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What's Dungeon Realms?

Discussion in 'Minecraft' started by Obcinerate, Dec 24, 2015.


Do you "dislike" Dungeon Realms?

  1. Yes

    76 vote(s)
  2. No

    21 vote(s)
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  1. NullExceptionX

    NullExceptionX Spiral RoboWizard VIP+

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    The map size killed me , lol
  2. cloud yeehaw

    cloud yeehaw perfectly centered reimu floating midair

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    Dear god, just one of our biomes is bigger than their entire map. The Canyon of the Lost is huuuuuge, and this place is pretty much half the size. A freaking city is as large as a single biome on this map. That city's a bit smaller than Cinfras + guild hall/airbase. And wow, only really 1 major city. Wynncraft has like what, 14 in white on the map? I've been in that city, and it's more than Thanos levels of confusing. Rodoroc is probably as big as a few of the major biomes. They made it detailed, but where the hell is the space?! Gavel's much bigger than this is even more detailed. The ocean has only 1 island. Old Wynn Ocean had 2. We know how badly that sucked. Heck, these guys didn't even bother to put in mountains to make a border.
    That isn't even scratching the surface of the gameplay and community. Gameplay is fine, but stamina's infuriating and death is way too punishing. The community is very toxic. I'd say the main reason it died is that newcomers are very, very put off by both the heavily punishing gameplay and overly toxic community. For example, let's go with a request to do a boss fight. In Wynncraft, you'd shout "Hey, I need help with Qira, come to my server and help me please" and you'd get about 5-10 people there to help you. Dungeon realms? I'd say that they would immediately message with "lol scrub go solo you noob" and hate you. Do they even have boss fights? It was basically just a grindfest there. No real levels. No classes. No quests when the server's been out for a pretty long time. It's terrible.

    Lmao indeed.

    EDIT: Here's a rough edit of the map over Canyon of the Lost. It's roughly 3/4 as big, making Cyrennica roughly as big as main Cinfras. Scale could easily be off, most likely making DR smaller than it actually is.
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2015
  3. The One-eyed Guy

    The One-eyed Guy that guy VIP+

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    I played DR for exactly a day. I had a bad start right off the bat when the ship sailor wasn't clear enough and I thought saying "yes" would continue the tutorial.
    Then I walked around Cyrennica and reached the end of the starter area laughably fast. I got killed by an exploding skeleton (seems legit, right?) and I was immediately greeted by someone who was muted from talking to staff. So he spammed me to ask a moderator to unmute him for the payment of tier 5 boots.
    So I gave into the bribe and msg'd the moderator that this guy wanted an unmute. He told me to tell him not to do what he says (He was literally the only nice guy I have ever seen in that community) and when I asked for my payment he logged off.

    And then of course, if you ever talk to a member about Wynncraft, they'll talk about it like it's just factions with a custom map.
  4. Ninjazzzzzz

    Ninjazzzzzz Certified Sacrificer VIP+

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    I tried Dungeon Realms.
    Emphasis on TRIED.
    The starting area was irritating, because I couldn't even talk to half the NPCs. The half I could talk to gave me no information on how to play. When I got to the main city, all I saw were people spamming "Come into my realm! Free money!" When I went in, there was parkour that was literally impossible, and the guy just wanted to waste peoples times. I just thought it was only him who was irritating, and shrugged it off and left.
    It took me like 10 minutes to finally find my way out of that maze of a city, and I was disappointed in the map. It seemed really simple, with nothing to explore. The mana was SO annoying, and I'd ask people to explore with me, but I seldom saw anyone talk. I constantly died because of the mana system, and got absolutely nothing done. I finally left after exploring a bit and getting stuck on a roof. I didn't really enjoy the server much.
  5. Crue911

    Crue911 where? VIP

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    I just want you to know both of these things existed before wynncraft. (Mythos and dungeonrealms) do research before you call something a rip off. (Dungeonrealms is shit tho so ye) (tbh wynn and mythos are for completely different audiences imo. They are incredibly different)
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2016
  6. McMasterx

    McMasterx ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Valar MorGavelis HERO

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    I prefer Borders without mountains, it's more realistic knowing there's something on the other side :I rather than having a wall in my face, I can look off in the distance and see the land on the other side.
    Zheniths likes this.
  7. Troll4ever31

    Troll4ever31 Designed to be a moron.

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    What i'd do with would be having an ocean that goes on as far as you can see, but have an invisible barrier preventing you from leaving the map, so you don't look into limbo.
    McMasterx likes this.
  8. samsor10

    samsor10 Newbie Adventurer

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    Ok I'm from DR and I'll point out a few things you guys all seemed to have not noticed.
    First off, DR's map isn't nearly that small, it's obviously not the same scale. Wyn's map is at max 4k by 5k, DR 3k by 2k. Yes DR's map is almost twice as small which could be enough to be considered tiny compared to wyn's map but it isn't nearly as small as you all seam to depict it. Honestly I think the map size is fine, considering having a map to big would thin out encounters with other players thus making it less competitive. Obviously, having a smaller map would make encounters more frequent which would make it very hard at the higher tiers where you are forced to farm in pvp zones, the top players would just demolish you.

    As for the community, I COULDNT FUCKING AGREE MORE.

    Now for the stamina you all seem to be bashing. I agree it's annoying when you start the game, but once you actually start getting good gear with energy you will be able to run without running of energy and it wont be annoying as fuck. I think the stamina bar is a good idea considering there is no max speed for hitting which allows you to do some crazy spikes. Its a good game mechanic that makes the game harder and funner but definitely not emersive or fun for new players.

