +80% damage with strength and getting a critical hit with dexterity will not lead you to +160% total damage, rather it will simply be a 100% increase. Though this means that using both is very inefficient, most strength-dex items hold a special place in my heart for being so diverse and lending the user immense damage regardless (stalagmites, post ultima, petrified horror, crash, etc). You regardless still increase your damage, as attacks that do not crit are affected by strength, meaning that at no point in time are you dealing no extra damage. This is a good safety net, and I would really like to see more of these items, and a build using them.
    Here is where I will include some of the better builds I have seen, as well as the builds I personally use as extra at the end. These are to serve as examples and perhaps even give you an idea for your own build.

    * = I have tried and tested or played as something similar, and would indeed personally recommend using.
    • Mage:
      • Rainstorm:
        • Third Eye - Spell damage, mana regen
        • Aquarius - Spell damage, mana regen
        • Crystal - Walk speed, reflection, mana regen
        • Memento - Spell damage, mana regen
        • ---
        • Jester Ring - 3 pieces = +300 raw spell
        • Raging Wind - Walk speed, Agility
        • Jester Bracelet - 3 piece set bonus
        • Jester Necklace - 3 piece set bonus
        • ---
        • Lunar Spine/Pure - Water/Air wands. Lunar spine should be pretty good after powders are added.
        • ---
        • Summary: Infinite spells, all spells MUST hit at least somewhat hard, as you have quite a bit of raw spell damage. Reflection also threatens other spell builds, making it near impossible to directly compete with this build. Finally, the walk speed helps add air attributes to it, and gives it the ability to sidestep fatal attacks.
      • Can't really think of one that hasn't been said somewhere here, I am open to suggestions
    • Archer:
      • *Freedom:
        • Blue Mask/Shimmersight - Blue mask for stats, which you can invest in other things, Shimmersight for mana regen and lesser stat boosts. Shimmersight also has much higher hp and gives elemental defenses.
        • Libra - The centerpiece of armor of the set, as it increases all of your elemental defenses, elemental damages, and stat points.
        • Vaward/Kratke - Vaward for health, Kratke for damage. Kratke is better for elemental defense, Vaward is better for hp.
        • Capricorn/Clock Boots - Capricorn for speed and mana steal, Clock boots (only +2 if you have collected those before it was patched) for attack speed multipliers added to your spells.
        • ---
        • Rainbow/Intensity/Jester Ring: Rainbow for damage, Intensity if you have it instead of rainbow, Jester ring if you want the triple set bonus
        • Rainbow/Intensity/Jester Ring: ^ (Two jester rings does in fact stack the bonus)
        • Nebulous: Surprisingly high spell damage, also has elemental defense.
        • Master/Royal Stormy/Jester Necklace: Master for stats, Stormy for needed mana regen, Jester necklace to complete the triple set.
        • ---
        • Freedom/Fog of Creation/Awakening - Freedom is for those who have it, foc and awakening are more or less the same, if you do not have a freedom and would like to use this build, stick with one of these.
        • ---
        • Summary: The attacks of this archer dish out the highest elemental damage in the game. This is nothing to shrink away from, and deals similar damage to that of average Az hits, with much less variability and in every element rather than 1. This set is relatively immune to weaker elemental attacks.
      • Speedy Offense:
        • Aries/Third Eye: Aries for walk speed, Third Eye for a spell orientated set (As it has mana regen and spell damage)
        • Booster Plate: Highest walkspeed chest in game
        • Sagittarius: Best walkspeed leggings and has raw spell
        • Wind Mimic/Almuj's Walkers: Wind mimic is slightly slower than almuj's walkers, but almuj's walkers have so little hp, it is negligible.
        • ---
        • Raging Wind/Stratus: Raging wind if you have it, if not, use stratus. These are the highest and second highest walk speed rings.
        • Raging Wind/Stratus: ^
