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Assassin's Creed Weekly Chapter I: Jack The Ripper, Assassin's Creed Movie, And More!

Discussion in 'Other Games' started by CavemanJimbo, Dec 13, 2015.




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  1. CavemanJimbo

    CavemanJimbo What a lonely profile

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    Volume I of Assassin's Creed Weekly is here! Weekly news, I bring you assassin's creed news, and (sometimes) more! Follow me to get all the news, updates, etc of Assassin's Creed! I shall bring you...some weird news from CavemanJimbo!

    Jack The Ripper


    Assassin's Creed welcomes Jack The Ripper, an unidentified serial killer in the 1880s in WhiteChapel London. Jack The Ripper is only for Season Pass members in Syndicate, which is coming this December. Hunt down the most notorious serial killer in history, Jack The Ripper. While he is an unidentified serial killer, we will find out what the ending will be in this most exciting DLC coming December 15th for Xbox One and PS4 players. If your a PC player, then you'll have to wait 1 more week for Jack The Ripper DLC to come out for you, as it comes out December 22 on PC. A early little Christmas gift, for all you Assassin's Creed fans.
    A trailer has came out for Jack The Ripper DLC, but a new trailer just came out 3 days ago, and here it is.

    New Trailer

    The old trailer didn't provide as much details, but here it is!

    More Jack The Ripper news coming December 20th!

    Assassin's Creed Movie
    The unfamous Assassin's Creed Movie is coming next Christmas, so enjoy nice Christmas cookies while watching this movie! Michael Fassbender will be playing Callum Lynch in the movie. He must use his "skills" to kill the templars. Now, I probably will not watch this as it sounds weird and I'd rather just waste my day playing the new Assassin's Creed next year then watching the movie? Don't you agree?
    This is not why I am here though. I was just joking around up above, sorry bout that. New photos, have shown Michael Fassbender in costume. They have been leaked from the set on Facebook, and here is the link to it. https://www.facebook.com/Skriptfr/posts/458749184329287

    Assassin's Creed Syndicate Help Guide

    1. Focus on Stealth skills first with Evie, and focus on Combat Skills first with Jacob.
    What I mean is, when you enter the skill menu there's an area that says Combat, Stealth, and Ecosystem. I think for ecosystem the only thing you should worry about is the upgraded eagle vision and pistol skills.
    With Evie, just get the best stealth skills you can get, but still get combat sometimes. Get 1 combat skill every 2 stealth skills.
    With Jacob focus on Combat skills, I would try and get the health skills as soon as possible. Just like Evie, I would get 1 stealth skill every 2 combat skills.

    2. Open Chests
    This one I've always hated, opening up chests. It's hard to get money in this game, even missions only give you about 1k. I would recommend opening chests everywhere you spot them. Even if they don't give you a lot they will add up. Unlike chests, missions end, they don't continue forever. Most of the collectibles in Syndicate are just for completions, not doing anything to help you. (Except for bragging of course, the #1 way to save) Don't try and run around for hours (unless you use walkthrough) trying to find all the helix glitches and pressed flowers. Trust me, I did that once, and I realized my friends got it before me because they used a walkthrough.
    Opening chests gives something that will give you something actually worth it, gold. With gold you get lots of things in the game, you can buy awesome new gear, you can craft gear, buy gang upgrades, and break yourself out of jail! (:D jk) This brings us to

    3. Get Gang Upgrades.
    I tend to forget about things like this, your gang, The Rooks, can get upgrades and become even better. Just like I said before, you need money for this. You unlock this after you unlock your train hideout early in the game. The upgrades are split into three sections: RingLeader upgrades which improves the strength of your gang, Insider Upgrades which make the police gang fights less likely, and finally Swindler Upgrades, which can give money discounts and game bonuses to your gang. It's a good way of making money!
    I would try as hard as you can to remember about the gang upgrades, they help in a big way to becoming the Rich Kid on the street corner.

    4. Be Careful About New Areas
    This is especially important when you're doing open world activities. For example, Cargo Escort can start in one area, then end up in a totally new area. Syndicate is split into 7 different sections. They have suggested levels for these areas, and should be avoided if you are 2 or more levels under the suggested level. WhiteChapel, is the starting area for Syndicate, suggested level is 2, this place is the easiest of the seven in the game. In the early game, you should stick to The Thames, Lambeth, and a little bit of SouthWark. The City of London you should go to in the middle part of the game, around level 5.
    The Strand and Westminster are endgame areas that should only be viewed if you're at the end of Sequence 7, and onward.
    Level doesn't show if you're strong or not. It shows what gears you can get and what areas you should be able to go to. It would be a bad time if a level 4 assassin snuck into WestMinster. :D

