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Lore/Story Journal Of An Adventurer

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by Procrast, Mar 18, 2016.


Would you want to see any more entries in the journal?

  1. YES!

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  2. Sure, why not?

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  3. Meh. (I mean, I want to, but there's other stuff I gotta do.)

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  4. Nah, I'm good.

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  1. Procrast

    Procrast Schmoovin' VIP+

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    Hi, it's Toxicdrule! So I got a bit bored on the server, and I decided to post up some nice screenshots taken from the adventurers third-person perspective (with a few allowed mods installed, I used a modpack, check out the original thread: https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/wynncraft-modpack-unofficial.117481/ ).
    I'll add a small rendition of lore to them all:

    Entry #20: At last. After what seemed like a lifetime venturing through that accursed Nivla Forest (whatever scribe who described it as a peaceful, pure beautiful example of the God's of Wynn's kindness needs a fair kick up the behind) I had made it to the outer rim of the trees & at the edge of Detlas Plains. I had awoken to the sound of sparrows nesting in the dense trees the previous morning. After packing up my small camp, I scuffed out the smoldering remains of the campfire (it was a risky move to leave it burning away all night; the feral zombies in these woods are shortsighted but they're drawn to heat) and attempted to find my bearing. An old man in Fruma once taught me an ancient survival charm that involved a snake, a cricket & gold coin; but as there no snakes even in the deepest end of the forest and I didn't have any gold coins on me, I just stuck to using the silver compass given to me and the rest of the recruits that travelled on the carriage by the King's Royal advisor. Following another few hours of trekking through twisted root-covered forest floor, I had relocated the old path that lead right through the woods. After the sun turned to the ground and left in darkness once more, I was determined not to stop this time - I would get all the rest I'd need at Detlas. When the rising sun reappeared over the horizon, I had made it to the aged bridge running the gap over the mighty Detlas River. After counting the number of previous entries in my journal, I realized I'd been in that forest for about 5 days.
    Well, the worst is over. But I have no doubt I'll be returning to that forsaken maze of shadow, leaves & monsters - not now, but sometime in the future...

    Entry #21: It's been awhile since I've picked this journal up from my rucksack. Apologies, but I've been extremely busy, and with the rate of paid jobs I've been given by the citizens living in Detlas, I had no time to return to my small room I rented in the Apple's barrel inn. Oh yes, my jobs - or, rather, quests. I've previously stated that travelling through Nivla Forest was the most interesting experience I've felt in a long time (and I've been in plenty of tight spots back in Fruma) but, wow... the places I've travelled to these past few days have been spectacular. I was asked by a kind old lady to recover a strange flower she uses as a material for enchanted boots (I'm wearing them right now, she gave them to me as a reward; they're a bit tight, but I can't blame her. It's not like she had my shoe size written down anywhere) but the flower was located in a valley near just behind the mountains that surround Ragni. I felt so strange there... it was as if the air around me was frozen, but I could walk through it with ease. The man living in the midst of the ruin-filled valley said the magic had a very specific effect in the air around those parts. It's called 'Time Valley'. I'll have to check out the larger ruins left there sometime... I might've even seen a glimpse of a giant door, but I was in a hurry. Apart from that, the rest of the jobs involved decapitating undead that were terrorizing the farmer's herds of sheep, and other odd deliveries around the plains. No one's approached me since, so I have some free time to record my experiences into this journal. As I've written this entry, a distraught-looking villager has arrived through the entrance that leads to the port town... Nemract, I've heard it's called. I can see him through my dusty window of my room as I write. He seems to be blabbering about his brother's will, and an attack of some sort, I believe. Oh well. If he's still there tomorrow, I'll make sure to talk to him, see if he needs any help. Right now, I need to rest - my whole body is aching from bloody bandit & undead attacks...