        • Contrail: Highest walk speed Bracelet
        • Royal Cyclone:
        • ---
        • Stratisformis/Gale/Ether: Stratis if you are rich (Best walk speed item in the game, up to 92% walk speed), Gale is the second highest walk bow in the game, Ether has slightly less walk speed, but its +2 tiers attack speed makes it essential in dishing out damage.
        • ---
        • Summary: This is the fastest paced build in the game. Choosing all walk speed items will make you sanik (I cannot follow broettinger with my field of vision, even with 130% sensitivity). Bomb arrows from the spell aspect of the build, however, absolutely decimate foes. No one can run away from you, or keep up.
    • Warrior:
      • Cactus:
        • Call of the Void/Any tanky helmet - call of the void if you are lacking overall thorns and reflection at the end of acquiring the armor.
        • Leo/Endurance - Leo for Hp Regen and Hp, endurance to amp up your thorns
        • Veneer - Hp Regen and Hp
        • Statue - Highest HP item in game, reduces your walk speed to 0
        • ---
        • Tisauns Honor - Reflection and Defense
        • Tisauns Honor - ^
        • Justice - Defense
        • Altum Spatium - Reflection and elemental defense
        • ---
        • Guardian - Hp Regen
        • ---
        • Summary: This set is... annoying, but I guess it works. Hp regen items can be replaced with lifesteal items if you choose apocalypse over guardian. This build grants the user massive hp, and thorns/reflection. In order to kill this build, one must have more hp than it (or deal enough damage to finish after weakening) or at least have higher sustain. Otherwise, this build will simply eat the damage, and the attacker will suffer their own attack, only in complete neutral damage (which I don't really understand, as you are typically not weak to your own attacks).
      • *Thunderstorm:
        • Third Eye - as you can tell, third eye is very common in builds, as it offers strong defensive capabilities, up to 130 raw spell, and up to 4/4 mana regen
        • Soul Signal - High raw damage addition, high hp and high soul point regen. Also gives stat points in dex and int.
        • Crystal - high reflection, 3/4 mana regen, walk speed bonus
        • Memento - 4/4 mana regen, high base raw spell, high hp
        • ---
        • Finesse - raw spell, dex and int points
        • Finesse - raw spell, dex and int points
        • Squid Anklet - mana regen
        • Bottled Thunderstorm - good stat additions
        • ---
        • Thrundacrack - super fast thunder mythic spear. 10/10 Like warrior with Az -IGN
        • ---
        • Summary: This build hits fast with near infinite spells if used right. The damage output with mixed attacks is also staggering, which coupled with its walk speed, makes this build absolutely terrifying. This build has enough defense to receive multiple hits and counter attack, and enough attack to decimate enemies.
    • Assassin:
      • Pure lightning:
        • Any - does not truly matter, try something with high damage or walk speed
        • Mummy's Rag - +2 tiers attack speed
        • Electrocharge Greaves - +2 tiers attackspeed
        • +2 clock boots or stalagmites - stalagmites give walk speed, +2 clock boots if you have them will deal significantly more damage
        • ---
        • Raging Wind/Breezehands - Wind for walk speed, Breezehands for an extra +1
        • Finesse - Spell damage and dexterity
        • Any - doesn't matter
        • Cyclone - add positive walk speed
        • ---
        • Crossroad kiler - super slow lightning weapon
        • ---
        • Summary: this build takes advantage of the attack speed multiplier in spells, easily dealing far over 10k damage in lightning alone.
      • Can't really think of one that hasn't been said somewhere here, I am open to suggestions

    Next part: Continued
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2016
  2. Devourer

    Devourer Lava Warrior VIP+

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    Nice guide! A few notes though:

    - Air/agility does often have the reflection id
    - Not that it matters much, but you forgot to put * on mana steal in air/agility.
    - Lightning/dexterity often has walk speed
    Icy, Ironraptor3 and XavierEXE like this.
  3. XavierEXE

