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- Dungeon Spire - My Gamemaker Project! Build V0.06 Is Here!

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by Ice Guy, Mar 5, 2016.


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  1. Ice Guy

    Ice Guy I'm a little too icy for you VIP

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    Wow! 4000 views! Thank you so much :D

    Hey there! For the past monthish, I've been a little inactive on here. That's because I've decided to start developing a game! Here are my current ideas laid out on the table:

    Dungeon Spire

    • RPG adventure type game in which you explore the known (and discover the unknown) world to gather weapons and other loot. You'll run into 'dungeon spires' which are towering builds that house the greatest loot of all.
    • An item system (inspired by wynncraft) in which different weapons have different style of play.
    • An attacking system with the basic attack and added abilities
    • Three play types: Knight, Marksman and Wizard. (you are not restricted to one play type)
    • A storyline
    Here's build V0.06!

    - Finally, a better inventory! 4 x 10 inventory that in the future will hold many, many items. So far it's there just for storage - UI systems and controls will come in the future. For the time being, the controls are tab to open/close, left click a weapon to equip it, left click a potion to drink it, and right click a weapon to unequip it.
    - The crypt - the first dungeon (about time). It's tied to the new quest 'Crypt Crawler' in which you help an old man get a stolen urn back from an evil skeleton. Yeah, creative. Plenty of dungeon features, like switches, keys, unique enemies, pots, ladders etc. No real puzzles yet, though. For the boss, I'd recommend grinding a little to get potions and be a bit stronger. This was very code intensive, so enjoy it! :)
    - Two new enemies: Helmet Skeleton, Necro Skeleton
    - A new (and the first) boss: 'Dark Skeleton of the Night'
    - Some new music to listen to!
    - New weapons: Copper, Bronze and Iron swords sprited by @CleanDoge and @Endertricity
    -Various other sprites made by them too.

    - Many of the weapons have been removed temporarily due to the change in the attacking system. They'll return in the next build. The current weapons you can do fine with at the moment.
    - Cave removed to return much better at a later date.
    - Decreased prices and updated contents at the weapon shop.
    - Removed the hotbar - I've decided to change plans for the inventory.

    - Fixed pressing h crashes the game.
    - Fixed some NPCs not looking at you.
    - Fixed some depth issues.

    And please, this build will probably be riddled with bugs due to a few new systems. Try breaking the game after you're done playing around so I can fix these!

    Also, sorry, I won't be creating a mac executable in the near future. But I've heard there is a program which runs exe files on a mac, maybe you could look into that.

    Play it here:
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/h54gqi8zr774pbj/Dungeon Spire v0.06.exe?dl=0

    And as usual some pics:

    @I'm the Ice Guy - Founder, coder, spriter
    @DirtyDoge - Spriter
    @Endertricity - Spriter

    @Gwylkill made a video on V0.05!


    FINALLY! The long awaited build V0.05 is here! (not really long awaited but)

    New Features:
    • Quests!! Yes, that's right, the basics of a fully functional quest system has been added. The extra work put in means that quests in the future will be more easily added - the only roadblock is spriting the NPCs and the scenarios and such. At the moment there isn't a questbook and such, those will be added in the future. The only quest in the game so far is 'Arrival' which is the starting quest. Names for certain things will start popping up now.
    • Shops! Probably my favourite thing I did. Now your coins are no longer useless! So far a weapons and potions shop can be found, with a functional menu, coin level detection and description system (probably the most complicated thing I've done). It's a system that allows me to input any item, and give it a description and a price with ease, which will make future development easier.
    • Porthcawl has gotten a small but large facelift! Three cool new buildings to see! (You can't enter the Inn just yet)
    • New song: Porthcawl Theme!
    • Skeletons are have a better pathfinding system and have sprites in all four directions. They also stand still! (the others will be worked on at a later date)
    • Level cap increase to lv15.
    • Added a main menu.
    • NOTE: there is going to be mana in the game, and there is currently a mana potion sold at the shop. You can buy it, but you can't use it and it will be stuck in your inventory. You were warned :).
    • The weapons are no longer spoon fed to you. The regular sword, heaven's lance, wooden bow and water wand are sold at the shop, the crystal sword has a 0.5% chance of dropping from crystaltoura, the tree sprout bow has a 0.5% chance of dropping from the tree children and the Divine favour and void staff have a 0.03% and 0.5% chance of dropping from skeletons respectively.
    • The inventory has been shortened to three (future plans of buying extended inventory at shops).
    • Extended map (starting area).
    • Menus now make sounds when selecting and such.
    • Decreased health of skeletons from 30 to 15.
    • Updated the dialogue system.
    • Fixed walking on the void in some areas.
    • Fixed music playing in areas it wasn't supposed to.
    Download the new build below:
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/y2closnljn2lbtg/Dungeon Spire V0.05.exe?dl=0
    If it doesn't work tell me.
    MAC USERS: Unfortunately, I was unable to make an executable for mac. I will look into this for the next build. Sorry :(

    Pics of V0.05:

    Build 0.04 is here!