    Entry #22: Remember how I previously wrote about assisting the distraught villager that arrived a few evenings ago from Nemract? Well, I asked him if he needed something done, and he did. Thing is, I'm now starting to question my own morality. The villager; called himself Sayleros; explained he had decided to move to Detlas a few weeks ago with his family, but they were somehow attacked by thieves. He then asked me to retrieve his rich dead brother's will, said he was killed in the attack & his body had been taken back to Nemract to be buried - but his will was accidentally buried with him. Naturally, when someone is buried, they stay buried. But obviously this was all a big understanding, so I agreed to help him. As a lead, he told me about his brother that survived the attack, (Drucksh, I think his name was) and apparently he knew where his dead brother had been buried exactly. I'm stopping on the side of the path that leads to Nemract to write this, actually. The air's turned dreadfully hot & wet, like a jungle. But the grass I'm sitting on is a dull, dead colour, and the tree that hangs above me is twisted and gnarled, with no leaves anywhere. I can spot a few small hut's on the side of the road ahead of me, but they appear to be abandoned. I should investigate once I've finished writing, these could be the outskirts of the original 'Ancient Nemract' everyone's been telling me about. There's just something sinister about this place overall... like there's more than just a dead body waiting for me here...

    Entry #23: Skeletons... why did it have to be skeletons...
    So - I was right, evidently. Unbeknownst to me, the area I was walking through was the most heavily infested area of this 'corruption' I was taught about in Fruma - besides the dreaded roots of corruption, of course. Honestly, I was expecting undead more than those terrifying golden-clad, skinless monsters. I don't know why, but it's just the way they move that scares me... the clicking of each bone against each other, that sinister emotionless stare they make with empty bleached sockets. I'm not too proud to say it, but at one point I was frozen with fear. They were surrounding me; some wielding golden swords, gleaming wickedly in the midday sun; the rest had rottings bows aimed directly between my eyes (who the hell were these guys before they died? Were they citizens,
    warriors of Nemract perhaps? Or were these just incarnations born from corruption?). Luckily, I managed to create a diversion by picking up a spare skull and throwing it into a tree, setting a flock of crows into flight. By the time those beasts realized what had happened, I was back on the original path & striding to Nemract (Gods of Wynn, the amount of walking I've been doing lately has been killing me. Maybe I should consider getting a horse...) it was evening once I arrived at the port town. I could smell slight death intertwining with the salty breeze of the the massive ocean. The shore went on for miles, and I could just make out a few boats and a large island on the horizon. Seeing as I have a few more heavy pockets full of emeralds these days, I rented a room in the inn. It's fairly nice - it's directly on the shoreline, so I can spend more time writing in my journal and drawing the shape of the horizon from my window. The owner of the inn said I could have permanent residence of the room if I did him a favour tomorrow. Probably more undead decapitation. I'll just have to ask in the morning...

    Entry #24: Well, this whole day has gone down the rabbit hole.
    I awoke today, eager to get some more exploration done, and see if any local sailors or fishmongers required any assistance. It was at that point I remembered the owner of the inn previously informed me last night about a job needing to be done. Bounding down the stairs, I was pleasantly greeted with the wafting aroma of kipper, sizzling away in a blackened frying pan. The innkeeper offered breakfast on the house - it was at this moment I realized what a fool I was. First he tells me I can keep the spare room for a job, and he even goes so far as to offer me breakfast. Was he sending me off to retrieve an artifact in Ancient Nemract? Or was it underground, guarded by... oh gods of Wynn, it still makes me shiver when I write it - skeletons?
    It seems I was mistaken. Turns out he had been informed by a Detlas council member that their 'fabled' giant hourglass tower was losing their enchanted sand - an extremely large amount of sand. The council member wanted to see if there was anyone near the port who would take up the job of retrieving some spare sand from the sister city of Detlas, Selchar. Of course, I knew where it was - Selchar was the largest & most independant island in the Ocean of Wynn. It was also right in the center of the vast sea. Problem was, I was already on a mission with a clear lead of information (Drucksh), who in fact lived in Nemract; could I really risk another day or so just to earn a few quick emeralds? I wasn't really thinking that well at that point (I'm not a morning person) so I wearily agreed with gunks of sleep still left in my eyes.
    I set off on a charter ship with a rucksack full of supplies and my small sword strapped on my back. The journey was almost over when an unfortunate event occurred; as the sun was growing weaker and crashing silently below the churning waves on the horizon, a larger ship approached. We didn't see the black flag before it was too late. Ropes had swung over the deck, cutlasses were pointed at my throat, and we surrounded by pirates. It is with a great burden that I write this. Unfortunately, the brave captain and his crew attempted to fight back, along with my help, but they were all mercilessly slaughtered by the cutthroats. I was the sole survivor, managing to escape to a small raft & rowing the rest of the journey to Selchar.
    So, now here I am, stuck in the middle of the ocean, slowly making my way to shore while writing in my journal at the same time. I can see a dark shape on the horizon - it appears to be an island. I just hope it's what I'm looking for, otherwise I've really put myself on the deep end...

