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Assassin's Creed 2017! [egypt]

Discussion in 'Other Games' started by ohwooops, Jan 6, 2016.

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  1. ohwooops

    ohwooops Not Very Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    If any of ya play AC, it's apparently going to take a break for this year and release next year :3. The game is *supposedly* going to be very different from the past ones, it's getting a complete reboot. The setting is rumoured to be ancient Egypt, before the first AC. (Could be a prequel) This was leaked like 1-2 days ago on 4chan, and kotaku made a report on it. 4chan is... eh, not totally reliable, but this seems quite legit so far. I don't really know what to think about this xD but here's the link for the info:

    Well, if anyone wants to chat about this, here's the thread c:
    vulplus likes this.
  2. thanks

    thanks Well-Known Adventurer

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    Yeah, doubt it's going to be in Egypt bud. They aren't going to jump from the renaissance and the Industrial era to Ancient Egypt. What would the game even be about? Building pyramids? I wouldn't believe 4chan and Kotaku until Ubisoft announces the game. Egypt is a rumor, they will most likely go up in the timeline not back. They put a hint of WW2 in Assassins Creed Syndicate, that is what I would expect the next game to be.
  3. Violet Knight

    Violet Knight Aspiring front-end developer HERO

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    Assassin's Creed in Egypt, and they're rebooting the entire formula. Plus there's better graphics so your FPS gets slowed down even more. Sounds a lot like Unity :(
  4. ohwooops

    ohwooops Not Very Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Ubi said they won't go past WW1, and most fans want the series in either Japan or Egypt, so after the big unity fiasco I think it's fairly likely they want to just do a reboot in a location people want to get the fans back. Ubi haven't denied this Rumour at all, so yeah, I think the game is quite likely to be rebooted in Egypt. Kotaku have rarely got these Rumours wrong tbh, but we'll have to see. What is confirmed is that the next AC is in 2017 though.
  5. ohwooops

    ohwooops Not Very Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    I also heard that the character is an 'ex slave' and will have a trilogy like Ezio had. Combat is free form, and the setting is before the whole assassin and Templars thing, so it will act as a prequel to all the past games.
  6. thanks

    thanks Well-Known Adventurer

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    This much information would not be leaked this soon. But, we'll see.
    ohwooops likes this.
  7. DarkestKnight

    DarkestKnight Travelled Adventurer

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    Assassin's Creed in Egypt would be an extremely new thing, but very cool. Lets See what the time brings.
    ohwooops likes this.
  8. Mrninjabarry

    Mrninjabarry Newbie Adventurer

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    Hey guys!
    I'M new to this forum stuff but i was looking though here and saw this post about Assassins creed Egypt and i had a thought what if you play the Killer of cleopatra and marc anthony and here is my reasoning
    1. What if cleopatra was born an Assasin and Marc anthony being a roman was a Templar and with there love being forbidden you an Assassin was given the order to kill them.
    2.cleopatra and marc anthony Were killed by a cobra or snake bite, In Assassins Creed 2 when you collect all of the assassin seals to gain entry to altair's armour, One of the statues where you place a seal is a woman with a cobra or snake on her shoulder what if that's you since it's an ancient assassin.
    3. The pyramids Is a place of holy burial for Pharaohs what is one of them was buried with a piece of eden, what if the pharaoh at the time of the game had it and at the end you bury him with it.

    i would like to see some more input into this please
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