    • New weapons:
    • Heaven's Lance - Super fast swinging lance type weapon. Thanks @XavierEXE
    • Divine Favour - Powerful bow that shoots fire arrows.
    • Tree Bow - A tree themed bow. Thanks @XavierEXE
    • Water Wand - A staff that shoots water bolts. Thanks @DirtyDoge
    • Void Staff - A staff that shoots homing bolts. Thanks @XavierEXE
    • Enemies now have a health bar! It is easier to see when they are dead or not.
    • New enemies! "Tree children" that crowd around a giant tree and "Crystaltoura" a cavern dwelling creature.
    • Chests! Currently they can only drop coins and keys.
    • Locked doors! They require a key to open. (to open them stand infront of them with a key in your current slot).
    • Music!! Currently two themes: Cavern Theme and Dark Theme (since there isn't a demonic area in the game, it'll play throughout the forest, but don't worry it actually fits).
    • More areas - the cave (unfinished) and more forested areas. Go explore.
    • A few particle effects inside the cave.
    • GUI now 33% smaller
    • Changed sword swinging sprites to look fuller
    • Crystal sword sprite updated Thanks @XavierEXE
    • Text no longer looks fuzzy
    • Skeletons can look up and down (other enemies can't yet)
    If you want to play this build, the download is here:
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/15sgf0llc30n49f/Dungeon Spire V0.04.exe?dl=0
    If it doesn't work, tell me! :)

    Some pics:

    (by the way, you can't enter the giant tree just yet)
    In this build I began doing the foundations of may important aspects of the game. A few of the major features I added were:
    • An Inventory system! Woot! This one was a doozy. It currently comprises of 6 slots in the hotbar, and selecting items allows you to interact with them. For now the only way to navigate it is to scroll up on the mouse to move one slot right and scroll down to move one slot left. You can also drop items by pressing control and pick them up by walking into them (only works with weapons). More interactions will be coming in the future.
    • Day and night cycle! The days last for 2 mins and nights last for 2 mins as well. Also, a lighting system to go with it, in which torches light up the darkness (this sets the foundations for dark rooms and dungeons).
    • Bows! (well, a bow) Now you can shoot arrows from your quiver and deal damage from a distance. The orientation of the sprites still need tweaking, and can get buggy (the mechanics of bows work perfectly though).
    • A snazzier interface! The stamina bar has been moved to above the health bar and the weapon stats now has it's own box, and the inventory is shown above that. It flows a lot better now.
    • Item rarity system! You can tell the rarity of an item through the colour of the weapon stats box. Currently planned rarities are Common, Rare, Epic and Legendary. (in those colours).
    Some changes and tweaks:
    • Skeletons hit a bit harder
    • Weapons now have names
    • Potion shop removed to be fixed later
    • Newer tree sprite (looks better than the old plain one) and some bush sprites
    • General terrain changes (go explore)
    • Different weapons have different attack speeds
    • Potions are now part of the inventory. Small potions heal for 20, medium for 50 and large for 100.
    If you want to play this build, the link is below:
    (If it doesn't work, tell me)

    Some pics:

    Build V 0.02
    In this build I worked on a lot, and I mean a lot of things (but I didn't get to do some of the things I planned to do).
    So, in this build, I did:

    • Added stamina stat, holding down left shift causes you to sprint until stamina is 0.
    • Began a weapon system, currently only with two weapons for testing purposes.
    • Dialogue! Now a sign that you can walk up to and read and an old man that you can talk to can be done by pressing space.
    • Different areas, a town (currently only 1 building), a segment of forest and a shop to walk into and buy only a potion (for now)
    • A menu! With the ability to do different things like saving, loading, and fullscreen mode. This can be accessed by pressing escape, scrolling with W and S and enter with space.
    • Yes, that's right, you can save your game! (and load it for later)
    • Player health is now 100, skeleton health is now 30
    • damage is randomised within its range
    • Slower spawnrate for skeletons

    Build V 0.01
    Currently in my very first build, I've done:
    • A character with red shirt and blue pants, subject to change
    • A basic sword swinging attack
    • Skeletons to kill
    • Health bar, level, xp, and coin stats
    • Leveling up increases stats
    • Dropped loot from killing skeletons (hearts and coins)
    • Custom sfx
    • Spikes to walk on
    • a basic environment

    As you can clearly see, my sprites are... really bad. I'm in need of some help! If you think you're good at pixel art and animating them, please PM me with stuff you've done in the past and if you're good, we can work something out! Or, if you'd like to participate in any other way, also PM what you'd like to do, and we'll work something out.