    XavierEXE ♪ Wynncraft's Composer and Ability Tree Lead ♫ ♪ Music Item Team CHAMPION

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    Air often has attack speed boosts too
  4. Ironraptor3

    Ironraptor3 Dragon Slayer, Sabre, CS/Game Dev VIP

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    Added all of that, part 2 is finished now. Some important stuff in it~
    Double post, and this is turning out to be a wall of text, I'll include pictures in between sections soon to give one's eyes a break
  5. motoki1

    motoki1 The Damage Calculation Scientist HERO

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    Hmm.. this is gonna be the "base" of making the builds..
    I can't wait to read the part 3-6 now xD
    I wish to there's gonna be lots of better builds affected of this.
    sry I'm bad at english, I couldn't choose words. .-.
  6. Ironraptor3

    Ironraptor3 Dragon Slayer, Sabre, CS/Game Dev VIP

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    No problem, and thank you :D
    motoki1 likes this.
  7. Yuenchi

    Yuenchi The Answer VIP+

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    I think you meant to say far more common. Other than that, this is an excellent post and once it is finished I will use it to improve my builds.
    Ironraptor3 likes this.
  8. Devourer

    Devourer Lava Warrior VIP+

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    I know, but he already put that down for air but not thunder.
  9. MagicGum

    MagicGum #GrimNation VIP

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    This is by far, one of the most interesting reads I've had in a long time. Even though I know a lot of this stuff, I just love threads like these idk why so thank you! :) (ps i learned a lot of new things though)
    Ironraptor3 likes this.
  10. SilverMirror

    SilverMirror Retired IM HERO

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  11. XavierEXE

    XavierEXE ♪ Wynncraft's Composer and Ability Tree Lead ♫ ♪ Music Item Team CHAMPION

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    not when I made the post .-.
  12. Devourer

    Devourer Lava Warrior VIP+

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    He had when I made my post, which was before yours.
    EDIT: Nvm, read it as walk speed XD.
    Ironraptor3 and XavierEXE like this.
  13. Lesliep

    Lesliep Lazy Wynn Mage

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    I'd have to say I very much enjoyed the guide. However it is a good thing to note that legendaries tend to be more focused than uniques and rares allowing for more specialized builds. For example, memento. Great for Intel builds, but it ruins thunder.

    Mythics are even more so, being insanely focused on a specific trait.

    Also a big thing I disagree with is the value of chakram and rewind over weathered. It's true that before, the attack speed of chakram and rewind, combined with their mana regen made them great picks. However, now that you can't capitalize on the attack speeds, a good way to test the damage is to take the average damage and multiply it by the attack speed (1.7 for normal, 2.3, 2.9, 3.5 for super fast) and essentially now, weathered in my opinion has become a better weapon due to its decent walkspeed and extremely high damage.
    Ironraptor3 likes this.
  14. Chun_

    Chun_ Any broken builds founder,nerfed by Salted VIP+

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    I love this, especially thorns.
    Ironraptor3 likes this.
  15. Ironraptor3

    Ironraptor3 Dragon Slayer, Sabre, CS/Game Dev VIP

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    Indeed, I value those two over weathered simply because they are much easier to obtain. Weathered is in fact a bit better now that spell damage has deprecated, but I still notice a large increase in my spell damage for attack speeds. My Gaia meteor does 10k earth (rather than 4k) because I wear ineptitude. Nonetheless, you do make a fair point, and I will include that within the post.
  16. Ironraptor3

    Ironraptor3 Dragon Slayer, Sabre, CS/Game Dev VIP

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    Previous: Jump Back

    Part 3 posted, continuation of part 3 below. Part 4 will be edited into this post, and this patter will continue for future parts of the guide. Links will be provided and instructions in case one is unsure how to navigate.

