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Render My Offical (maybe Unoffical) Rendering Place!

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by Killoli, Dec 23, 2015.

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  1. Killoli

    Killoli looking for a girlfriend HERO

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    For those who followed my renders of MS (Maplestory), I've been ded for quite a while. I apologize! I've been quite busy and hadn't use my freetime on MS renders. But here's my process of how I make them.
    I have to make something that looks cool at least, and will get some's attention. I then add some effects and title for the render. And when I am near posting, I take a decent amount of time to make the lore of the picture. That's all! But some I've done and I thought they weren't good enough last minute. So I backspace all the never going to be seen lore, and leave it in my scrap folder. Today, I thought to share these scrapped renders as I go ahead and do BETTER renders.
    But some may actually be good, and I don't have good lore for them or I didn't like the good details, etc. So here's the first one I'll post.
    The reason I never posted this one is because, they were kinda missing something, I wasn't sure what so, and I didn't want it crawling in my mind the rest of my life. This one was kinda good, but I didn't like the filters, and so on.
    And I made up some lore here:
    In the continent Twes, in a parallel Earth, Magic and Legends were kept, discovered in the 300s in their "AD". A great legend has been known.
    There were 2 twin sisters born. In that world, no such thing was possible, as they thought. Azurie and Katlyn were separated. Azurie went with her mother to know the ways of spirit and life. She was taught the way of honor, to do the right and grateful things of change. Katlyn was never taught, she learned things herself. When separated with her sister, she went with her father. Her father was always mischievous and no hearted. He was known by different aliases, "Executioner!" "Torturer!" such things made him angry. He treated society as his patient. He would go at night to kidnap people. And torture or "inspect" them, by organ or by eye. When he took his daughter, he tortured her the worst of all. He treated her as a doll. He scooped her eyes out, and weeks they were still connected by veins. When he disconnected the veins from the eyes, Katlyn would no longer see pain, but truly feel it. She screamed and screamed but no one would help or see her. Her father had enough, and pulled off her teeth month by month. And by the last tooth, he had cut off her tongue. And true gruesome event. One day, when her father was going to torture her by taking out her other 3 senses, it was unknown what happened. A week passed. People saw what her father had done to others. But they saw something worst. Katlyn and Azurie's father was decapitated, several limbs shredded off, blood stained around the place. Main weapon used..unknown. A true horror story.
    Before this all happened, jump back before their AD. Some tribes or religions in this world predicted such thing was to happen, the twins. The twins were worshiped as gods and each one having a specialty of evil or good. The two twin gods were known as Drenic and Aradis. Drenic was known to be the vengeance those deserve who have no honor. Aradis, was known to be graceful and giving, but most of all forgiving of those who committed, but must pay some debts, by sacrifice of money or items that is the debt she would accept.
    But, as time evolved this religion would sought to also think, before the Aradis and Drenic, 2 other twin sisters were born when the world was created. Dark and Light. Day and Night. Evil and Just. These twins would create the "Good" and "Bad" personality of humans.
    But unknown.
    All stories have a end. A fight was known in all stories. Katlyn wished to speak with Azurie, but declined. Katlyn was enraged. She wanted to know why Azurie didn't come to find her. Ending up in a fight, unknown who won. It is believed by those who believe in the religion of twins that the twin sister gods and creators were battling while Katlyn and Azurie did as well.
    But let this be known as a secret.
    There's a triplet.
    So, I hope you enjoyed this one, even though it feels like it's own thread, but remember these are all ones I think that aren't good, but may be good in your people's taste.
    Michxzelyio and Kuroi like this.
  2. Killoli

    Killoli looking for a girlfriend HERO

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    Also, if you're wondering why I didn't like the lore, it's mainly because I focused on Katlyn's backstory greatly, and I felt like I left out Azurie's a little out. Also, the lore is makes it a little like something just pops up or something like that, and it's kinda messy.
    Also, I may make this my main thread for MS Focused renders.
    If I do, Scrapped and Normal renders will be titled either, [Scrapy] or [Normy].
    Anyways, working on the next render! It probably won't have backstory, as I am quite busy this holiday.
  3. Killoli

    Killoli looking for a girlfriend HERO

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    I'm too lazy to make a lore for this, maybe later ;-;
    Meroboter likes this.
  4. Meroboter

    Meroboter pie

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    They're pretty bright, look great though
  5. Zoingo

    Zoingo The robotic Warrior VIP+

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    Did you draw all those sprites? If so, than that's very impressive!
  6. Killoli

    Killoli looking for a girlfriend HERO

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    Sorry, but I really don't xD But It really takes a long time getting it done in the long run.
    Sorreh, but I live in the dark A LOT. So, it makes it look great in my opinion, since I am a night owl :3

    NEWS: I am making this my official thread to put stuff on. So I don't spam the My Work category. But it'll be updated maybe every week now. Maybe 2-3 renders a week.
    I'm currently working on using the animation many other users of this ART do.
    Here's something I want to do later on. MY INSPIRATION!

    Mainly I'll be focusing on a more combat based animation.
    But I really don't know how to animate..and I'm the only animator/artEEst who does these types of things so..yeah.
    I'll probably start off with a simple loop xD
    Anyways, look forward to that loop animation I'll be working on!
  7. sickomodeyuh

    sickomodeyuh CUBES!!!1!!!1!11

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    Awesome renders.
  8. Killoli

    Killoli looking for a girlfriend HERO

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    To everyone following the thread (like 2-3 people) I apologize for being so inactive the past month. I had to catch up with school, because a very bad sickness, stomach flu has gotten me. It's been a pain really, I may not be animating these renders for a while. But I truly apologize that the animation I was working on didn't work out. I truly hope I can regain this thread again, but for now, we'll just have to wait for what PAIN drives me next. (Basically, this is just a break on my work and such, as I have more to look at, but please try to remember that I hopefully will regain the thread's status, but for now, I really need a break on some of my "favorite" things to do.
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