    Future update:
    • MUCH larger map
    • Abilities
    • Different items
    • Different loot drops
    • Different spawn system

    I'm welcome to any ideas you might have! Just tell me below and I'll consider it!

    Thanks for reading (and hopefully playing)!
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2016
    Potateau, DireFire, Fruit987 and 41 others like this.
  2. Thunder

    Thunder Chief Thunder HERO

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    Why does it have to be an installer?
    Procrast likes this.
  3. Ice Guy

    Ice Guy I'm a little too icy for you VIP

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    I'm pretty sure it's because it needs to download other files for storing information of the game. Plus, it's real quick, and it's just like downloading a published game. So I don't see it as a problem.
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2016
    Procrast, blankman and Coolfood like this.
  4. The One-eyed Guy

    The One-eyed Guy that guy VIP+

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    Which edition? Undertale was made in Studio and most games are made in Pro.
    Procrast likes this.
  5. Ice Guy

    Ice Guy I'm a little too icy for you VIP

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    Gamemaker: Studio and the one I'm using have the exact same capabilities. The only difference is that the one I'm using can't be published and sold. I'm going to get the pro version later down the track.
    Procrast and Coolfood like this.
  6. The One-eyed Guy

    The One-eyed Guy that guy VIP+

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    Wait, so which one?
    Procrast likes this.
  7. Ice Guy

    Ice Guy I'm a little too icy for you VIP

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    All published games have to be made using Gamemaker: Studio, so undertale was made using that.
    Procrast and Coolfood like this.
  8. The One-eyed Guy

    The One-eyed Guy that guy VIP+

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    No, like what version are you using :p
    Procrast likes this.
  9. Ice Guy

    Ice Guy I'm a little too icy for you VIP

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  10. Ice Guy

    Ice Guy I'm a little too icy for you VIP

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    come on I need more feedback :(
    Procrast and Coolfood like this.
  11. Ice Guy

    Ice Guy I'm a little too icy for you VIP

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    bumpity bump
    Procrast and Coolfood like this.
  12. Coolfood

    Coolfood The Coolest Food

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    Is there an attack animation? (haven't looked at it yet, will do later)
    Remember to add animations if you want it to look shmancy
    Procrast likes this.
  13. Ice Guy

    Ice Guy I'm a little too icy for you VIP

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    Yes there is. :)
    Procrast and Coolfood like this.
  14. modern

    modern The irony is that I love the future

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    Awesome! I also use GameMaker for my 2D projects! I cannot help you (I have too many games on my plate currently), but if you ever need any tips on GameMaker I would be happy to provide some!
    Procrast, Ice Guy and Coolfood like this.
  15. Ice Guy

    Ice Guy I'm a little too icy for you VIP

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    Just finished v0.02! Here is what I did:

    • Added stamina stat, holding down left shift causes you to sprint until stamina is 0.
    • Began a weapon system, currently only with two weapons for testing purposes.
    • Dialogue! Now a sign that you can walk up to and read and an old man that you can talk to can be done by pressing space.
    • Different areas, a town (currently only 1 building), a segment of forest and a shop to walk into and buy only a potion (for now)
    • A menu! With the ability to do different things like saving, loading, and fullscreen mode. This can be accessed by pressing space, scrolling with W and S and enter with space.
    • Yes, that's right, you can save your game! (and load it for later)
    • Player health is now 100, skeleton health is now 30
    • damage is randomised within its range
    • Slower spawnrate for skeletons
    Procrast, blankman, Coolfood and 3 others like this.
  16. PixelVox

    PixelVox Animator

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    Why isn't this getting more attention?! This is amazing dude! :D Love it. Keep doing what you're doing <3

    Sadly I can't download it because I'm guessing it's Windows only :( (Mac user)
    Procrast and Ice Guy like this.
  17. Ice Guy

    Ice Guy I'm a little too icy for you VIP

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    ty so much :D:D
    Procrast and Coolfood like this.
  18. CraterHater

    CraterHater A very magical mage! HERO

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    Holy... This game is really amazing, I am absolutely following this! Hype :D
    Procrast and Ice Guy like this.
  19. Ice Guy

    Ice Guy I'm a little too icy for you VIP

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    Thank you! :D
    Procrast and Coolfood like this.
  20. Ice Guy

    Ice Guy I'm a little too icy for you VIP

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    oh forgot to answer, yes unfortunately its a windows only thing. Sorry :(
    Procrast and PixelVox like this.
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