    • My Personal Mage:
      • *Earth-Water mixed attacker (This is my main build, it is also always changing):
        • Pisces - The centerpiece of the build. +200 raw melee damage on average, 2/4 mana regen, tons of water and earth damage. No weakenesses, pretty good hp.
        • Chestplate of Ineptitude - +2 tiers attack speed. Maims your spell damage, but not significantly. (In fact, meteor does even more damage)
        • Turquoise - One of the best pants in the game. No weaknesses, massive hp, stat points.
        • Gaea Hewn Boots - immense defenses, cancels -raw spell. Also gives a lot of damage to melee.
        • ---
        • Concentration - mana regen
        • Jester Ring - two pieces melee damage
        • Jester Bracelet - two pieces melee damage
        • Royal Stormy Amulet - Mana regen, water damage
        • ---
        • Gaia - Oh boy. This weapon (Tbh only the master race of players use this weapon). It is very deceptive. It appears to be a poison only weapon, but its damage output allows one to respond to attacks with BRUTAL spells and melee (This build outputs about 2.4k melee hits and 11k meteors against 0 defense). The spell damage reduction is largely insignificant because it is counteracted in part by the gaea hewn boots, and the earth damage remains completely unaffected. Poison will instantly kill anything under level 15.
        • ---
        • Summary: This class can hold its ground vs devastating conditions, responding with a brutal mixed arsenal, which bypasses pure reflection and pure thorns builds. Its water-earth combo ensures that it has NO weaknesses, a hefty bit of mana regen, and double scaled damage. It has a massive slab of hp, and moves at relatively normal speeds. Overall, there are very few negatives, and it has many different ways of responding to adversity.
      • *Fire-Air budget sustain: (Note how this set can be created without using any legendaries) (This is one of the best builds I have made to date, and it is capable of just as much as earth-water. I do not use it as often for it does not fit my playstyle)
        • Shimmersight - mana regen, elemental defenses, stat points
        • Dreamcloud - lots of elemental defense, mana regen, hp regen
        • Resolve - hp regen, significant hp, elemental defense. Best air-fire leggings
        • Boots of Blue Stone - Lots of elemental defense, spell damage
        • ---
        • Rainbow: for elemental defense
        • Raging Wind: For walk speed, need some as this is an air build.
        • Nebulous: Elemental defense and spell damage
        • Cosmium: Cosmium adds % elemental defenses
        • ---
        • Phoenix Wing: The centerpiece of the set, yet can be subbed for antipode. Gives hp, hp regen, some defense, stat points. Its fast attack speed, and fire-air damage combo amounts to very high damage despite the damage reductions on other pieces of armor.
        • Ethereal/Requiem/Antipode: Requiem is if you are choosing to pull this off without ANY legendaries. Ethereal works better with suppression. Antipode is best with concentration, as you enjoy its mana steal.
        • ---
        • Summary: You will not die unless attacked with a mythic weapon centered around one-hitting enemies (Alkatraz, Az, Apocalypse). You should have 34%+ (around 42 stat points) intelligence to reduce 3 of your spells by a solid amount. Your hp is close to 12k, which is close to the earth-water build's own hp using legendary gear. The damage is reasonable too, you cannot simply sit next to the build in the nether and laugh because it cant hit back. Your agility will usually save your life, if it is slightly over 50%.
