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Roblox - A Question

Discussion in 'Other Games' started by awemanrank100, Nov 3, 2015.


What are your opinions on ROBLOX?

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  1. awemanrank100

    awemanrank100 custom title

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    Why exactly is it that the majority of people seem to dislike ROBLOX? I really, really doubt ROBLOX copied Minecraft, as ROBLOX (If you're wondering yet, it is actually all caps. Or so says the page itself. I think.) came out before Minecraft. Is it the similar YouTube thing that happens to a bunch of games, or something else?

    The community certainly isn't the best, but there's nothing wrong with the games (Well, except for obvious exceptions on a free-building game).

    I'd prefer no hate on this thread. I don't believe these forums have a lot of people like that, so there hopefully will be none. :I
  2. Violet Knight

    Violet Knight Aspiring front-end developer HERO

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    My opinion on ROBLOX really depends on the games people make. Some are great (Survive The Disasters, or one game that is kinda like Super Mario 64) and some are bad. As for the community, it's really bad. Basically, I kinda like the game, but I'd rather play Minecraft.
  3. Defunct Fighter

    Defunct Fighter Famous Adventurer

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    This is my opinion on Roblox
    Just joking, but it does have WAAAAY more hackers and item abusers than Minecraft does. Overall it's fun, but I prefer Minecraft more.
  4. MinerDwarf222

    MinerDwarf222 I AM A DWARF. HERO

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    Can you put a [Warning] Sudden high pitch ear killing?
    [Edit] Is it bad that this reminds me of me? Like when I die I just rage and throw my ps3 controller at the tv screen shattering it all the while squeaking like a angry hamster?

    I kind of like and dislike roblox, some of the games are pretty good.... and I haven't really met any bad people on there. In fact I actually meet some pretty funny people.
  5. awemanrank100

    awemanrank100 custom title

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    Interesting. Well, coming from ROBLOX, I can tell you that any exploits that occur in a game are the developer's fault (updates from ROBLOX can break games, or sometimes it just doesn't work); I personally don't see exploiters in a game as an issue. It's kind of interesting that I haven't seen anybody here say, "NO THIS IS BAD" yet, and I'm actually getting pros and cons. XD
  6. Gamebuster

    Gamebuster Knowledgeable Adventurer

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    Pros: As in any community, people make some very cool, fun, and unique things.
    Cons: You have to deal with younger kids on the internet... not fun.
  7. Defunct Fighter

    Defunct Fighter Famous Adventurer

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    That right there, almost forgot about that. You would think parents would be good at making sure their kids don't tell their age or name.....
    But yeah, personal favorites with minimal exploiters would have to be the original Infection with the manor and the sewers where there's different tiers of zombies, Grow a Slime (So I can kill everyone with my giant evil slime >:D), and Survive the Disasters/Storms, as both have a unique challenge depending on the arena and the disaster/storm.
  8. Labyrinth

    Labyrinth all of my jokes are cries for help

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    rumors that i want to clear up for the newfags:

    -which came first, the bricks or the blocks? (roblox versus minecraft controversy)
    admittedly roblox is more childish than the more commonly known sandbox games,
    and of course because minecraft sells much more than roblox,
    the already humongous consumers to minecraft tend to immediately turn the other cheek and say that roblox is bad,
    without even experiencing it themselves, in which they have no excuse to.
    getting a roblox account is free, and even then you can try it out under an alt name.

    there's even a fine print at the bottommost part of many of the roblox browser interfaces:

    -is the robloxian development and administrator team really that greedy?
    yes, admittedly so, but for good reason.
    the MMO genre of video games are slowly dying out,
    and not just for roblox, but a lot of other games too.
    this is because, and no offense if this kind of thing describes you,
    but the public is starting to get finicky over which games are free to play versus which games need a required payment.

    you could even see that roblox's vault is going down the shitter from all of these sponsors they've been having from all these events.
    nerf airsoft dart guns, the peanuts movie, view-master virtual reality...

    also, the aim of the game isn't to wait for a few months and collect 10 Tickets a day to buy a hat you want,
    the point is to build maps and creations, or understand and try out a few scripts with the LUA code language.
    sure, there are many shitty games out there, which can't be forgiven,
    but you have to understand that not a lot of the roblox community is even past twenty years of age.

    like, i mean, if you want to not do anything significant and lay low with your daily 10 Tickets,
    go ahead. be lazy.
    but promise us all that you won't be a bitch tornado about it.​

    -what's up with all of the roleplay and obstacle courses? roblox really does have bad taste...
    not necessarily true.
    for one, should roleplay really be frowned upon? not really, people just enjoy doing so.
    in fact, the word "roblox" is just a mashup of "roleplay" and "blocks" and roleplay is completely inevitable,
    and there's nothing really wrong with being someone that isn't you.
    so go ahead and roleplay, but beware; online dating is forbidden according to the official roblox rules and guidelines.
    ...then again, bullying and harassment is also outlawed in general,
    so all of the people trying to get you to shut up by pretending to be a god and rudely breaking the ambiance is technically breaking the rule too.

    regarding obstacle courses: i love them.
    i love jumping around and completing each level in one or two shots.
    i love how that sometimes the looks can be deceiving and the difficulty spike can shoot up like a bottle rocket.
    but that doesn't mean that going around in your minecraft world and spamming ctrl+spacebar is no more productive either.
    come on, guys. before you insult someone, make sure you're smart enough to insult.

    have you seen how many other games that are in roblox that isn't about going to high school or jumping?
    no? none at all? ...seriously?
    how long have you stuck your head in the shitter to not see them at all?
    you blind motherfucker, go get some medicine to fix that tunnel vision.​

    that's all i have, might come back with a bit more.
    awemanrank100 likes this.
  9. awemanrank100

    awemanrank100 custom title

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