    As for quests and dungeons, I agree I would love to see quests added and I wasn't the only one, quests were planned but shit didn't happen because of reasons il explain later. Dungeons though, are allready there just not in the current version because of reasons Ill explain in the next paragraph. Dr used to have multiple dungeons for different tiers and were actually quite cool.

    DR used to be a really cool competitive mmorpg with a really well made in game economy that I haven't seen on any other server. They had dungeons and a wide community with renowned guilds and different play styles, such as miners, fishers, pkers, farmers, etc. But that all went down the drain about 2 years ago when the server was sold to minecade who didnt do anything and apparently only payed their devs ONCE. The only 2 updates they did in a year was updating the code to 1.8 which was poorly done and made the server so laggy and an actually fun update which added levels. They had some quite cool features planned but they were never implemented. After a few months the server shut down for almost a year until a new group arrived and took over. They completely recoded the game and used the old map and they made a decent job and did fast progress. We were slowly seeing DR come back until for some unknown reasons 3 devs and important staff member quit and they decided to switch back to the old buggy code. Now the DR community is a mess and spread out on a multiple bad attempts of remaking what once was DR and tbh the people in charge are often impulsif and imature.
  9. Zekyoucon

    Zekyoucon Well-Known Adventurer

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    You know, before all the insane plugins that wynn had there was a really good RPG server called Savage RPG, it was so fun, community was awesome, and farming bosses was actually FUN. Anyone Remember that server?

    Side Note: There is now 2 servers in development (1 released, 1 planning on being released) that were meant to replicate Savage RPG (the owners became bored, and they both quit) So lets see in the next 6 months what happens to these 2 servers. Give em a chance :)

    ALSO, the original "Savage RPG" server I was talking about had TOWNY, PVP WITH RPG CLASSES, BUILD WORLD, AND EVENT WORLD... it was literally the best back then
  10. sorae

    sorae drifting VIP

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  11. flip

    flip Chef HERO

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    Well you see Dungeon Realms is for the 5 year olds who can't really play MMO's well and they use it so they can act like 15 year olds, I've seen it been advertised on Nick Jr and Disney Channel, dont ask why, Plus what I have is just sad...

    I mean come on compair this...




    It was too big to fit into an image...

    Now thats sad...

    And they are Butt Hurt

    Word of advice DONT say Wynncraft on DR

    So don't say Wynncraft or you'll activated their inner 3 year old

    You 8 people should be ASHAMED to vote No to DR sucks. It does...
  12. DaCorruption

    DaCorruption Serves Dern. HERO

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    Fezzan is a place too (Region of Lybia)
    Also, the map is incredibly small.
  13. samsor10

    samsor10 Newbie Adventurer

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    Well by using basic math you can figure out the amount of blocks for each side with the cords, try it yourself the map aint bigger then that, I have yet to figure out why non of you have tried it. The map just looks huge compared to dr because it is zoomed it you guys are comparing the size with the maps instead of using the cords to figure out its actual size. Its as if I compared a map of toronto to a map of canada, you cant compare the map without taking the scale in account.
  14. MinerDwarf222

    MinerDwarf222 I AM A DWARF. HERO

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    Did the math
    Wynn: About 6k - Z, and 4K - X
    DR: About 3k- Z, and 2K - X....
    So wynncraft is about double the size of DR...
  15. PhotonInfinity

    PhotonInfinity PixelVox's Apprentice CHAMPION

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    Technically the surface area of wynn is 24km² and DR is 6km², so wynn is 4x bigger.
  16. Niel

    Niel Skilled Adventurer

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    I'm from dungeonrealms and you guys got the wrong idea... The real dungeonrealms died 3 years ago. There hasn't been builders for DR for 3 years aka they haven't had builders throughout the whole time it took to make gavel and more. Not to mention, when I was on the wynncraft I asked about how many builders they had, someone responded with about 50. I'd say that's pretty accurate considering everytime I joined the build server there were people I had never met before, time and time again. Dungeon realms had a lot smaller build team. The real dungeon realms had 6000 people at it's peak, it was successful as hell.

    Dungeon realms had way fewer builders so yes their map is smaller. It's more fair to compare it to the Wynn province.
    Also, before you try to bash something please learn how to write a proper sentence. Wynncraft succeeds at what it is, A MINECRAFT mmorpg. It is far from a real MMORPG, lacking professions, skill trees, a good guild system and etc. DR was a hack and slash game that wasn't very in depth and the community was absolutely atrocious. It isn't without it's flaws, but you guys mocking it in the state it is in would be like beating a starving dog on the streets. Right now it's run by incompetent devs and owners. Back in it's day it was the shit.

    @trey1436 maybe you can shed some light, he was a PMOD on there.
    mothwolf and samsor10 like this.
  17. flip

    flip Chef HERO

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  18. Niel

    Niel Skilled Adventurer

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    It's a minecraft mmorpg, a game within a game. It isn't a full game and you're acting like it is because it has quests or something. Look I'm trying to have an actual, well-thought discussion here so if you aren't going to reply with a productive answer don't reply at all, please.

    Wynncraft isn't a full game, things like WoW are MMOS. DR had different goals than wynncraft, it was very PvP and gear focused whereas Wynncraft focuses on quests and storyline.

    I can argue from DR's point "LOL they don't even have a PvP system, that's so lame. Haha Wynncraft is a joke, it's so laggy."
  19. flip

    flip Chef HERO

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    K your the boss :3
  20. BlahBlah161616

    BlahBlah161616 Light Theme User

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    Rodoroc is the size of the ocean probably.
    We do! /duel and the nether.
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