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Guide To Neo Building

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by Cosomos, Mar 23, 2016.

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  1. Cosomos

    Cosomos Well-Known Adventurer

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    ok this is a taste of what is to come
    summon ArmorStand ~ ~3.775 ~ {Pose:{Head:[90.5F,0F,180F]},Equipment:[{},{},{},{},{id:425}],NoGravity:1}
    all of this is case sensitive too, but copy and paste with ctrl c and ctrl v make it easier

    1)Ok the first thing you need to know is just how case and spelling these commands are. You do not need the "/" in front for command blocks and it must be spelled as showed. this is the command for the top front banner you see on the nose. What you don't see are all the invisible armor stands this is a command I do my self "/entitydata @e[type=ArmorStand,r=25] {Invisible:1}" replace the 1 with 0 to undo it and "r=25" is the radius you want. Using exact coordinates you can do it without command blocks but when you log out your chat gets cleared and command blocks save your work.

    2) summon ArmorStand creates an armor stand pretty straight forward not much to say ablout this part

    3) "~ ~3.775 ~" is the coordinates to where it will spawn the "~" means relative to the thing issuing the command if you gave it exact coordinates for x y z that works too

    4) "Pose:{Head:[90.5F,0F,180F]}" welcome to hell I chose this color for a reason. I still get stumped on how it decides to turn or why it needs "F" at the end of each angle (it can be lower case). I will explain the way to handle the x y z madness. First thing you need to know is the angles have a order of z y x. A spawned armor stand not placed or rotated will face in the positive z direction. You need to keep track of the face because that is how the next angle in the order will affect it. Now how you use the last angle(z) is if you want your head to tilt(like one shoulder to another) counterclockwise use a positive angle and if you want it to tilt clockwise you use a negative angle. The middle angle(y) twists your head(like twisting you neck around) use a positive angle for clockwise and a negative angle for counterclockwise. The first angle(x) is just for looking up(-) and down(+). It is the same for arms but the z angle appears inverted but it is a trick because the arm's pivot point is upside down compared to the head.

    5) "Equipment:[{},{},{},{},{id:425}]" this is how you get stuff on your armor stand. "Equipment:[{Right Hand},{Feet},{Legs},{Chest},{Head}]" is the layout you can put anything in their hand ,but only blocks on there heads which are smaller than if they where placed the amount I think they are around 75% their normal size. Now how you change their color is "Equipment:[{},{},{},{},{id:425,Damage:#}]" where # is the the damage value in its item id (like "id:35,Damage:11" is blue wool). Their item id can be its word counterpart(like "id:wool,Damage:11" will give you blue wool too), but not its damage value. You can find its damage value and word counterpart with f3+h it will look like this "(#0035/11)" for blue wool and the word counterpart is in the text below it "minecraft:wool" for blue wool (remember caps is important here).

    6) "NoGravity:1" is what turns gravity off the armor stand off.
    "Rotation:[0F,0F]" is a thing I also use it rotates the entire armor stand on the y axis. The first angle spins it on the y axis clockwise(-) and counterclockwise(+), but the second on only works on minecarts and makes it tilt up and down.

    7) Here are some random facts that will be useful(these numbers are a estimation):
    a. The banners main cloth lean back -0.5 degrees all ways add 0.5 to you x to your Pose
    b. Items in armor stands hands lean forward 15 degrees so subtract -15 from your Pose
    c. Swords and tools Lean back -5 degrees so only subtract-10 from your Pose
    d. Banners main cloth are 0.75 x 1.5 when worn on the head

    This is what I did for each command block/entity, but you get use to it and you can usually recycle commands.
    Any questions on how to do something not mentioned or why your command does not work ask me.
    And keep building builders:D

    Video Demonstration:
    Part 1
    Part 2
    Part 3
    Part 4
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2016
  2. BlahBlah161616

    BlahBlah161616 Light Theme User

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    :O command block genius

    @Energyxxer would approve.
  3. Thunder

    Thunder Chief Thunder HERO

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    Too bad the thread would get killed if he posts on it.
  4. BlahBlah161616

    BlahBlah161616 Light Theme User

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    ...yeah...or @Lotem. They're both command block pros that are really similar in my opinion.
  5. Cosomos

    Cosomos Well-Known Adventurer

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    I made this post 2 years ago on another minecraft forum
  6. LelPop

    LelPop Famous Adventurer

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    Had no clue what's going on
  7. Cosomos

    Cosomos Well-Known Adventurer

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    Added Video Demonstration of me Neo Building and making a Cut Scene using the build
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