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How You Discovered Minecraft!

Discussion in 'Minecraft' started by Ninjazzzzzz, Nov 18, 2015.

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  1. Ninjazzzzzz

    Ninjazzzzzz Certified Sacrificer VIP+

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    Yes, I know @yotamdin did something similar to this, but eh.

    I just want to share my story of how I discovered Minecraft, and how you guys did too.

    So, it all started as a normal day in November. I think. Nonetheless, I went over to my best friend's house, and he was on his personal laptop. (Ironically, he was spoiled, if he wasn't I wouldn't be here right now.) I looked over his shoulder, and he was in some sort of game. Full of a bunch of cubes and crappy graphics. I asked him, "What are you playing?" He then replied, "Minecraft. I'm fighting some zombies." I expected an intense battle, but instead he was in creative and he just killed them easily. I was fascinated, and wanted to play with him. He let me play with his account, only if I did singleplayer. And so I did. I started a world, and watched a video on how to start Minecraft on the website. I was too lazy to watch the whole thing, but learned how to get a crafting bench. I punched some trees, made a crafting bench and found a safe spot. It was in one of those unformed caves with a bunch of holes in the roof. I blocked it off, made shelter, and it took me 5 minutes to learn how to make a door. Tadaa! Shelter had been made, and I was safe for the night. I was completely horrified of going out at night, and so I never EVER went outside at night in the start. I slowly progressed, being afraid of mining and such, so instead explored. Later, I felt bored, so went into creative. I then tried bone mealing a mushroom with a bone (hur da durr) and my parents got pissed at me for playing a game that they didn't know. They told me it could give viruses (even though it was a Mac) and cause lag. I was like "screw it, this game is fun" and played it behind their backs, and also watching my friend play it. Soon, I came up with an argument about how Minecraft wasn't harmful, and so they believed me and let me keep playing. I grew with the game, but got bored. I couldn't do multiplayer with his account, so I asked my parents to buy my own, and they agreed. I had no idea what to do for a name, and came up with ironpancake and TheMatrix. I decided those two were completely stupid, and thought of something that would stand out. "Hmm, Ninjaz? What if I add.. Yeah! Ninjazzzzzz!" And thus, I was created! I started out on a server called ReclaimerCraft (which is gone now) where my friend tried to get me into thinking he was an owner. I was much smarter than him, and soon figured out he was a liar. I slowly learned of the owner's friendship with another person, DaRr3n911. He also owned a server, which is still up today (not gonna give any names.) I tried that server out, and spawned in near an ocean with a MASSIVE CRUISE SHIP! If you read to this part and want to reply, put in the word "Scrub" somewhere in your reply =). I was so astonished that someone could build that well! I soon found their creative world, and destroyed a building, flooding lava everywhere and not knowing what I did wrong. I was then jailed for a week, but Darr felt pity for me and unjailed me. Long story short, I got a donator rank for free and became a Moderator. I only played on this server (but also played on a community building server thingy) for the majority of my time on MC. Eventually, I took a joke too far, ending up with 20 people quitting the server. Darr was not happy. I was then banned for 2 weeks and demoted back to member, where I would NEVER RETURN TO THE SE- nah, just kidding. I play it still occasionally, but I never interact with Darr anymore. Eventually, I found Mineplex at it's small age when there was a nice community, watched it become corrupt and left it, and became staff of many small servers which were quickly shut down. After a while of server hopping, I found Wynncraft, played it for a few months, but then something that I claimed as a "bug" stopped me. I couldn't level up since I somehow managed to set my guild xp to 100% without knowing, and guild xp was broken. So I left, tried hanging out on Mineplex and failed miserably, and thus played Terraria. It was only in August when I joined the forums, and tadaa! Here I am now.
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2015
  2. xKindredKinesis

    xKindredKinesis .[_]. VIP

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    I got bored and decided to watch some random videos.
    One of the videos was footage of Minecraft 1.8 (old 1.8), and it looked pretty interesting.
    Then I learned about other famous YTers and modding, and I got HOOKED.
    So that Christmas, I asked my parents to get me MC.

    ... I think they regret that decision greatly to this very day.
    Power :3, Rawb, Noobgalaxies and 3 others like this.
  3. Pretzule

    Pretzule eats pretzels HERO

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    I watched this 5 years ago, I started during Alpha and I want to go back to Alpha sometimes, it was a simpler time...
    Power :3, SoCool21 and Fissure like this.
  4. Fissure

    Fissure I'll be fine .