    • My Personal Assassin:
      • *Rainstorm assassin:
        • Third Eye - Spell damage and Mana regen (max 4/4)
        • Aquarius - Spell damage and Mana regen (max 7/4)
        • Sagittarius - Walk speed and spell damage
        • Wind Mimic - Walk speed
        • ---
        • Stratus - Walk speed, counters rewind's negative mana steal
        • Stratus - Walk speed and mana steal
        • Contrail - Walk speed
        • Cyclone - Walk speed
        • ---
        • Rewind - Amazing water-air dagger. Super fast attack speed to max spell damage multiplication and 4/4 max mana regeneration. Also has high walk speed, meshes with the armor perfectly. The centerpiece of this build.
        • ---
        • Summary: This build moves vexingly fast, and its mana regen allows for infinite spell casting if the user is switching freely between spells. The immense amount of control the user has over themselves (vanish) and the opponent (slows, blinds, movement manipulation via multihit) allows this build to overcome extreme adversity and kill anything besides non-fire mages (which can heal off the damage output)
      • *Lightning-Flame Bulky Offense
        • DISREGARD THIS: Darksteel Full Helm - The center of this build (I always find myself building around helms if not the weapon). This lightning flame helmet is one of the bulkiest in the game, and provides reflection and damage bonuses to top it off. Lore: It is made of a an upgraded version of the metals used to make the low level legendaries: Dark Iron Scrap, The Berserker Helm, and Chaleur (more in part 6).
        • Sunray - better than darksteel full helm. More elemental defense, more reflection, similar hp.
        • Leo/Nether's Reach - Leo adds amazing hp and hp regen, but nether's reach adds similar hp regen and extra damage in exchange for a bit of hp.
        • Greaves of the Veneer - Large amount of hp and hp regen. At level 100 i will replace this with the hive leggings, containing walk speed and immense hp regen.
        • Nether's Scar - Sharp increase to your damage, adds poison and tons of hp. Hp regen % bae.
        • ---
        • Raging wind - cancels damage reductions from scar, walk speed bonus and hp.
        • Vital - all that hp regen
        • Ra - just recently found out about this. Can have over 25% raw AND % hp regen. Gotten as a rare drop from completing the silverfish dungeon.
        • Royal Cyclone/contrast - cyclone if too low level, contrast (yes, this set has 2 hive pieces) brings everything together. Final walk speed item, the third reflection bonus item, and poison to supplement scar.
        • ---
        • Liquified Sun: Reflection, lots of damage, lots of hp.
        • ---
        • Summary: This build has immense hp and will outsustain other tanky builds that have thorns with its regeneration. It is only weak to water, and it can quickly rack up damage with its element combo. The great deal of reflection on the build discourages glass cannons from simply firing away, frequently killing those who disregard it. You can walk up to anyone, unphased except:
          • Mages
          • Assassins with a water dagger
          • Spell damage warriors
          • Archers with Az, Ether, Clairvoyance, Maelstrom, or Spring.
        • Anyone else cannot scratch you.
        • Now with absurd walk speed and hp regen! XD

