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Lore/Story The Unknown Archer

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by _Chloeee_, Feb 18, 2016.

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  1. _Chloeee_

    _Chloeee_ Proud Member of the White Wolves Guild

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    BEFORE YOU READ: This is meant to be a quick story, not a giant tale with millions of chapters. This is just a simple story. Also, sorry for any errors I may have put into the story (i.e. grammar). ENJOY!

    All people of the Detlas village stood guard. Their weapons were held high. Many were whispering prayers. Why?
    It was time.
    The day before, a mage had found a magic book buried beneath the ground while he was hunting for treasure. He dug it up, and it opened itself. It said that when the next full moon came, the evil would rise up and attack Detlas.
    When he reported this to the people of Detlas, not many people believed him. So the mage took out the book and waited for it to open. Once it did, he pointed to the text on the page:

    When the next full moon arrives, those of Detlas will be attacked by evil. The village must beware of those who are to attack, especially the one that arrives last...

    All of the sudden, the book flipped to another page. It hadn't done that before! The mage read the new text aloud:

    "While all are in grave danger, one unknown hero will come when all hope is drained. The hero is to save all, and the fate of Detlas is in their hands."

    Everyone believed him after that.
    So when the next full moon came, everyone made sure they were prepared. The potion merchant sprinted about, handing potions to every person who was to battle. The baker fed all who were hungry. The archers were on top of pillars of stone designed just for them in the battle. Assassins hid in the bushes and trees. Warriors were up front, ready to attack any enemy who came near. The mages were spread about, ready to heal any injured fighter. Horses were everywhere, so if anyone needed to quickly escape before dying, they could jump on one and gallop off to a mage.
    But everyone forgot about that page in the magic book, about the hero. No one stood outside the town, waiting for their arrival. They wouldn't seem to care if the hero died before they saved all. The villagers only cared about saving themselves.
    And then they heard it.
    Warriors stabbed the evil with their spears. A few zombies entered the town, but an assassin jumped out of a bush and quickly killed them. Skeletons were no match for the archers. Mages healed the fighters. An hour passed, and the enemies no longer came. Everyone was safe. The war was over...
    ...they thought.
    Soon a monster unlike any other wandered in. It was one of the last of the giants! He easily kicked the warriors out of his way. Mages sprinted over to heal them, but they were tossed into the air too. Archers tried to pin him with arrows, but he simply grabbed them and tossed them back at the archers. The assassins were badly injured, for even though the giant hadn't seem them, he trampled on all the trees and bushed by accident.
    All hope was lost. Or was it?
    All of the sudden, an unknown figure on a black horse galloped in. You could not even tell their gender. Their bow rained down arrows on the giant, though they did little damage. Their horse sprinted around, dodging any attack the giant did.
    The hero's courage inspired everyone else. They grabbed their weapons and attacked. They didn't back down. Many rode horses and dodged attacks as well. The giant was soon stunned by their bravery. Soon all the weapons dealing attacking at once did great damage to the giant. The giant soon was killed.
    Soon the archer galloped off.
    The villagers could not believe they had just won the war.
    Decades passed, but no one could ever find the unknown archer. Some believe the archer became evil. Others say the hero set off to find Gavel. But no one knows what truly happened, and it will probably stay that way.

    Icy, Literally Cancer and Zitrine like this.
  2. Literally Cancer

    Literally Cancer dead

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    Can I believe this was inspired by gale :>
  3. _Chloeee_

    _Chloeee_ Proud Member of the White Wolves Guild

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    I just made this up lol
  4. Coolfood

    Coolfood The Coolest Food

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    So yes, it is Gale confirmed.
    @Literally Cancer
  5. Literally Cancer

    Literally Cancer dead

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    fine, can i pretend it was inspired by gale :/
    Coolfood likes this.
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