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All Skillpoints Are Gone

Discussion in 'Questions' started by nKnown, Mar 25, 2016.

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  1. nKnown

    nKnown Newbie Adventurer

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    (first of all, sorry for my bad english :c :D)
    Hey guys, i need your help. :c
    Today, while doing a quest, i got stuck in the air and was kicked for flying. When i relogged and picked my class, all my skill pints were gone! only the ones that i didnt use yet are still there.
    I'm a lvl. 41 warrior and now i have 0 skill points in every skill and can't use my armor...

    pls i need help, i really like the server :D

    greez nKnown
  2. Kaelan~

    Kaelan~ RIP VIP

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    This is a really known bug, I swear, I see three thousand complaints of this bug everyday... IDK if anything is being done about it though, just wait it out... that should fix it.
  3. nKnown

    nKnown Newbie Adventurer

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    ok nevermind. i relogged and changed my class a couple times and now all the skillpoints are back.
    but thanks for the quick answer. :)
  4. Moe_Ronickah

    Moe_Ronickah Traveling through hyperspace . . .. CHAMPION

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    For now, you can do a couple of things, and these have been talked about in many other threads: you can change classes, you can go to the lobby, or you can log out and back in. The admins are well aware of this issue and they are working on it. I'm not going to go looking for Salted's comment, but what I remember of it is that the issue is hard to reproduce (it's sporadic), so it's hard to tell what is actually causing it.

    The consensus advice is that if you have any armor or accessories that have skill point requirements, don't log off unless you have enough open inventory space to take all of those items is the bug hits your class. By the way, it's hit me 4 times now, and cost me two Third Eye helms. My experience with it isn't the worst, by far, but now, I leave enough open inventory slots to take anything that requires skill points.
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