    5. Equip New Gear/Skills
    This is the most helpful and most obvious of them all. With all the momentum of this game, you can forget about new gear or skills when you level up. From killing enemies to killing Crawford Starrick, you can get skill points in Syndicate. Every time you get 1,000 XP (Which is earned from missions or side missions) you gain one skill point. In the beginning of the game, there are a few skills that are only one skill point, but then in the middle they start to be at the 3, 4 skill point area. This is why after you get the one skill point skills, I would save up to about 4 skill points then look at buying them. This is why in the beginning I told you to not forget about that because from saving up you could forget for a little bit.
    Don't worry about having to keep switching characters every 30 minutes, because skill points are given to BOTH of the characters. Let's say you get 3 skill points on Jacob, you'll also have 3 skill points on Evie. Both characters don't share the same skill points either, so spend them on whatever you want on each character!
    Evie and Jacob both have three skills that are exclusive to them. I would focus on unlocking those first before you unlock any other skills. With Jacob you should probably go for the defense skills as one of the first skills you unlock. They raise your defense and Jacob even has his own defense skill! Jacob also has a skill only for him that makes his successful attacks bring enemies to Near Death much more rapidly. His final skill of his own, is one that makes Jacob's Countershots automatic headshots. (Which are one hit kills!)
    Evie's three skills of her own are a sneaky skill called chameleon. This skill can make you go invisible while stationary. It lets her blend into her surroundings and seemingly disappear. Only enemies in close proximity will be able to detect her. The second you move she becomes visible again so I usually just whistle then go invisible.
    Her other skill is the supreme Stealth skill. It increases her stealth by an additional 11! Her assassinations make very little noise. (I would suggest getting the Assassin's Steps skill for both Jacob and Evie.) (It makes your movement make significantly less noise, and also suffer reduced damage from falling)
    Her last skill is the Knife Master II skill. Evie can carry twice as many throwing knives and they also inflict significantly more damage!
    One other thing to keep in mind: Gear in Assassin's Creed Syndicate is gated based on your level. So whenever you level up, you should also go into your inventory screen and equip new gear. You'll gain gear at a pretty regular rate from doing missions, but you can also purchase new gear if there's nothing good for your new level.
    But the stat upgrades provided by shiny new blade or a fresh cape are essential to allowing your character to thrive in new and more dangerous areas, so don't forget about equipping! Also, know that Jacob and Evie can have the same weapons equipped. No need to worry about sharing! (Sorry that one was very long.)

    6. (The last one!) Side Missions
    In between the plot-less territory takeover activities and the plot-heavy story missions rests a happy medium option: side missions driven by meetings with unique historical figures. As you progress throughSyndicate, you'll unlock the ability to take on missions from people like Charles Dickens and Karl Marx.

    It can be easy to ignore these bonus missions in the midst of everything else going on, but you absolutely shouldn't. In addition to providing some really great gear rewards, they feature some of the most interesting objectives and charming cutscenes in the game. Dickens' spooky ghost stories, in particular, are a lot of fun.
    That's it for the Assassin's Creed Syndicate Help guide, and I hope it helped you!

    Interview Time!

    It's interview time! This time
    @Bionic_Mage_Pls will be joining us answering some questions about the Jack The Ripper DLC. Let's begin!

    What was your reaction when you realized Jack The Ripper was Season Pass only?

    I was pretty excited, although I was kinda sad it was going to be a DLC

    Do you have any Theories about Jack The Ripper?

    Not Really :I

    Do you think Syndicate has changed the assassin's creed franchise?

    I don't think it's added anything AMAZINGLY GAME CHANGING, but it definitely has added some interesting things to the storyline.

    Do you think Syndicate was what the franchise was looking for?

    I really don't know. But I know it was probably what a lot of players wanted, like with the steam-punk stuff.

    That was it with the interview, and please give a round of applause to @Bionic_Mage_Pls! *clap clap clap clap clap*

    Well, this concludes my first news for assassin's creed, in the comments tell me what I could add, or what I did wrong. It's also not always gona be weekly, but I'm really excited and stuff about doing this. I am the biggest fanboy of assassin's creed games ever.
    Never forget to stop being a fanboy! :D

    If you want to be an interviewer or if you want to be a helper then PM me/message me through the forums and tell me the reasons why you want to be Helper/Interviewer.

    No Copyright by the Law of the United States of America. @2015 Have a Nice Day.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2015
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  2. Bio

    Bio Father of Class Builds Section VIP+

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    Thanks for letting me be a part of it!

    (Btw I meant to put "AMAZINGLY GAME CHANGING" sry :I)
    CavemanJimbo likes this.
  3. CavemanJimbo

    CavemanJimbo What a lonely profile

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    This is in ¨Other Games¨ Section wont get lots of views...
  4. Violet Knight

    Violet Knight Aspiring front-end developer HERO

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    Yay, Assassin's Creed. The video game series most of us can't play anymore because Ubisoft cares more about graphics than playability.
  5. Doco

    Doco Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I think I know the theory of the game, I will provide proof. First things first Jack The Ripper. The Time the crimes are created is in The Autumn of 1888, 20 years after ACSyndicate. From the trailer we know that Jack is a killer that targets PROSTITUTES (keep that in mind and I haven't watched any gameplay so I am blind) Evie is the main character as from the trailer. Check the new trailer at the time stamp of 0:20 you see Jack what is he doing? He is jumping off a building. Odd? Do you see a similar reference to how assassins jump off of buildings? The same jumping motion. So we know Jack is an Assassin. In the story he states, "How many must more must die before you know the truth?" Meaning these deaths are to explain to the protagonist that the deaths aren't directed at the victims but the player to understand something. At 0:40 do you hear "You may be the only one who can stop the Ripper now." that statement declares that Jacob is no longer in the plot or... dead. Meaning Evie is the main protagonist. At 1:20 "YOU WILL NOT MAKE A MONSTER OF ME!" The Ripper is now targeting Evie and wants her to do horrible things wanting her to pay with her dignity or fame. At 1:24 "Welcome to the reunion, Miss Frye..." The Ripper obviously isn't someone she knows or a friend because he says, "Miss Frye" People don't use terms like so unless they are friends. "Jacob." "Henry" You use familiar terms. At 1:36 Jacob says, "Jack, we can fix you." Meaning the Jacob is not the Ripper as most thinks and that Jack is gone astray by Jacob's influence. One last thing is Ripper doesn't want to kill Evie, think about it, Only dead people won't lie meaning that he wants Evie to pay.

    TLDR: Jack the Ripper is most likely Jacob and Evie's Mentor
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