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    Enough said ;-; , One of the early influences . ( There were rumor of werewolf and shit like wtf when i play there weren't any )
    lagerbooost and SeemsLegit like this.
  5. ResistanceGaming

    ResistanceGaming Professional Minecraft Gamer VIP+

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    For me, this is what it was.

    I believe it was 2011/10, and I was over at one of my 23 cousins' house for a birthday. He's a pc gamer, with a very extensive steam libraty, but one game on his desktop stood out, at the time, I thought it was called mindcraft, my little scrub mind didn't understand. And I watched him play the early beta builds, I believe this was even before pistons, and all there really was is the dirt, trees, and stone. It seemed interesting to me, and I wanted to try it out.
    That was an odd experience, as he had a vertical mouse. But basically, my cousin (older by I believe 6 years) taught me the game. A fee years later, all of my friends started playing minecraft, and I was about to get tekkit (before it required a paid Mc account), but my mom saw the warning popup because it was a .jar file. I decided when I was able to get it, I'd just watch a bunch of videos until I can, that us how I found out about mineplex. So then fast forward to 2013, I get a laptop for christmas, and then my parents allow me to get mc, as we don't have to worry about me screwing up the only computer in the home. Knowing of mineplex, and the mini game called Block hunt (and Mine Kart), I decided to instantly go on there. I had played with my friends for a long time there, and Hero rank had just cane out when I got a temp ban for attempting to report a staff member who cheated in his team full diamond each in a game of bridges. So then I said: Screw this, and watched YouTube for a while, because I was sad. Then I found 'The Atlantic Craft', who back then had a humor perfectly in line with my middle-school self (Calling twitter: Twatter, and building a pair of boobs as a house). From there I discovered a server called mineslam, and I played their OP prison (I had played on other prison servers before), eventually reaching the highest cell. Then I decided to do their Sky Wars (which was extremely good, but has not been working last I checked). Around the time I left mineplex, I found wynncraft, it had just turned 2014 I think, but it may have been late 2013. I was introduced to the server by a good irl friend of mine, whose forum name I cannot find. But back to the point, own introduced me to it when he was a lvl 10 mage, he had always been ahead if me with level, and then I got dedicated, I soon surpassed him greatly, me getting to even ten levels above (him lvl 30, me 40). Then I left for a month or two, and he surpassed me all the way to 50. Now I am ahead at 70, him at 56. But, I do not believe he plans on returning to wynn, as we got in a heated argument about mmorpgs, which apparently, he now despises (spent too much time on tf2 in too little time). So year, hope you made it through that wall of text, and here I am, as inactive in game as ever.
    BeeMiner likes this.
  6. rockso7

    rockso7 arcanist enjoyer

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    I just.. found it..
    And by it I mean minecraft...
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2015
  7. ResistanceGaming

    ResistanceGaming Professional Minecraft Gamer VIP+

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    The scrub?
    Pretty well hidden in there :D
  8. rockso7

    rockso7 arcanist enjoyer

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    It's a green "If you watched seananners when he did this series, you would know what's meant to be in the ""!"
  9. Troll4ever31

    Troll4ever31 Designed to be a moron.

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    I saw it at a friends house, at first i thought it was stupid, but quickly became interested in it afterwards, they had a cracked version of 1.8 (beta).
    A few days after i asked my parents if i could download it, they allowed me to try and download a cracked version.
    Sadly, i failed, i could not get it to work, so i lived on for a while.
    Meanwhile, i did watch a lot of mc vids, so i got a headstart when i could finally get the game.
    A year or so later i got a tablet, with the pocket edition (version 0.3.3 alpha, really basic.)
    I was really good at using redstone alternatives (using sand, cacti and signs to replicate redstone in a way) in the pocket edition, and made many quite advanced things. I think i might have been the best at it at that time even.
    I played the pocket edition until it got to 0.8.0 alpha, because i finally had my own pc and could buy the game.
    I joined pc minecraft in version 1.7.2 (Yeah, it was that long between when i first saw the game and when i got the pc version.)
    Thanks to all the videos i've watched i did have a lot of "experience" already, so that was nice for me.

    Before i had already subscribed to a channel named Itsjerryandharry, a minecraft machinima maker, which made a vid called: How to make a crafted movie vid.
    That's how i got to craftedmovie, and i noticed wynncraft too, i thought it was awesome, but didn't have pc minecraft at the time.
    So, as soon as i got pc minecraft, i joined wynncraft as the first server.

