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Sindarin! (that Means Hello In Elvish)

Discussion in 'Llevigar's Docks' started by Rias Ikkial, Oct 15, 2015.

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  1. Rias Ikkial

    Rias Ikkial wood choper VIP

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    Hello peoples! Peeps? Persons? Parians?
    My name is Alaska (Yes, that is my real name, not a nickname.) and I am a... Not a person. I don't constitute as a "human". Biologically, I come from a heritage of genetically alike "humans" but I am not one. Not in the mind, anyway.
    I am an aspiring builder, both within Minecraft and within the real world. I wouldn't call myself good, but... yeah, no, I suck.
    I'm relatively good at programming, compared to the majority of my friends, and I know basics & some advanced stuff in HTML, CSS, Python, Java, and Snap! and I am also learing Ruby & Ruby on Rails.
    Now let's list all the things wrong with me!
    I am a hypomaniac, which basically means I have a tendency to flip out and lose it when I get mad, and I also have a chance to literally go insane and delve beyond hypomaniac statis into true mania. It's kinda hot there. Bad poker.

    I am also cursed with insane amounts of energy. Like.. I never get tired. I swear I haven't actually slept like a human should in almost a year now. Coffee and tea calms me down. I'm serious. Apparently my blood is red bull.
    My friends include Curtis, who is 14 and is about 5X crazier than I am, even though that may be hard to believe.

    My favorite color is pink, I am 14 years old, and I have a pet kitten named Oliver.
    I also have two very old dogs,
    Zen and Chi (that's pronounced chee, BTW. It ain't CHAI.)

    Now, there's a few weird quirks about me that almost resemble... like... human superpowers? IDK.
    First of, I seem to have backwards deja vu. Normally, deja vu is when some experience happens that you've felt like happened exactly the same way, but a long time ago. I never get this. Instead, I experience something and then I get this feeling like "this is going to happen again" and sometimes it actually does.

    I can do some weird things visually, too. I can actually imagine a piece of paper or a computer screen in front of me where I can actually do work, like long division in my head in HD, or even planning out a trip on Wynncraft by imagining an almost exact replica of the Wynncraft Map. Can anyone else do this? I'm curious.
    I will continue to update this as I change as a.. thing.:saltedhappy:
    D7 and Submonsterine like this.
  2. not bagged milk

    not bagged milk bagged milk VIP+

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    Hey there Alaska. I've had the same sleep problem... Can't.... Sleep...
  3. Rias Ikkial

    Rias Ikkial wood choper VIP

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    Sleep is for the weak.
    I am the weak.
  4. Other_Zygartist

    Other_Zygartist Just a squishy zygarde core who makes pictures.

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    Sorry to burst your bubble, but your thread title is wrong. XD The Sindar are the grey elves, and Sindarin is their language. Nice attempt though ;) Welcome to the forums!!!
  5. Rias Ikkial

    Rias Ikkial wood choper VIP

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