    • Wishful Thinking Builds (these I have not seen ever, but will most likely work just fine):
      • Archer: Sheer Damage/Petrification Build
        • Shawl Of Gaea/Aries - For a melee earth-lightning, shawl provides much greater earth damage and compliments other melee piece's exploding in the set. For spell, aries, while subtracting some spell damage, is the only suitable alternative. Aries also give the user walk speed.
        • Taurus/Sparkling Plate - For melee, use taurus, as it adds exploding and melee damage, and only costs 1 tier of attack speed. Sparkling plate is another desperate alternative by the spell set. I could not find any of its stats on the forums or wiki, so all I know is it has agility and dexterity required, and gives fairly large hp.
        • Post Ultima/Electrocharge Greaves - Post Ultima, like the previous two melee choices, lends exploding and melee damage, at the cost of spell damage. This is the first item in the set that is explicitly requiring both dexterity and strength. Electrocharge greaves for the spell set begin boosting your spell damage, free of spell damage subtraction.
        • Black Sheep/Nether's Scar/Stalagmites - Black sheep boosts your speed for no agility cost for melee. If Walk speed does not appeal to the melee side of you, choose nether's scar for its hp and damage additions. Stalagmites are the obvious choice for the spell set, and it explicitly requires both strength and dex. It increases your walk speed, mana steal, spell damage, and stats. Very good overall.
        • ---
        • Jester Ring/Breezehands - Jester ring for the melee, as two pieces grants you even further melee bonuses (oh my). Breezehands takes your attack speed above normal at this point, multiplying your spell damage by quite a large amount. Its spell reduction is countered by the spell addition by stalagmites.
        • Black Ring/Raging Wind - Black ring increases your melee damage, raging wind increases your spell. Obviously, for melee and spell respectively
        • Jester Brace/Rycar's Bravado - Brace completes the two piece jester set, rycar's requires strength, dex, and agility, and gives you these stats.
        • Crash - Great for both melee and spell, gives you both melee and spell damage. Another strength-dex weapon.
        • ---
        • Petrified Horror - This bad boy is scary to say the least. The base damage should scare anyone, and this is the only earth-lightning damage weapon in the game I know of. It has very slow attack speed, but increases your spell damage and exploding, as well as your earth and lightning damage. It also brings mana steal and stat points to the table, making it one of the last weapons one would like to be attacked by.
        • ---
        • The point of this build is to be either an alkatraz-esque archer, or have an earth version of Az. Both builds have a great deal of hp, and their melee and spells hit excessively hard respectively. In addition, the spell set begins taking on a positive speed bonus against the walk speed subtraction of the main weapon.
      • Warrior: Sandstorm
        • Aries - Lots of walk speed. -Spell damage, but good +Melee damage. Interesting Earth-Air helm
        • Chestplate of Ineptitude - Seeing as we are already sacrificing our spell damage, why not go all out? This bad boy gives you +2 tiers of attack speed and increases your base melee by over 50%. It absolutely ravages your spell damage, and has only a decent amount of hp for a chestplate, however.
        • Saggitarius - As we are focusing on a mix of walk speed and melee damage, what better than the legendary with raw melee and walkspeed?
        • Black Sheep/Wind Mimic- Both of these are 26% walk speed boots. Wind Mimic offers slightly more hp and more ids, at the expense of giving you more weaknesses.
        • ---
        • Raging Wind - Quest Reward for beyond the grave. Good agility bonus, air damage, and very high walk speed (Higher than stratus with proper roll)
        • Jester Ring - Part of the jester set. 2 pieces will murder your spell damage even further, but add +200 raw melee. It does slightly slow you down, but not by any significant means.
        • Jester Bracelet: Part of the jester set.
        • Royal Dusty Amulet - Adds damage and fits the theme of sandstorm for the build.
        • ---
        • Harwrol - an amazingly unused legendary spear. It's primary combination is earth-air, and quickly dishes out damage with the added bonus of walk speed.
        • ---
        • Summary: This build is meant to get fairly up close and personal. It has very few weakensses, and its agility and warrior's base defense provides an usually sturdy defense, allowing the warrior to easily approach others. The melee and attack speed on this build end up being particularly immense, coupled with the fact it cannot be escaped from.
      • *Assassin: Element Tank
        • Shimersight - Mana regen and around 5% in each elemental defense. Like most of the other items in this set, gives stat points to every element.
        • Libra - Immense elemental damage bonuses, immense elemental defense bases (90 in each) and stat points in each element. The perfect multi-element chestplate.
        • Gemini - Legendary Air/Thunder leggings that give up to 52% in each elemental defense.
        • Boots of Blue Stone- Unique boots that give up to 8% in each elemental defense.
        • ---
        • Prism - Immense elemental raw defenses (50 in each), up to 13% in each elemental defense on top of that. Also gives stat points in each element. This is the best ring in the game if you are able to properly use it.
        • Prism - see above~
        • Prowess - Hive reward bracelet. Gives 4 in each stat. You will need as many stat points as you can get with a build of this caliber.
        • Cosmium - up to 7% in each elemental defense, gives a slight bonus to hp.
        • ---
        • Alazarin - up to 15% in each elemental defense, slots for many powders and tons of neutral damage. Also has an hp bonus and hp regen, best multielement tanky weapon.
        • ---
        • Summary: With max 113% in each element, you have 13% of wiggle room for each element defense before you are no longer COMPLETELY IMMUNE to it. Not only is this completely excessive and will not happen, but even having 80%+ with the base defenses of blue stone, libra, and prism rings will make you almost entirely immune regardless. There are no negatives in using any of these items, and the only thing you will truly be lacking is hp. As your defense can be upgraded slightly further, and your damage will have perfect coverage with the introduction of powders, you will be overall set with this build.
    As you can see, there are many different viable builds for each of the classes. Hopefully these help you in the development of your own build. Nothing is perfect, but there are many ways to develop a build that can largely counter any of the major threats in both pve and pvp.