    There you have it, how i discovered minecraft.
  10. Nepeta Leijon

    Nepeta Leijon Rogue of Heart ♌ Leittarius CHAMPION

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    I saw my cousin playing the late alpha versions and was instantly intrigued. He talked me through each of the parts and explained everything he was doing, which made me eventually buy it (well, force my mother to buy it at the time).
  11. homer22422

    homer22422 The Lord Of Darkness

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    My friends told me about it about 5-6 years ago. At the time we were playing it on the schools library computers (which we are not supposed to do) and got in trouble for it XD
  12. tasaid

    tasaid Well-Known Adventurer

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    my friend showed me it back in 2010, after a tv show did a review on it. in 2012 i found wynncraft after my friend said "oh, i found an awesome server, come play" he was always about ten levels above e, but then i completely outstripped him and now i am ten levels above him. he has not played for a while but is going to return for gavel
    oh yeah, i used to play on this towny server called rise.mc. i got a bunch of people from my school to play, and i had a huge town. eventually our town was destroyed from the inside out by traitors, but we made a new. then the server got shut down.
  13. RaccoonRoss

    RaccoonRoss Friend of Raccoons

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    Zack Scott, a guy from YouTube, like five years ago.
  14. Violet Knight

    Violet Knight Aspiring front-end developer HERO

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    Someone once just told me about minecraft, he described it as a game where 'you go into a cave and slay a dragon'. I didn't care at the time, but when I searched up the game I immediatly wanted it, and then my parents bought me it. My brother and I played on the same account at the time, but a long time later I got my own account, and around the 8th of February this year I changed my MC name from 7pixels (some random name I had to come up with) to RedEyedKnight, wich I like more because I only play on English servers now (and it doesn't have those unnesecary numbers in it :P).
  15. Mishapen Ladel

    Mishapen Ladel Giving Criticism were its due.

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    This, oh god just looking up the video gives me nostalgia attacks
    MinerDwarf222 likes this.
  16. Not A Nub

    Not A Nub h VIP

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    When I was 11, My friends told me to play it, and it seemed interesting, then I got hooked after a week or so.
  17. --

    -- The world's most popular Minecraft server

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    Back in the day (2011) I was over at a friend's house. He showed me a game he was playing on a laptop. It looked interesting and I asked if I could try it. I remember having to ask him to help me turn around and close a door... oh god
    He showed me a tower he had built (which consisted of nothing more than one of these:
    and I was hooked. I played the classic version (this was back when it was still accessible from the website) with another friend and finally bought the full version. I can't find my first survival world, but my home was basically a hole in the side of a mountain with a glass entrance. (I was terrible at building.) I also attempted to construct a Statue of Liberty near the ocean but failed horribly and wasted tons of coal by smelting way too much smooth stone (again, I was terrible at building).
    mfw nostalgia
    The One-eyed Guy likes this.
  18. vaticc0de

    vaticc0de what is life

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    I was doing an assignment on dirt... and i saw a guy build a dirt house in this game called minecraft, so i started making dirt structures cause i can
  19. CaptainSpitz

    CaptainSpitz Trekkie, Artist, and Nerd

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    I was at school there was an old friend of mine watching a youtuber on his phone in class and so i went to see what he was doing because no one was paying attention to the teacher any ways. Then we just talk about the game and i beg my dad for a long time to get.
  20. MinerDwarf222

    MinerDwarf222 I AM A DWARF. HERO

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    I can't remember how I first learned about it... It was in 2010-2011 I think that I first got my account...
    Before I bought the game I watched a lot of X's Adventures and Yogscast (how I got my name).
    I only played single player with my siblings for a long while.
    Then a friend of mine who I got to play minecraft found a fun server. (still up so I wont mention any names)
    I played on that server a lot and my friend and I built cities in the guest world (There were guests, members, citizens, mayors, lords, mod, worldguard, owner I think)
    Eventually my friend left but I continued building cities.
    Then I just up and stopped playing minecraft for months.

    After that I found a server which I think is dead now.
    I made lots of friends on it and it was a fun server.
    Both of the people that I first met on there became mods of it.
    I continued to play on this server for a long time.
    Then people just stopped playing it.
    This was part because there was already little people on it and the server owner started to reset the server world a lot.
    I too left the server eventually because the mods never really got on... so did others...
    Then I left and came to Wynncraft after learning about it from Inthelittlewood.

    (During the time between the second server and Wynncraft I played lots of different servers but none really stuck in my head).
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