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New "equipment" Slots In Gavel

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by shaharcoolmen, Dec 10, 2015.


do you agree that we need answers to these questions?

Poll closed Dec 11, 2015.
  1. yes, we need to atleast know the basics before the update.

  2. no, i dont want to know anything about these slots..(it will really help if you spesify why..)

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  1. shaharcoolmen

    shaharcoolmen SHsuperCM

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    as of now(10.12.15) there are only 15 gavel teasers that were made by salted.
    in the latest teaser(https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/gavel-teaser-15-merchants.96078)
    he made a video about the new emeralds merchant system:

    in the video you can see the new resourcepack and salted's inventory with the new merchant.
    if you look closly at his inventory(0:34) you can see 4 "new" slots("new" because they are just using 4 slots from the player's inventory)
    from my prespective it looks like there will be:
    2 slots for rings
    a slot for necklace or maybe an amulate?
    and a slot for what it looks like to be some sort of hand band or maybe *as im writing this i cant seem to find another idea of what it could be*

    so i have a few things i want to discuss..
    and for that im going to try to summon either salted or grian with these special summoning spells...

    I CALL THE GREAT @Grian !!!!!!
    I CALL THE GREAT @Salted !!!!!!

    lets hope it works....

    so first of all, can we get some ideas about what the H*CK are these things?!
    i would like to know:

    1.what is the base name for these items?(rings,necklace and all that)

    2.are these items going to be dropped and given by npcs and loot like any other armor/weapon?

    3.what will they do to the character when they are equipped?(im assuming each one will do something else)

    4.will they act like a minimum level item?("you have to be that and that to use this item")

    5.will we be able to just put normal items in these slots and just when the spesific items are there they will work? or will the slots be locked to any other item?

    6.can we get an(i think im asking for too much) image for each item(just a basic one of each) with an example text below it?(how it looks when you hover your mouse over it)

    7.can we get a basic sprite(if no 6..) of each item?

    i really hope grian/salted reads that and we will get a response..
    but until that maybe you guys could bring up ideas for what these items could be?

    also a quick question:
    when gavel comes out will we need to clean these slots before the server closes to update?
    Salted likes this.
  2. Grimmcat

    Grimmcat Alpha Wolfess VIP+

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    "Oh oh oh it's magic"
    And by the way, don't tag admins please.
    Icy, CheesePrince13, Gogeta and 4 others like this.
  3. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    1) slated jumped from teaser 12 to teaser 15.
    2) whats the point of this thread?
  4. shaharcoolmen

    shaharcoolmen SHsuperCM

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    so yeah, the "dont tag admins thing applies only on the suggestions forums img 1.PNG

    this rule doesnt apply to the other forums...

    really? i didnt know that, thanks for letting me know.

    the point here is that i want to know a tiny bit before they release gavel and i also want to hear others' ideas of what this could be..
    blankman likes this.
  5. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    1) names don't really matter
    2) probably a rare drop from mobs/ boss loot/ quest reward
    3) probably the normal plugin effects (slowness/speed, strength/weakness, jumpboost, health regen, mana regen, health boost, elemental boosts)
    4) probably yes, no reason to let the low levels handle an endgame item.
    5) I suppose they will be locked
    6) gavel is coming in a couple of weeks so there isn't much time for a teaser
    7) refer to 6
    CheesePrince13 and blankman like this.
  6. shaharcoolmen

    shaharcoolmen SHsuperCM

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    but i dont want probably!
    i just want to have an idea of what will it do before gavel!
    and there is no way they will make this an endgame item..

    and about
    it does matter for some people, i just want to know what they will be called
  7. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    I used the endgame part to give you a reason for why there will be a minimum level requirement. There is no reason to get a stronger armor and weapons as you level up but to keep the same bonus.
    Kalmer likes this.
  8. Edam_Cheese

    Edam_Cheese The Cheesiest of them All

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    Haven't these already been seen in another teaser? I'm sure I've seen these before this vid.
    Maybe you should go and find the discussion on there, although it could have been lost in the Great Wipe, I can't remember how long ago it was.
  9. PillowPet

    PillowPet Lovable Neighborhood Pillow CHAMPION

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    The admins shouldn't have to specifically tell you not to tag them. They were practically forced to make a thread in the General Suggestions section because they were getting that much spam. In the Wynncraft section, players don't do it as much, but it is still discouraged. So yeah, please don't tag admins.
  10. Moe_Ronickah

    Moe_Ronickah Traveling through hyperspace . . .. CHAMPION

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    shaharcoolmen, PillowPet took the words right out of my mouth. Admin get a huge number of tags thrown at them, in every forum on the 'net, but unless you have some experience seeing this, or hearing about it, you might not know about it. It's just common courtesy to not tag admins because they do read a lot of the threads, and, you can bet that the other staff will point things out to them in chat that they think should be brought to their attention. I'd like the answers to your questions, too, but I'm willing to bet that some of those answers will come sometime within a day or two before Gavel comes out. In the mean time, all of my classes have the first four spots of the upper row of the inventory cleared, just in case.
    CheesePrince13, -- and PillowPet like this.
  11. shaharcoolmen

    shaharcoolmen SHsuperCM

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    im shooting a question straight to an admin and by the fact that there is no rule that disables me from tagging them i will, if there was a rule im sure ill understand..
    wait, wait, wait, wait, hold on a minute!
    i wasnt tagging any admins, i was calling the great owners of wynn.
  12. Moe_Ronickah

    Moe_Ronickah Traveling through hyperspace . . .. CHAMPION

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    You quoted yourself, and responded to yourself. I have no words for this.
    The owners are admins. Several of us have tried to help you out, just to be nice and to try to keep you from any possible problems. We like Wynn, and the community, that's why we do what we do, here. You want to continue to argue with us, telling us that we are somehow wrong, and that you need an explicit rule that says to not do what you did. Even though what you did is in no way egregious, it's just frowned on. No matter how much I'd like answers to the same questions that you posted, tagging admins wasn't/isn't necessary and it is not a cool thing to do.

    See this forum rule?
    4. Use your common sense. As much as I have tried to cover everything in this short thread, there is likely to be things I have missed. Please use your common sense as to whether you think something is against the rules or not. If in doubt, ask a moderator. Saying "It wasn't specified in the rules" is not a valid excuse.

    Enough said.
  13. Violet Knight

    Violet Knight Aspiring front-end developer HERO

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    We only have pictures of the slots where these items go in, so we'll probably have to wait until Gavel comes out to answer most of these questions. Still though, nice find!
    No, not nicefind.avi. Just nice find.
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