    (This part took a long time, for obvious reasons. If you see an error, don't let my efforts be in vain, point it out)

    As there is wayyyyy too much to cover in terms of combinations of elements, I will still with the two most unique dual element builds and multielement. The dual element builds are both balanced, and contain elements which strongly oppose one another: Earth-Water and Thunder-Fire. They are far from overused, yet they have a steady amount of items when creating a build.

    I was very inclined to include how the items with these elements relate to the principals of their stats, but I will save it for part 6, as this part of the guide took me around 3 hours in total.


    HP (1)
    Stat Requirements < 100 (1)
    Positive Elemental Defense (1)
    Corresponding Elemental Defense (2) (1)

    Damage (1)
    Attack Speed (2) (1)
    Both Elements in Damage(2) (1)

    Playstyle for Earth-Water: Earth-Water is an immensely powerful elemental pairing. While the combination allows for mixed attacking, both elements are also very bulky in terms of defense. This allows the user to easily take attacks, and respond with an onslaught of both melee and spell attacks.

    Play style for Thunder-Fire: Thunder-Fire lies opposite to earth water. Rather than two balanced elements working together to attain a mixed playstyle, this combination takes an offensive element that is proficient in both spells and melee, and combines it with a defensive element. Just as Earth-Water, the player is quite bulky, and can fire off a plethora of spells or melee whenever needed. This set is intended to be a killing machine (more in part 6), varying from hp regen aggressor builds to vampiric-speed builds.

    The multielement table blwo is different due to the very nature of the playstyle. Multielemental builds typicaly deal pure neutral damage, or every element excluding neutral. Many id’s revolve around stat point bonuses, damage bonuses, and miscellaneous ids from each element. This allows the wearer to have excessive amounts of ids, and deal massive damage, while being immune to most insignificant damages. Jack of all trades, master of none (in terms of ids). In reality, however, this build has some of the most ridiculous damage outputs and defenses I have ever seen…

    Next section
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2016
    Texlla, hexapod and Yuenchi like this.
  17. xCubby

    xCubby Nobody Goes To My Shop ): HERO

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    One question: just how long do you spend each day on wynncraft XD
    also I love this guide :D
    Ironraptor3 likes this.
  18. LunarWiz

    LunarWiz [/^_^]/ <3 \{^_^\}

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    Great Guide! Helped a lot!
    Question for Water-Air Archer.
    If you swop third eye for aries and booster plate to Aquarius, would it be better?
  19. Ironraptor3

    Ironraptor3 Dragon Slayer, Sabre, CS/Game Dev VIP

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    Interesting finds that I have made (and subsequently added to the thread):
    -Sunray > Darksteel helm for my assassin
    -Nether's Scar > Leo overall

    -Negative poison damage makes you deal your melee attack per second. This allows melee builds to deal melee damage even with spells. Completely broken, and super slow attack speed melee builds will decimate with at least 1 negative poison item. I have no idea how one screws up the code THIS much. You REALLY need to EXPLICITLY put this in the code in order for this to occur.

    -Changed my mage build to contain no wearable legendaries

    -Added some more bugs to the things to be weary of.
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2016
  20. Ironraptor3

    Ironraptor3 Dragon Slayer, Sabre, CS/Game Dev VIP

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    Bumpy bump, sorry part 4 is delayed, I am contemplating exactly what I want to put, and have been quite bogged down by homework
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