    Entry #25: I honestly thought I was dead a few hours ago.
    Guess Davy Jones didn't want me at the bottom of the ocean just yet. I arrived at the port of Selchar at least 4 hours before sunrise. My goodness... I was just taken aback from the sheer size of it. It wasn't just an island - it was a small city! There were even fishermen & women still up at the godly hour I arrived, reeling away and tossing their lines back in. Naturally, they were concerned to see a soaked shivering adventurer arrive in a crusty old dinghy (I was hit by a big storm while I was writing on the boat; I'm afraid the last page was caught a bit with water). A boat merchant was kind enough to direct me to the tall stairs that lead to the top of the island; where the giant hourglass was waiting for me. Halfway through though, I was greeted with this bizarre sign, just as the sunlight hit me on the back:

    Shaking my head, I carried on up the stairs. I asked a Selchar elder council member about the mission I was sent on, and showed him the (slightly damp) permit papers. He seemed generous, so he showed me to where the sand supply was. I'm writing this entry on a merchant's ship sailing back to the mainland, in fact. Hopefully by the time I get back, I can interrogate Sayleros's brother about that old will of his dead brother he so desires...

    Last edited: Mar 21, 2016
    Andy0132, Kaelan~, Devourer and 4 others like this.
  2. OrientGamer

    OrientGamer Veteran Writer - Artist - OG memer - Doge VIP

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    Interesting concept + nice pics = pretty dam g

    Noice m8 :D
    Plasma~ and Procrast like this.
  3. XavierEXE

    XavierEXE ♪ Wynncraft's Composer and Ability Tree Lead ♫ ♪ Music Item Team CHAMPION

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    Where are entries 1-19? I want more!
    Kaelan~ and Procrast like this.
  4. Procrast

    Procrast Schmoovin' VIP+

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    I just thought of a random number in my head for the journal entry ;-;
    But hey, if anything, the first 15 entries would probably be based in Fruma - so seeing as I know nothing about the human's home province, I can't really do much there.
    Kaelan~ and Coolfood like this.
  5. The One-eyed Guy

    The One-eyed Guy that guy VIP+

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    "small" rendition
    Procrast likes this.
  6. Procrast

    Procrast Schmoovin' VIP+

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    You know me... always exaggerating sizes of lore... heh.
    The One-eyed Guy likes this.
  7. Procrast

    Procrast Schmoovin' VIP+

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    Added two new pics and journal entries! Enjoy! :D
  8. RainbowSlug

    RainbowSlug Travelled Adventurer

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    More now!!! Super good!
    Procrast likes this.
  9. Coolfood

    Coolfood The Coolest Food

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    It's really good, making descriptive writing interesting as well!
    but progidy doe.
    Procrast likes this.
  10. Procrast

    Procrast Schmoovin' VIP+

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    I know prodigy doe - I'm still reconsidering the next few chapters, and it's taking a really long time, what with school work and exams every other day for my harder subjects ;-;
    Thanks for the feedback doe!
    Coolfood likes this.
  11. Coolfood

    Coolfood The Coolest Food

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    no problem doe
    Procrast likes this.
  12. Procrast

    Procrast Schmoovin' VIP+

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    BUMP: Added two new journal entries, and three pictures! YES, THREE!
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