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Hello! :)

Discussion in 'Llevigar's Docks' started by Nayxerr, Feb 18, 2016.

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  1. Nayxerr

    Nayxerr Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    I go by the name of Nayxerr on the internet. I'm a guy who 19 years old and I'm from Finland (I don't speak Finnish, apparently it's confusing for most people who I have tried to explain it to). I got introduced to Minecraft about 5 years ago. I played on a ton of different servers and I got a few online friends who talk to. One of the people I talk to the most is Sayolo. We have been friends for maybe 2-3 years now (I think it's 2 but not sure).

    I used to play Wynncraft a year ago or so. I kinda lost interest of the game but with the gavel update me and my friend Sayolo started playing again. we started over with a new class and we are doing a Youtube series at the moment. We got the goal of finishing all the quests :)

    I do enjoy other games. I'm a Pokémon nerd. I'm not a competitive player but I enjoy playing the games and talk with people who are interested. I love puzzle and MMORPG games. So I really enjoy the small puzzles that you can find on Wynncraft (I hate when people gives me the answer without asking me if I need help, proof in the Wynncraft episode of the Twain quest :) )

    Not sure how active I will be on this forum but I just wanted to tell you people that there is a Finnish Pokémon/Minecraft nerd here now :)

    Advertisement: (Not sure if I'm allowed to do this) If you are interested in checking the series you can find my channel by searching for Nayxerr :)
    awemanrank100 likes this.
  2. fasdfsadfwewf

    fasdfsadfwewf Deadpool CHAMPION

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    Omg the coincidence, I've versed Sayolo a lot on smash and I think I've seen you around as well.
  3. Nayxerr

    Nayxerr Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    I know that name from smash lol XP
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